$Header$ Things to do on this thorn: - support excision, i.e. there should be a way to tell the interpolator about an excision mask, and either * have it return an error if the default-centering interpolator molecule would use data from an excised region, or preferably * properly implement the excision_off_centering_tolerance and excision_extrapolation_tolerance parameters as documented in the thorn guide - make casts from datatype to CCTK_REAL explicit in GeneralizedPolynomial-Uniform fetch routines - clean up the horrible inefficiency of the Hermite interpolator (cf Erik Schnetter's E-mails and CactusBase/1366) - allow scalar boundary_{off_centering,extrapolation}_tolerance values in the parameter table (to mean using this value for each ibndry) - maybe change the defaults so off-centering is forbidden unless the user explicitly asks for it to be allowed? - implement a "silent" parameter like in PUGHInterp? alternatively, print warning msgs for some error returns?