$Header$ This directory contains code for Lagrange polynomial interpolation, using the maximum-degree definition for multiple dimensions. makefile This has targets to create the subdirectories for the Maple-generated coefficient files, and to run Maple to generated those files. make.code.defn This tells the Cactus build system which files to compile. [123]d.maple These files contain the Maple code to generate the interpolation coefficients. fns.maple These files define the interpolation functions, coefficients, etc, for the Maple code in [123]d.maple [123]d.cube.order?.smooth?.c These files are the individual cases for the interpolation. Each file defines a separate function. Each file just #defines a bunch of macros, then #includes "../template.c" to get the actual interpolation code. Unfortunately, the ISO C standard only guarantees 31 characters for function names (in fact, it doesn't even guarantee that for external names -- they may be limited by a system linker -- but I quietly ignore that and assume I can use 31), so the functions are named in a cryptic manner (described in ../Lagrange-tensor-product/README). all_prototypes.h This file contains C prototypes for each of the functions in [123]d.cube.order?.smooth0.c.