/*@@ c @file AHFinder_int.F c @date April 1998 c @author Miguel Alcubierre c @desc c Find area of surface and integral of expansion. c This is done in parallel, but the number of c processors is assumed to be either the square c of an integer or a power of two (if this is not c the case, I use less processors). c @enddesc c@@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_parameters.h" #include "cctk_arguments.h" subroutine AHFinder_int(CCTK_FARGUMENTS) use AHFinder_dat implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS #ifdef MPI include 'mpif.h' #endif integer handle,x_index,y_index,z_index CCTK_REAL maxval(3),minval(3) integer i,j integer l,m integer npt,npp integer l_ntheta,l_nphi,theta0,phi0 integer npoints integer ierror integer auxi integer gxx_index,gyy_index,gzz_index,gxy_index,gxz_index,gyz_index integer exp_index,gradn_index CCTK_REAL LEGEN CCTK_REAL theta,phi,xp,yp,zp,rp CCTK_REAL xw,yw,zw CCTK_REAL cost,sint,cosp,sinp CCTK_REAL trr,ttt,tpp,trt,trp,ttp,ft,fp CCTK_REAL xmn,ymn,zmn,xmx,ymx,zmx CCTK_REAL dtheta,dphi,dtp,idtheta,idphi CCTK_REAL det,idet CCTK_REAL zero,quarter,half,one,two,three,four,pi CCTK_REAL sina,cosa,intw,grad,sigma,h0 CCTK_REAL aux,aux1,aux2 CCTK_REAL gupij(3,3) CCTK_REAL tempv(0:lmax),tempm(lmax,lmax) CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rr,xa,ya,za,da,exp,gradn CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: txx,tyy,tzz,txy,txz,tyz c Reduction related things INTEGER reduction_handle save xmn,ymn,zmn,xmx,ymx,zmx save dtheta,dphi,dtp,idtheta,idphi save npt,npp,l_ntheta,l_nphi,theta0,phi0 ! Description of variables: ! ! i,j,l,m Counters. ! ! theta Latitude. ! phi Longitude. ! ! npt number of processors in theta direction. ! npp number of processors in phi direction. ! ! l_ntheta Local number of grid points in theta direction. ! l_nphi Local number of grid points in phi direction. ! ! theta0 Local origin in theta direction. ! phi0 Local origin in phi direction. ! ! npoints Number of points to interpolate . ! ! xp x coordinate from surface centre. ! yp y coordinate from surface centre. ! zp z coordinate from surface centre. ! ! rp Radius. ! rr Radius array. ! ! xa Array with x coordinates from grid centre. ! ya Array with y coordinates from grid centre. ! za Array with z coordinates from grid centre. ! ! exp Interpolated expansion. ! ! txx Array with interpolated gxx metric component. ! tyy Array with interpolated gyy metric component. ! tzz Array with interpolated gzz metric component. ! txy Array with interpolated gxy metric component. ! txz Array with interpolated gxz metric component. ! tyz Array with interpolated gyz metric component. ! ! gradn Array with interpolated norm of gradient of horizon function. ! ! cost cos(theta) ! sint sin(theta) ! cosp cos(phi) ! sinp sin(phi) ! ! trr Metric component {r,r}. ! ttt Metric component {theta,theta}. ! tpp Metric component {phi,phi}. ! trt Metric component {r,theta}. ! trp Metric component {r,phi}. ! ttp Metric component {theta,phi}. ! ! ft dr/dtheta ! fp dr/dphi ! ! xmn Minimum value of x over the grid. ! xmx Maximum value of x over the grid. ! ! ymn Minimum value of y over the grid. ! ymx Maximum value of y over the grid. ! ! zmn Minimum value of z over the grid. ! zmx Maximum value of z over the grid. ! ! dtheta Grid spacing in theta. ! dphi Grid spacing in phi. ! dtp dtheta*dphi. ! ! idtheta 1/(2 dtheta) ! idphi 1/(2 dphi) ! ! da Area element. c Get the reduction handel for the sum operation call CCTK_ReductionArrayHandle(reduction_handle,"sum") if (reduction_handle.lt.0) then call CCTK_WARN(1,"Cannot get reduction handle for SUM operation.") endif ! ************************** ! *** DEFINE NUMBERS *** ! ************************** zero = 0.0D0 quarter = 0.25D0 half = 0.5D0 one = 1.0D0 two = 2.0D0 three = 3.0D0 four = 4.0D0 pi = 3.141592654D0 myproc = 0 nprocs = 1 ! ********************************* ! *** INITIALIZE PARAMETERS *** ! ********************************* if (firstint) then firstint = .false. ! Find grid boundaries. call CCTK_ReductionHandle(handle,"minimum") call CCTK_CoordIndex(x_index,"x") call CCTK_CoordIndex(y_index,"y") call CCTK_CoordIndex(z_index,"z") call CCTK_Reduce(ierror,cctkGH,-1,handle,1, . CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,minval,3, . x_index,y_index,z_index) ! xmn = gf_min(x) ! ymn = gf_min(y) ! zmn = gf_min(z) ! minval = -9.45D0 xmn = minval(1) ymn = minval(2) zmn = minval(3) call CCTK_ReductionHandle(handle,"maximum") call CCTK_CoordIndex(x_index,"x") call CCTK_CoordIndex(y_index,"y") call CCTK_CoordIndex(z_index,"z") call CCTK_Reduce(ierror,cctkGH,-1,handle,1, . CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,maxval,3, . x_index,y_index,z_index) ! xmx = gf_max(x) ! ymx = gf_max(y) ! zmx = gf_max(z) ! maxval = 9.45D0 xmx = maxval(1) ymx = maxval(2) zmx = maxval(3) ! Find {dtheta,dphi,dtp}. dtheta = pi/dble(ntheta) if (cartoon) then dphi = zero dtp = dtheta idphi = one idtheta = half/dtheta else dphi = two*pi/dble(nphi) if (refz) dtheta = half*dtheta if (refx.and.refy) then dphi = quarter*dphi else if (refx) then call CCTK_INFO('This combination of symmetries has not been properly implemented yet!') else if (refy) then dphi = half*dphi end if dtp = dtheta*dphi idtheta = half/dtheta idphi = half/dphi end if ! Check the number of processors to figure out ! how to divide the domain. ! For cartoon this is trivial. if (cartoon) then npt = nprocs npp = 1 ! Otherwise it is more complicated. At the moment I ! only consider numbers of processors that are either ! the square of an integer, or a power of two. ! If neither of this is the case, then I use fewer ! processors to make sure that I always deal with ! either a square or a power of two. This can ! certainly be improved, but it might not be that ! urgent since in most cases the number of processors ! will be a power of two. else aux = sqrt(dble(nprocs)) if (nprocs.eq.1) then ! One processor. npt = 1 npp = 1 else if (aux.eq.int(aux)) then ! "nprocs" is the square of an integer. npt = int(aux) npp = int(aux) else ! Check if "nprocs" is a power of two. l = 1 m = 1 i = 1 do while (l*m.lt.nprocs) npt = l npp = m if (mod(i,2).ne.0) then m = 2*m else l = 2*l end if i = i + 1 end do ! "nprocs" is a power of two. if (l*m.eq.nprocs) then npt = l npp = m ! "nprocs" is not a power of two. This is where I ! would need to do something clever. At the moment, ! I will just use fewer processors. The number of ! processors I use is the power of two or the square ! of an integer that is closest to "nprocs". else if (npt*npp.lt.int(aux)**2) then npt = int(aux) npp = int(aux) end if end if end if end if ! Figure out the number of grid points per processor, ! and the "origin" for a given processor. if (myproc.ge.npt*npp) then l_ntheta = 0 l_nphi = 0 theta0 = 0 phi0 = 0 else ! Take first the number of grid points per processor ! in a given direction to be equal to the total number ! of grid points divided by the number of processors ! in that direction. l_ntheta = ntheta/npt l_nphi = nphi/npp ! And take the "origin" as the corresponding displacement ! from the real origin. Notice that mod(myproc,npt) ! tells my on which "theta" bin I am, while myproc/npt ! tells me on which "phi" bin I am. i = mod(myproc,npt) j = myproc/npt theta0 = i*l_ntheta phi0 = j*l_nphi ! Now correct all this if the total number of grid points ! in a given direction was not exactly divisible by the ! number of processors on that direction. if (l_ntheta*npt.ne.ntheta) then ! Find residue on theta direction. l = ntheta - l_ntheta*npt ! Distribute residue in first few processors, and ! displace theta0 accordingly. if (i.lt.l) then l_ntheta = l_ntheta + 1 theta0 = theta0 + i else theta0 = theta0 + l end if end if if (l_nphi*npp.ne.nphi) then ! Find residue on phi direction. l = nphi - l_nphi*npp ! Distribute residue in first few processors, and ! displace phi0 accordingly. if (j.lt.l) then l_nphi = l_nphi + 1 phi0 = phi0 + j else phi0 = phi0 + l end if end if end if end if ! ************************************** ! *** ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR ARRAYS *** ! ************************************** allocate(rr(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(xa(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(ya(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(za(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(da(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(exp(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(gradn(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(txx(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(tyy(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(tzz(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(txy(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(txz(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) allocate(tyz(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi)) ! *************************** ! *** START MAIN LOOP *** ! *************************** ! Initialize {interror1,interror2}. interror1 = 0 interror2 = 0 ! Initialize {intexp,intexp2,intarea}. intexp = zero intexp2 = zero intexpdel2 = zero intarea = zero ! For flow algorithm, initialize spectral components. if (flow) then hflow0 = zero hflowc = zero hflows = zero cflow0 = zero cflowc = zero cflows = zero nflow0 = zero nflowc = zero nflows = zero end if ! Find interpolating points. if (myproc.ge.npt*npp) then xa = half*(xmx+xmn) ya = half*(ymx+ymn) za = half*(zmx+zmn) else do j=0,l_nphi do i=0,l_ntheta ! Find {theta,phi}. theta = dtheta*dble(i+theta0) phi = dphi*dble(j+phi0) ! Find sines and cosines. cost = cos(theta) sint = sin(theta) cosp = cos(phi) sinp = sin(phi) ! Find radius rp. rp = c0(0) do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz rp = rp + c0(l)*LEGEN(l,0,cost) end do ! Notice how the sum over m is first. This will allow ! me to use the recursion relations to avoid having to ! start from scratch every time. Also, I sum over all ! l s even if I do not want some terms. This is ! because in order to use the recursion relations I ! need all polynomials. if (nonaxi) then do m=1,lmax aux = dble(m)*phi sina = sin(aux) cosa = cos(aux) do l=m,lmax aux = LEGEN(l,m,cost) rp = rp + aux*cc(l,m)*cosa if (.not.refy) then rp = rp + aux*cs(l,m)*sina end if end do end do end if ! Check for negative radius. if (rp.le.zero) then interror1 = 1 end if ! Save radius array. rr(i,j) = rp ! Find {xa,ya,za} xa(i,j) = rp*sint*cosp + xc ya(i,j) = rp*sint*sinp + yc za(i,j) = rp*cost + zc ! Check if we are within bounds. xp = xa(i,j) yp = ya(i,j) zp = za(i,j) if ((xp.gt.xmx).or.(xp.lt.xmn).or. . (yp.gt.ymx).or.(yp.lt.ymn).or. . (zp.gt.zmx).or.(zp.lt.zmn)) then interror2 = 1 end if end do end do end if ! Reduce the errors across processors. call CCTK_ReduceLocalScalar(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ interror1, i, CCTK_VARIABLE_INT) if (ierror.ne.0) then call CCTK_WARN(1,"Reduction of norm failed!"); endif interror1 = i call CCTK_ReduceLocalScalar(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ interror2, i, CCTK_VARIABLE_INT) if (ierror.ne.0) then call CCTK_WARN(1,"Reduction of norm failed!"); endif interror2 = i c#ifdef MPI c c call mpi_allreduce(interror1,i,1,MPI_INTEGER, c . MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) c interror1 = i c call mpi_allreduce(interror2,i,1,MPI_INTEGER, c . MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) c interror2 = i c c#endif ! If there was an error on any processor then assign ! large values to the integrals and return from the ! subroutine (but remember to deallocate the arrays ! first!). interror = .false. if ((interror1.ne.0).or.(interror2.ne.0)) then intexp = 1.0D+10 intexp2 = 1.0D+10 intexpdel2 = 1.0D+10 intarea = 1.0D+10 interror = .true. goto 10 end if ! Interpolate expansion and metric. npoints = (l_ntheta+1)*(l_nphi+1) ! new interp call CCTK_GetInterpHandle (handle, "simple") call CCTK_VarIndex (gxx_index, "einstein::gxx") call CCTK_VarIndex (gyy_index, "einstein::gyy") call CCTK_VarIndex (gzz_index, "einstein::gzz") call CCTK_VarIndex (gxy_index, "einstein::gxy") call CCTK_VarIndex (gxz_index, "einstein::gxz") call CCTK_VarIndex (gyz_index, "einstein::gyz") call CCTK_VarIndex (exp_index, "ahfinder::ahf_exp") call CCTK_VarIndex (gradn_index, "ahfinder::ahfgradn") call CCTK_InterpGF (ierror, cctkGH, handle, npoints, 3, 8, 8, $ xa, ya, za, $ CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, $ CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, $ gxx_index,gyy_index,gzz_index, $ gxy_index,gxz_index,gyz_index, $ exp_index,gradn_index, $ txx,tyy,tzz,txy,txz,tyz,exp,gradn, $ CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, $ CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, $ CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL ) ! Find 2D array for area element. if (myproc.ge.npt*npp) then da = zero else do j=0,l_nphi do i=0,l_ntheta ! Find {theta,phi}. theta = dtheta*dble(i+theta0) phi = dphi*dble(j+phi0) ! Find {rp}. rp = rr(i,j) ! Find sines and cosines. cost = cos(theta) sint = sin(theta) cosp = cos(phi) sinp = sin(phi) ! Find spherical metric components. trr = sint**2*(txx(i,j)*cosp**2 . + tyy(i,j)*sinp**2) + tzz(i,j)*cost**2 . + two*sint*(txy(i,j)*sint*cosp*sinp . + cost*(txz(i,j)*cosp + tyz(i,j)*sinp)) ttt = rp**2*(cost**2*(txx(i,j)*cosp**2 . + tyy(i,j)*sinp**2) + tzz(i,j)*sint**2 . + two*cost*(txy(i,j)*cost*cosp*sinp . - sint*(txz(i,j)*cosp + tyz(i,j)*sinp))) tpp = (rp*sint)**2*(txx(i,j)*sinp**2 + tyy(i,j)*cosp**2 . - two*txy(i,j)*cosp*sinp) trt = rp*(sint*cost*(txx(i,j)*cosp**2 + tyy(i,j)*sinp**2 . - tzz(i,j) + two*txy(i,j)*sinp*cosp) . + (cost**2-sint**2)*(txz(i,j)*cosp + tyz(i,j)*sinp)) trp = rp*sint*(sint*(cosp*sinp*(tyy(i,j) - txx(i,j)) . + txy(i,j)*(cosp**2 - sinp**2)) . + cost*(cosp*tyz(i,j) - sinp*txz(i,j))) ttp = rp**2*sint*(cost*(sinp*cosp*(tyy(i,j) - txx(i,j)) . + (cosp**2 - sinp**2)*txy(i,j)) . + sint*(sinp*txz(i,j) - cosp*tyz(i,j))) ! Find derivatives {ft,fp}. For interior points I ! use centered differences, and for the boundary points ! I use second order one sided differences. Notice that ! since this is done even in inter-processor boundaries, ! the final result will depend on the number of processors, ! but the differences will converge away at high order. if ((i.ne.0).and.(i.ne.l_ntheta)) then ft = idtheta*(rr(i+1,j) - rr(i-1,j)) else if (i.eq.0) then ft = - idtheta*(three*rr(0,j) . - four*rr(1,j) + rr(2,j)) else ft = + idtheta*(three*rr(l_ntheta,j) . - four*rr(l_ntheta-1,j) + rr(l_ntheta-2,j)) end if if (nonaxi) then if ((j.ne.0).and.(j.ne.l_nphi)) then fp = idphi*(rr(i,j+1) - rr(i,j-1)) else if (j.eq.0) then fp = - idphi*(three*rr(i,0) . - four*rr(i,1) + rr(i,2)) else fp = + idphi*(three*rr(i,l_nphi) . - four*rr(i,l_nphi-1) + rr(i,l_nphi-2)) end if else fp = zero end if ! Find area element. For this I use the fact that if ! we have r = f(theta,phi), then the area element is: ! ! / 2 ! da = | [ gtt + grr (f,t) + 2 grt f,t ] ! \ ! 2 ! [ gpp + grr (f,p) + 2 grp f,p ] - [ gtp ! ! 2 \ 1/2 ! + grr f,t f,p + grt f,p + grp f,t ] | dtheta dphi ! / ! ! where f,t = df/dtheta and f,p = df/dphi. aux = (ttt + trr*ft**2 + two*trt*ft) . * (tpp + trr*fp**2 + two*trp*fp) . - (ttp + ft*(trr*fp + trp) + trt*fp)**2 if (aux.gt.zero) then aux = sqrt(aux) else aux = zero end if ! Multiply with dtheta*dphi. da(i,j) = aux*dtp end do end do ! Find integrals. To find the integrals I use a second ! order method. I approximate the value of the integrand ! at each cell centre by an average of the values at the ! four cell corners, and then add up all cells. inside_min_count = 0.0d0 inside_min_neg_count = 0.0d0 do j=0,l_nphi-1 do i=0,l_ntheta-1 intarea = intarea + quarter . *(da(i,j ) + da(i+1,j ) . + da(i,j+1) + da(i+1,j+1)) intexp = intexp + quarter . *(da(i ,j )*exp(i ,j ) . + da(i+1,j )*exp(i+1,j ) . + da(i ,j+1)*exp(i ,j+1) . + da(i+1,j+1)*exp(i+1,j+1)) intexp2 = intexp2 + quarter . *(da(i ,j )*exp(i ,j )**2 . + da(i+1,j )*exp(i+1,j )**2 . + da(i ,j+1)*exp(i ,j+1)**2 . + da(i+1,j+1)*exp(i+1,j+1)**2) intexpdel2 = intexpdel2 + quarter . *(da(i ,j )*(exp(i ,j )+trapped_surface_delta)**2 . + da(i+1,j )*(exp(i+1,j )+trapped_surface_delta)**2 . + da(i ,j+1)*(exp(i ,j+1)+trapped_surface_delta)**2 . + da(i+1,j+1)*(exp(i+1,j+1)+trapped_surface_delta)**2) inside_min_count = inside_min_count + 1.0d0 if ((exp(i ,j ) .le. 0.0d0) .and. . (exp(i+1,j ) .le. 0.0d0) .and. . (exp(i ,j+1) .le. 0.0d0) .and. . (exp(i+1,j+1) .le. 0.0d0)) then inside_min_neg_count = inside_min_neg_count + 1.0d0 endif end do end do ! If necessary, find spectral components for flow. ! For this I need to recalculate the Legendre polynomials, ! but I see no way around it. Also, to avoid having to ! define lots of 2D arrays I do the integrals inside ! the loop. This means that I have to take care to see ! if I am on an edge or corner point. Notice also that ! these integrals do not involve the area element. if (flow) then ! Find h0. if (find_trapped_surface) then h0 = - trapped_surface_delta else h0 = zero end if ! Find integrals. do j=0,l_nphi do i=0,l_ntheta ! Find {theta,phi}. theta = dtheta*dble(i+theta0) phi = dphi*dble(j+phi0) ! Find cost,sint. cost = cos(theta) sint = sin(theta) ! Find norm of gradient of horizon function. grad = gradn(i,j) ! Find weight factor. intw = dtp*(exp(i,j)-h0)*sint**2 if (((j.eq.0).or.(j.eq.l_nphi)).and. . ((i.eq.0).or.(i.eq.l_ntheta))) then intw = quarter*intw else if (((j.eq.0).or.(j.eq.l_nphi)).or. . ((i.eq.0).or.(i.eq.l_ntheta))) then intw = half*intw end if ! Find "sigma" for Nakamura flow (see Carstens paper). if (nw.eq.0.0) then sigma = zero else xw = xa(i,j)-xc yw = ya(i,j)-yc zw = za(i,j)-zc ! Calculate metric on surface det = txx(i,j)*tyy(i,j)*tzz(i,j) $ + two*txy(i,j)*txz(i,j)*tyz(i,j) $ - txx(i,j)*tyz(i,j)**2 - tyy(i,j)*txz(i,j)**2 $ - tzz(i,j)*txy(i,j)**2 idet = one/det gupij(1,1) = idet*(tyy(i,j)*tzz(i,j)-tyz(i,j)**2) gupij(2,2) = idet*(txx(i,j)*tzz(i,j)-txz(i,j)**2) gupij(3,3) = idet*(txx(i,j)*tyy(i,j)-txy(i,j)**2) gupij(1,2) = idet*(txz(i,j)*tyz(i,j)-tzz(i,j)*txy(i,j)) gupij(2,1) = gupij(1,2) gupij(1,3) = idet*(txy(i,j)*tyz(i,j)-tyy(i,j)*txz(i,j)) gupij(3,1) = gupij(1,3) gupij(2,3) = idet*(txy(i,j)*txz(i,j)-txx(i,j)*tyz(i,j)) gupij(3,2) = gupij(2,3) call AHFinder_calcsigma(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,xw,yw,zw,gupij,sigma) end if ! Monopole integrals. aux = intw*grad hflow0(0) = hflow0(0) + intw cflow0(0) = cflow0(0) + aux nflow0(0) = nflow0(0) + aux*sigma ! Axisymmetric integrals. do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz aux = intw*LEGEN(l,0,cost) aux1 = aux*grad hflow0(l) = hflow0(l) + aux cflow0(l) = cflow0(l) + aux1 nflow0(l) = nflow0(l) + aux1*sigma end do ! Non-axisymmetric integrals. if (nonaxi) then do m=1,lmax aux = dble(m)*phi sina = sin(aux) cosa = cos(aux) do l=m,lmax aux = intw*LEGEN(l,m,cost) aux1 = aux*cosa aux2 = aux1*grad hflowc(l,m) = hflowc(l,m) + aux1 cflowc(l,m) = cflowc(l,m) + aux2 nflowc(l,m) = nflowc(l,m) + aux2*sigma if (.not.refy) then aux1 = aux*sina aux2 = aux1*grad hflows(l,m) = hflows(l,m) + aux1 cflows(l,m) = cflows(l,m) + aux2 nflows(l,m) = nflows(l,m) + aux2*sigma end if end do end do end if end do end do end if end if ! Reduce the integrals across processors. ! Area and expansion. call CCTK_ReduceLocalScalar(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ intarea, aux, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) intarea=aux call CCTK_ReduceLocalScalar(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ intexp, aux, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) intexp=aux call CCTK_ReduceLocalScalar(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ intexp2, aux, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) intexp2=aux call CCTK_ReduceLocalScalar(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ intexpdel2, aux, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) intexpdel2=aux ! negative expansion elements on surfac call CCTK_ReduceLocalScalar(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ inside_min_neg_count, aux, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) inside_min_neg_count=aux call CCTK_ReduceLocalScalar(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ inside_min_count, aux, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) inside_min_count=aux c#ifdef MPI ! Area and expansion. CCC# call mpi_allreduce(intarea,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, CCC# .MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) CCC# intarea = aux CCC# call mpi_allreduce(intexp,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, CCC# .MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) CCC# intexp = aux CCC# call mpi_allreduce(intexp2,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, CCC# .MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) CCC# intexp2 = aux CCC# call mpi_allreduce(intexpdel2,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, CCC# .MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) CCC# intexpdel2 = aux ! negative expansion elements on surface CCC# call mpi_allreduce(inside_min_count,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, CCC# .MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) CCC# inside_min_count = aux CCC# call mpi_allreduce(inside_min_neg_count,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, CCC# .MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) CCC# inside_min_neg_count = aux ! Spectral components for flow. if (flow) then ! Axisymmetric. auxi = lmax+1 if (hw.ne.zero) then c call CCTK_ReduceLocalArray1D(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, c $ hflow0, tempv, auxi, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) call mpi_allreduce(hflow0,tempv,auxi,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, . MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) hflow0 = tempv end if if (cw.ne.zero) then call CCTK_ReduceLocalArray1D(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ cflow0, tempv, auxi, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) c call mpi_allreduce(cflow0,tempv,auxi,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, c . MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) cflow0 = tempv end if if (nw.ne.zero) then call CCTK_ReduceLocalArray1D(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ nflow0, tempv, auxi, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) c call mpi_allreduce(nflow0,tempv,auxi,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, c . MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) nflow0 = tempv end if ! Non-axisymmetric. if (nonaxi) then auxi = lmax*lmax if (nw.ne.zero) then call CCTK_ReduceLocalArray1D(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ hflowc, tempm, auxi, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) c call mpi_allreduce(hflowc,tempm,auxi, c . MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) hflowc = tempm end if if (cw.ne.zero) then call CCTK_ReduceLocalArray1D(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ cflowc, tempm, auxi, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) c call mpi_allreduce(cflowc,tempm,auxi, c . MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) cflowc = tempm end if if (nw.ne.zero) then call CCTK_ReduceLocalArray1D(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ nflowc, tempm, auxi, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) c call mpi_allreduce(nflowc,tempm,auxi, c . MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) nflowc = tempm end if if (.not.refy) then if (hw.ne.zero) then call CCTK_ReduceLocalArray1D(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ hflows, tempm, auxi, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) c call mpi_allreduce(hflows,tempm,auxi, c . MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) hflows = tempm end if if (cw.ne.zero) then call CCTK_ReduceLocalArray1D(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ cflows, tempm, auxi, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) c call mpi_allreduce(cflows,tempm,auxi, c . MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) cflows = tempm end if if (nw.ne.zero) then call CCTK_ReduceLocalArray1D(ierror, cctkGH, -1, reduction_handle, $ nflows, tempm, auxi, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) c call mpi_allreduce(nflows,tempm,auxi, c . MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) nflows = tempm end if end if end if end if c#endif ! For cartoon multiply the integrals with 2*pi. if (cartoon) then intw = 6.283185307D0 intexp = intw*intexp intexp2 = intw*intexp2 intexpdel2 = intw*intexpdel2 intarea = intw*intarea if (flow) then hflow0 = intw*hflow0 cflow0 = intw*cflow0 nflow0 = intw*nflow0 end if ! Rescale the integrals according to symmetries. else if (refx.or.refy.or.refz) then intw = one if (refx) intw = two*intw if (refy) intw = two*intw if (refz) intw = two*intw intexp = intw*intexp intexp2 = intw*intexp2 intarea = intw*intarea ! Spectral components for flow. if (flow) then ! Axisymmetric. hflow0 = intw*hflow0 cflow0 = intw*cflow0 nflow0 = intw*nflow0 ! Non-axisymmetric. if (nonaxi) then hflowc = intw*hflowc cflowc = intw*cflowc nflowc = intw*nflowc if (.not.refy) then hflows = intw*hflows cflows = intw*cflows nflows = intw*nflows end if end if end if end if ! ***************************** ! *** DEALLOCATE MEMORY *** ! ***************************** 10 continue deallocate(rr,xa,ya,za) deallocate(da,exp,gradn) deallocate(txx,tyy,tzz,txy,txz,tyz) ! *************** ! *** END *** ! *************** end subroutine AHFinder_int