/*@@ @file AHFinder_dis.F @date September 2001 @author Miguel Alcubierre @desc Routine to calculate proper distances between horizons. @enddesc @@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Functions.h" subroutine AHFinder_dis(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) use AHFinder_dat implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS integer i,l,m integer np,npoints,vindex,ierror integer param_table_handle,interp_handle,coord_system_handle character(30) options_string character(128) operator CCTK_INT nchars CCTK_POINTER, dimension(3) :: interp_coords CCTK_INT, dimension(6) :: in_array_indices CCTK_POINTER, dimension(6) :: out_arrays CCTK_INT, dimension(6) :: out_array_type_codes CCTK_REAL LEGEN CCTK_REAL zero,half,one,two,pi CCTK_REAL x12,y12,z12,r12,rho12 CCTK_REAL theta,phi,cost,sint,cosp,sinp CCTK_REAL x1,y1,z1,r1 CCTK_REAL x2,y2,z2,r2 CCTK_REAL ddx,ddy,ddz,d12 CCTK_REAL aux,cosa,sina,factor CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:) :: xa,ya,za CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:) :: txx,tyy,tzz,txy,txz,tyz character(200) disf logical disf_exists ! ************************** ! *** DEFINE NUMBERS *** ! ************************** zero = 0.0D0 half = 0.5D0 one = 1.0D0 two = 2.0D0 pi = acos(-one) factor = one ! **************************************** ! *** FIND LINE CONNECTING CENTERS *** ! **************************************** ! For the moment, horizons 1 and 2 only. write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Integrating distances between horizons 1 and 2 ...' x1 = ahf_xc_1 y1 = ahf_yc_1 z1 = ahf_zc_1 x2 = ahf_xc_2 y2 = ahf_yc_2 z2 = ahf_zc_2 ! Find line connecting centers. ! Neither horizon exists. if ((.not.status_old_1).and.(.not.status_old_2)) then write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Neither horizon 1 nor horizon 2 exist,' write(*,*) 'giving up.' write(*,*) d12 = zero goto 100 ! Just horizon 1 exists. else if (status_old_1.and.(.not.status_old_2)) then write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Only horizon 1 exists.' write(*,*) ! Check symmetries. if (CCTK_Equals(domain,"octant").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Octant symmetry: calculating twice' write(*,*) 'twice the distance from horizon 1 to origin.' factor = two x2 = zero y2 = zero z2 = zero else if (CCTK_Equals(domain,"quadrant").eq.1) then if (CCTK_Equals(quadrant_direction,"x").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Quadrant symmetry, x direction: calculating' write(*,*) 'twice the distance from horizon 1 to x axis.' factor = two x2 = x1 y2 = zero z2 = zero else if (CCTK_Equals(quadrant_direction,"y").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Quadrant symmetry, y direction: calculating' write(*,*) 'twice the distance from horizon 1 to y axis.' factor = two x2 = zero y2 = y1 z2 = zero else if (CCTK_Equals(quadrant_direction,"z").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Quadrant symmetry, z direction: calculating' write(*,*) 'twice the distance from horizon 1 to z axis.' factor = two x2 = zero y2 = zero z2 = z1 end if else if (CCTK_Equals(domain,"bitant").eq.1) then if (CCTK_Equals(bitant_plane,"xy").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Bitant symmetry, xy plane: calculating twice' write(*,*) 'the distance from horizon 1 to xy plane.' factor = two x2 = x1 y2 = y1 z2 = zero else if (CCTK_Equals(bitant_plane,"xz").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Bitant symmetry, xz plane: calculating twice' write(*,*) 'the distance from horizon 1 to xz plane.' factor = two x2 = x1 y2 = zero z2 = z1 else if (CCTK_Equals(bitant_plane,"yz").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Bitant symmetry, yz plane: calculating twice' write(*,*) 'the distance from horizon 1 to yz plane.' factor = two x2 = zero y2 = y1 z2 = z1 end if else write(*,*) 'No grid symmetries: no distance to calculate,' write(*,*) 'giving up.' d12 = zero goto 100 end if ! Just horizon 2 exists. else if (status_old_2.and.(.not.status_old_1)) then write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Only horizon 2 exists.' write(*,*) ! Check symmetries. if (CCTK_Equals(domain,"octant").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Octant symmetry: calculating' write(*,*) 'twice the distance from horizon 2 to origin.' factor = two x1 = zero y1 = zero z1 = zero else if (CCTK_Equals(domain,"quadrant").eq.1) then if (CCTK_Equals(quadrant_direction,"x").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Quadrant symmetry, x direction: calculating' write(*,*) 'twice the distance from horizon 2 to x axis.' factor = two x1 = x2 y1 = zero z1 = zero else if (CCTK_Equals(quadrant_direction,"y").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Quadrant symmetry, y direction: calculating' write(*,*) 'twice the distance from horizon 2 to y axis.' factor = two x1 = zero y1 = y2 z1 = zero else if (CCTK_Equals(quadrant_direction,"z").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Quadrant symmetry, z direction: calculating' write(*,*) 'twice the distance from horizon 2 to z axis.' factor = two x1 = zero y1 = zero z1 = z2 end if else if (CCTK_Equals(domain,"bitant").eq.1) then if (CCTK_Equals(bitant_plane,"xy").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Bitant symmetry, xy plane: calculating twice' write(*,*) 'the distance from horizon 2 to xy plane.' factor = two x1 = x2 y1 = y2 z1 = zero else if (CCTK_Equals(bitant_plane,"xz").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Bitant symmetry, xz plane: calculating twice' write(*,*) 'the distance from horizon 2 to xz plane.' factor = two x1 = x2 y1 = zero z1 = z2 else if (CCTK_Equals(bitant_plane,"yz").eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Bitant symmetry, yz plane: calculating twice' write(*,*) 'the distance from horizon 2 to yz plane.' factor = two x1 = zero y1 = y2 z1 = z2 end if else write(*,*) 'No grid symmetries: no distance to calculate.' write(*,*) 'giving up.' d12 = zero goto 100 end if end if ! Find connecting line. x12 = x2 - x1 y12 = y2 - y1 z12 = z2 - z1 rho12 = sqrt(x12**2 + y12**2) r12 = sqrt(x12**2 + y12**2 + z12**2) ! *********************************************************** ! *** FIND LOCATION OF HORIZONS ALONG CONNECTING LINE *** ! *********************************************************** ! Find angles for horizon 1. if (r12.ne.zero) then cost = z12/r12 else write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Coordinate distance is zero,' write(*,*) 'giving up.' write(*,*) d12 = zero goto 100 end if sint = sqrt(one - cost**2) if (y12.ne.zero) then phi = atan2(y12,x12) else phi = zero end if sinp = sin(phi) cosp = cos(phi) ! Find point in horizon 1. if (status_old_1) then r1 = c0(0) do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz r1 = r1 + c0(l)*LEGEN(l,0,cost) end do if (nonaxi) then do m=1,lmax aux = dble(m)*phi sina = sin(aux) cosa = cos(aux) do l=m,lmax aux = LEGEN(l,m,cost) r1 = r1 + aux*cc(l,m)*cosa if (.not.refy) then r1 = r1 + aux*cs(l,m)*sina end if end do end do end if x1 = x1 + r1*sint*cosp y1 = y1 + r1*sint*sinp z1 = z1 + r1*cost end if ! Find angles for horizon 2. cost = -cost sint = +sint cosp = -cosp sinp = -sinp phi = phi + pi ! Find point in horizon 2. if (status_old_2) then r2 = c0(0) do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz r2 = r2 + c0(l)*LEGEN(l,0,cost) end do if (nonaxi) then do m=1,lmax aux = dble(m)*phi sina = sin(aux) cosa = cos(aux) do l=m,lmax aux = LEGEN(l,m,cost) r2 = r2 + aux*cc(l,m)*cosa if (.not.refy) then r2 = r2 + aux*cs(l,m)*sina end if end do end do end if x2 = x2 + r2*sint*cosp y2 = y2 + r2*sint*sinp z2 = z2 + r2*cost end if ! ************************************** ! *** ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR ARRAYS *** ! ************************************** aux = sqrt((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2 + (z1-z2)**2)/dx np = int(aux) if (myproc.eq.0) then allocate(xa(0:np)) allocate(ya(0:np)) allocate(za(0:np)) allocate(txx(0:np)) allocate(tyy(0:np)) allocate(tzz(0:np)) allocate(txy(0:np)) allocate(txz(0:np)) allocate(tyz(0:np)) else allocate(xa(1)) allocate(ya(1)) allocate(za(1)) allocate(txx(1)) allocate(tyy(1)) allocate(tzz(1)) allocate(txy(1)) allocate(txz(1)) allocate(tyz(1)) end if ! ************************************* ! *** FIND INTERPOLATING POINTS *** ! ************************************* if (myproc.eq.0) then npoints = np + 1 do i=0,np aux = dble(i)/dble(np) xa(i) = x1 + aux*(x2-x1) ya(i) = y1 + aux*(y2-y1) za(i) = z1 + aux*(z2-z1) end do else npoints = 1 xa = half*(x1 + x2) ya = half*(y1 + y2) za = half*(z1 + z2) end if ! ****************************** ! *** INTERPOLATE METRIC *** ! ****************************** ! parameter, local interpolator, and coordinate system handle. param_table_handle = -1 interp_handle = -1 coord_system_handle = -1 options_string = "order = " // char(ichar('0') + interpolation_order) call Util_TableCreateFromString (param_table_handle, options_string) if (param_table_handle .lt. 0) then call CCTK_WARN(0,"Cannot create parameter table for interpolator") endif call CCTK_FortranString (nchars, interpolation_operator, operator) call CCTK_InterpHandle (interp_handle, operator) if (interp_handle.lt.0) then call CCTK_WARN(0,"Cannot get handle for interpolation ! Forgot to activate an implementation providing interpolation operators ??") endif call CCTK_CoordSystemHandle (coord_system_handle, "cart3d") if (coord_system_handle .lt. 0) then call CCTK_WARN(0,"Cannot get handle for cart3d coordinate system ! Forgot to activate an implementation providing coordinates ??") endif ! fill in the input/output arrays for the interpolator interp_coords(1) = CCTK_PointerTo(xa) interp_coords(2) = CCTK_PointerTo(ya) interp_coords(3) = CCTK_PointerTo(za) call CCTK_VarIndex (vindex, "admbase::gxx") in_array_indices(1) = vindex call CCTK_VarIndex (vindex, "admbase::gyy") in_array_indices(2) = vindex call CCTK_VarIndex (vindex, "admbase::gzz") in_array_indices(3) = vindex call CCTK_VarIndex (vindex, "admbase::gxy") in_array_indices(4) = vindex call CCTK_VarIndex (vindex, "admbase::gxz") in_array_indices(5) = vindex call CCTK_VarIndex (vindex, "admbase::gyz") in_array_indices(6) = vindex out_arrays(1) = CCTK_PointerTo(txx) out_arrays(2) = CCTK_PointerTo(tyy) out_arrays(3) = CCTK_PointerTo(tzz) out_arrays(4) = CCTK_PointerTo(txy) out_arrays(5) = CCTK_PointerTo(txz) out_arrays(6) = CCTK_PointerTo(tyz) out_array_type_codes = CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL ! Interpolation. call CCTK_InterpGridArrays (ierror, cctkGH, 3, interp_handle, . param_table_handle, coord_system_handle, . npoints, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, interp_coords, . 6, in_array_indices, . 6, out_array_type_codes, out_arrays) if (ierror < 0) then call CCTK_WARN (1, "interpolator call returned an error code"); endif ! release parameter table call Util_TableDestroy (ierror, param_table_handle) ! ****************************** ! *** INTEGRATE DISTANCE *** ! ****************************** ddx = (x2-x1)/dble(np) ddy = (y2-y1)/dble(np) ddz = (z2-z1)/dble(np) if (myproc.eq.0) then ! Integrate using trapezoidal rule. d12 = zero do i=1,np d12 = d12 + half . *(sqrt(txx(i-1)*ddx**2 + tyy(i-1)*ddy**2 + tzz(i-1)*ddz**2 . + two*(txy(i-1)*ddx*ddy + txz(i-1)*ddx*ddz + tyz(i-1)*ddy*ddz)) . + sqrt(txx(i )*ddx**2 + tyy(i )*ddy**2 + tzz(i )*ddz**2 . + two*(txy(i )*ddx*ddy + txz(i )*ddx*ddz + tyz(i )*ddy*ddz))) end do end if d12 = factor*d12 ! ***************************** ! *** DEALLOCATE MEMORY *** ! ***************************** deallocate(xa,ya,za) deallocate(txx,tyy,tzz,txy,txz,tyz) ! ****************** ! *** OUTPUT *** ! ****************** 100 continue disf = filestr(1:nfile) // "/ahf_d12" // ".tl" if (myproc.eq.0) then inquire(file=disf, exist=disf_exists) if (disf_exists) then open(11,file=disf,form='formatted',status='old', position='append') else open(11,file=disf,form='formatted',status='replace') write(11,"(A18)") '" Horizon distance' end if write(11,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time,d12 close(11) end if ! *************** ! *** END *** ! *************** end subroutine AHFinder_dis