/*@@ @file AHFinder_fun.F @date April 1998 @author Miguel Alcubierre @desc Find horizon function. @enddesc @@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" subroutine AHFinder_fun(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) use AHFinder_dat implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS integer i,j,k integer l,m,ll CCTK_REAL LEGEN CCTK_REAL xp,yp,zp,rp CCTK_REAL phi,cost,cosa,sina CCTK_REAL zero,half,one,two CCTK_REAL pi,halfpi,twopi CCTK_REAL aux1,aux2 CCTK_REAL red_tmp CCTK_REAL local_legen,local_legen_old,local_legen_old_old CCTK_REAL factor CCTK_REAL cc_cosa(lmax,lmax),cs_sina(lmax,lmax) CCTK_REAL dsqrt_factor(lmax,lmax),dsqrt_factor2(lmax) CCTK_REAL lm_factor1(0:lmax,0:lmax),lm_factor2(0:lmax,0:lmax) CCTK_REAL lm_factor3(lmax) CCTK_REAL sinphi,cosphi,sinphi1,cosphi1,sinphi2,cosphi2 CCTK_REAL legen_base ! ************************** ! *** DEFINE NUMBERS *** ! ************************** zero = 0.0D0 half = 0.5D0 one = 1.0D0 two = 2.0D0 pi = acos(-one) halfpi = half*pi twopi = two*pi ! ******************************************* ! *** FACTORS FOR SPHERICAL HARMONICS *** ! ******************************************* ! Compute the normalization factors only once for all (l,m) ! ! For M=0 I use the normalization factor: ! ! sqrt(2*L + 1) ! ! For M non-zero I use the normalization factor: ! ! sqrt( 2 (2*L + 1) (L-M)! / (L+M)! ) ! ! The extra factor of sqrt(2) is there because I ! use a basis of sines and cosines and not the ! standard complex exponential. ! ! With this normalization, I ensure that my basis ! functions f _lm are such that: ! ! / ! | f_lm f_l;mp sin(theta) dtheta dphi = 4 pi delta_mm' delta_ll' ! / ! ! Notice the extra factor of 4 pi. This is there because ! for a sphere, I want the (0,0) coefficient to correspond ! to the radius. ! ! Also compute the multiplying factors in the recursion relations ! Initialize. lm_factor1 = zero lm_factor2 = zero lm_factor3 = zero dsqrt_factor = zero dsqrt_factor2 = zero ! M=0. do l=1,lmax dsqrt_factor2(l) = c0(l)*sqrt(dble(2*l+1)) lm_factor1(l,0) = dble(2*l-1)/dble(l) lm_factor2(l,0) = dble(l-1)/dble(l) lm_factor3(l) = dble(2*l-1) end do ! M > 0. if (nonaxi) then do l=1,lmax dsqrt_factor(l,1) = sqrt(2.0D0*dble(2*l+1)/dble(l*(l+1))) do m=2,l dsqrt_factor(l,m) = dsqrt_factor(l,m-1) . / sqrt(dble((l-m+1)*(l+m))) end do end do do l=2,lmax lm_factor1(l,1) = dble(2*l-1)/dble(l-1) lm_factor2(l,1) = dble(l)/dble(l-1) do m=2,l-1 lm_factor1(l,m) = dble(2*l-1)/dble(l-m) lm_factor2(l,m) = dble(l+m-1)/dble(l-m) end do end do end if ! ********************************* ! *** FIND HORIZON FUNCTION *** ! ********************************* ! Loop over j. do j=1,ny ! Find yp. yp = y(1,j,1) - yc ! Loop over i. do i=1,nx ! Find xp. xp = x(i,1,1) - xc ! Find sines and cosines of phi. if (nonaxi) then ! Find phi. if (yp.ne.zero) then phi = atan2(yp,xp) else phi = zero end if ! Compute the expensive sines and cosines only once ! for all (l,m) using the recursion relations: ! ! cos(m*phi) = 2*cos((m-1)*phi)*cos(phi)-cos((m-2)*phi) ! sin(m*phi) = 2*sin((m-1)*phi)*cos(phi)-sin((m-2)*phi) cosphi = cos(phi) cosphi1 = one cosphi2 = cosphi if (.not.refy) then sinphi = sin(phi) sinphi1 = zero sinphi2 = sinphi end if ! M=1. do l=1,lmax cc_cosa(l,1) = cc(l,1)*cosphi*dsqrt_factor(l,1) if (.not.refy) then cs_sina(l,1) = cs(l,1)*sinphi*dsqrt_factor(l,1) end if end do ! M>1. do m=2,lmax cosa = 2.0D0*cosphi2*cosphi - cosphi1 cosphi1 = cosphi2 cosphi2 = cosa do l=m,lmax cc_cosa(l,m) = cc(l,m)*cosa*dsqrt_factor(l,m) end do if (.not.refy) then sina = 2.0D0*sinphi2*cosphi - sinphi1 sinphi1 = sinphi2 sinphi2 = sina do l=m,lmax cs_sina(l,m) = cs(l,m)*sina*dsqrt_factor(l,m) end do end if end do end if ! Loop over k. do k=1,nz ! Find zp. zp = z(i,j,k) - zc ! Find rp. rp = sqrt(xp**2 + yp**2 + zp**2) ! Monopole term. aux1 = c0(0) ! Axisymmetric terms. if (rp.ne.zero) then cost = zp/rp else cost = one end if ! Compute the contribution from M=0, L=1,Lmax using ! the recursion relations from Numerical Recipes. if (lmax.gt.0) then ! L=1 legen_base = one local_legen_old_old = one local_legen_old = cost aux1 = aux1 + dsqrt_factor2(1)*local_legen_old ! L=2,lmax do l=2,lmax local_legen = cost*lm_factor1(l,0)*local_legen_old . - lm_factor2(l,0)*local_legen_old_old local_legen_old_old = local_legen_old local_legen_old = local_legen aux1 = aux1 + dsqrt_factor2(l)*local_legen end do ! ! Non-axisymmetric terms. ! if (nonaxi) then aux2 = sqrt((one-cost)*(one+cost)) ! This general loop can only be used until l=lmax-2 since ! the recursion relations requires 2 starting values. do m=1,lmax-2 ! L=M legen_base = -legen_base*aux2*lm_factor3(m) aux1 = aux1 + legen_base*cc_cosa(m,m) if (.not.refy) then aux1 = aux1 + legen_base*cs_sina(m,m) end if local_legen_old_old = legen_base ! L=M+1 local_legen_old = cost*lm_factor3(m+1) . *legen_base aux1 = aux1 + local_legen_old*cc_cosa(m+1,m) if (.not.refy) then aux1 = aux1 + local_legen_old*cs_sina(m+1,m) end if ! L=M+2,lmax do l=m+2,lmax local_legen = cost*lm_factor1(l,m)*local_legen_old . - lm_factor2(l,m)*local_legen_old_old local_legen_old_old = local_legen_old local_legen_old = local_legen aux1 = aux1 + local_legen*cc_cosa(l,m) if (.not.refy) then aux1 = aux1 + local_legen*cs_sina(l,m) end if end do end do ! Then do M=lmax-1 if (lmax.gt.1) then ! L=lmax-1 m=lmax-1 legen_base = -legen_base*aux2*lm_factor3(m) aux1 = aux1 + legen_base*cc_cosa(m,m) if (.not.refy) then aux1 = aux1 + legen_base*cs_sina(m,m) end if ! L=lmax local_legen = cost*lm_factor3(lmax)* . legen_base aux1 = aux1 + local_legen*cc_cosa(lmax,m) if (.not.refy) then aux1 = aux1 + local_legen*cs_sina(lmax,m) end if end if ! And finally do M=lmax. ! L=lmax m=lmax legen_base = -legen_base*aux2*lm_factor3(m) aux1 = aux1 + legen_base*cc_cosa(m,m) if (.not.refy) then aux1 = aux1 + legen_base*cs_sina(m,m) end if end if end if ! Find horizon function. ahfgrid(i,j,k) = rp - aux1 end do end do end do ! *************** ! *** END *** ! *************** end subroutine AHFinder_fun