path: root/archive/api1
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+As I've explained in a recent message to the cactususers mailing list,
+I'm working on a new "generalized interpolator" for Cactus, which will
+be able to interpolate derivatives of grid functions as well as the
+grid functions themselves. Corresponding to this, I (in consultation
+with Thomas Radke and Tom Goodale) have also come up with a new design
+for the Cactus interpolation API.
+The purpose of this message is to solicit comments and/or suggestions
+about the new API.
+Problems with the Current Interpolator API
+I see two major problems with the current interpolator API
+(CCTK_InterpGV() and CCTK_InterpLocal()):
+The current API uses variable argument lists to allow interpolating
+many arrays in a single call. This has turned out to be somewhat
+error-prone. (There is *no* compiler checking of variable argument lists!)
+To allow better compiler error checking, we propose replacing all the
+variable argument lists with explicit arrays of pointers.
+The current interpolator interface encodes all parameters for the
+interpolator (eg things like the order) into the character-string
+interpolator name. This is a bit awkward, but managable if there are
+only a few parameters, all integers. But it's completely unworkable for
+a generalized interpolator, which needs a whole bunch of extra parameters
+to tell it what derivatives to take. Instead, we propose that a
+generalized interpolator get a handle to one of the new key-value
+tables, and that any extra parameters (such as "which derivatives to
+take" info) be passed in the table. This makes it easy to add new
+interpolation operators which take additional parameters (eg a rational
+interpolator might have two order parameters, one for numerator and
+one for denominator), without having to change the API.
+The Generalized Interpolator API (version 1)
+In more detail, here is my proposal for the new API:
+(don't be scared by the length, it's not that complicated!)
+(there are some examples below)
+ int status = CCTK_GInterpGV(arguments described below)
+ int status = CCTK_GInterpLocal(arguments described below)
+arguments (both CCTK_GInterpGV() and CCTK_GInterpLocal())
+ const cGH *GH;
+ int N_dims;
+ int operator_handle, int coord_system_handle;
+ int param_table_handle; /* handle to key-value table, see below */
+ int N_interp_points;
+ /* array of CCTK_VARIABLE_* codes giving data types */
+ /* of arrays pointed to by interp_coords[] arrays */
+ const int interp_coord_types[N_dims];
+ /* array of pointers to arrays giving x,y,... coordinates of interp points */
+ const void *const interp_coords[N_dims];
+ int N_input_arrays, N_output_arrays;
+for CCTK_GInterpGV():
+ /* array of CCTK variable indices of input arrays */
+ const int input_array_indices[N_input_arrays];
+for CCTK_GInterpLocal():
+ /* array of CCTK_VARIABLE_* codes giving data types of input arrays */
+ const int input_array_types[N_input_arrays];
+ /* array of input array dimensions (common to all input arrays) */
+ const int input_array_dims[N_dims];
+ /* array of pointers to input arrays */
+ const void *const input_arrays[N_input_arrays];
+for both functions again:
+ /* array of CCTK_VARIABLE_* codes giving data types of output arrays */
+ const int output_array_types[N_output_arrays];
+ /* array of pointers to output arrays */
+ void *const output_arrays[N_output_arrays];
+The information passed in the table would depend on the interpolation
+operator. For what I am currently implementing, I will register only
+a single operator, "generalized polynomial interpolation", and take the
+following parameters in the table:
+ int order; /* mandatory */
+Thus the simplest call can just use Util_TableCreateFromString("order=3")
+for a 3rd-order interpolation, for example.
+All the remaining parameters in the table are optional; if they're
+omitted defaults will be supplied:
+ const char *molecule_type; /* this selects one of a family of related */
+ /* operators; the default (and the only one */
+ /* I'm implementing right now) is to use the */
+ /* usual hypercube-shaped molecules */
+ int smoothing; /* the way I'm implementing the interpolation */
+ /* it's easy to also do Savitzky-Golay type */
+ /* smoothing; this parameter gives how much */
+ /* to enlarge the interpolation molecule for */
+ /* this; the default is 0 (no smoothing) */
+Optionally, the caller can specify a mask gridfn
+for CCTK_GInterpGV():
+ int mask_gridfn_index;
+for CCTK_GInterpLocal();
+ int mask_type; /* one of the CCTK_VARIABLE_* codes */
+ const void *const mask_array;
+and the range of values for the mask which correspond to valid points:
+ CCTK_REAL mask_min, mask_max; /* valid <--> closed interval [min,max] */
+And last but not least, optionally, the caller can specify taking
+derivatives as part of the interpolation:
+ const int operand_indices[N_output_arrays];
+ const int opcodes[N_output_arrays];
+The semantics here are that
+ output array[i] = op(input array[ operand_indices[i] ])
+where op is specified as an integer operation code
+(we'll put #defines for these in one of the cctk header files).
+Note that the array operand_indices[] doesn't directly name the inputs,
+but rather gives the indices in the list of inputs. This allows for a
+more efficient implementation in the case where some of the input arrays
+have many different operations applied to them.
+Pointers in Fortran
+One possible problem area with this API is that it requires creating
+arrays of pointers pointing to other arrays. In C this is no problem,
+but in Fortran 77 this is difficult. So, I propose adding a new Cactus
+function pointer_to() to make this easier for Fortran users:
+ CCTK_POINTER pointer_to(any array in your code)
+This would be #defined to %loc on those compilers which have that
+extension to standard Fortran, or would be a Cactus-provided utility
+routine for other cases. It's trivial to write the latter case in C
+so long as the Fortran compiler actually uses call by reference, as
+almost all Fortran compilers do anyway for arrays.
+A Simple Example
+Here's a simple example, written in Fortran 77, interpolating a real
+and a complex grid function in 3D:
+c input grid functions:
+c real_gridfn (CCTK_REAL)
+c complex_gridfn (CCTK_COMPLEX)
+c interpolation coordinates
+c xcoord, ycoord, zcoord (CCTK_REAL arrays of size N)
+c output arrays:
+c real_at_xyz (CCTK_REAL array of size N)
+c complex_at_xyz (CCTK_COMPLEX array of size N)
+ integer status
+ CCTK_POINTER input_gridfn_indices(2)
+ integer interp_coord_types(3)
+ CCTK_POINTER interp_coords(3)
+ integer output_array_types(2)
+ CCTK_POINTER output_arrays(2)
+ call CCTK_VarIndex(input_gridfn_indices(1), "mythorn::real_gridfn")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex(input_gridfn_indices(2), "mythorn::complex_gridfn")
+c could also initialize this with a DATA statement
+ interp_coord_types(1) = CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL
+ interp_coord_types(2) = CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL
+ interp_coord_types(3) = CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL
+ interp_coords(1) = pointer_to(xcoord)
+ interp_coords(2) = pointer_to(ycoord)
+ interp_coords(3) = pointer_to(zcoord)
+c could also initialize this with a DATA statement
+ output_array_types(1) = CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL
+ output_array_types(2) = CCTK_VARIABLE_COMPLEX
+ output_arrays(1) = pointer_to(real_at_xyz)
+ output_arrays(2) = pointer_to(complex_at_xyz)
+ call CCTK_InterpGV(status,
+ cctk_GH,
+ 3, # number of dimensions
+ operator_handle, coord_system_handle,
+ Util_TableCreateFromString("order=3"),
+ N, interp_coord_types, interp_coords,
+ 2, 2, # number of input/output arrays
+ input_gridfn_indices,
+ output_array_types, output_arrays);
+ if (status .lt. 0) then
+c help, an error occured!
+ end if
+A More Complicated Example
+Here's a more complicated example, written in C++. (I'm really only using
+C++ to get cleaner initialization of the various arrays, this is still
+"almost C".) This example is a simplified form of what I will be doing
+in my new apparent horizon finder:
+// input grid functions (12 of them, all 3D CCTK_REAL):
+// gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz,
+// Kxx, Kxy, Kxz, Kyy, Kyz, Kzz
+// interpolation coordinates:
+// xcoord, ycoord, zcoord (CCTK_REAL arrays of size N)
+// output arrays (30 of them, all 3D CCTK_REAL)
+// (interpolate the gij and Kij, also interpolate all first derivs of the gij)
+// I_gxx, dx_gxx, dy_gxx, dz_gxx,
+// I_gxy, dx_gxy, dy_gxy, dz_gxy,
+// I_gxz, dx_gxz, dy_gxz, dz_gxz,
+// I_gyy, dx_gyy, dy_gyy, dz_gyy,
+// I_gyz, dx_gyz, dy_gyz, dz_gyz,
+// I_gzz, dx_gzz, dy_gzz, dz_gzz,
+// I_Kxx, I_Kxy, I_Kxz, I_Kyy, I_Kyz, I_Kzz,
+const int gxx_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gxx");
+const int gxy_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gxy");
+const int gxz_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gxz");
+const int gyy_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gyy");
+const int gyz_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gyz");
+const int gzz_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gzz");
+const int Kxx_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kxx");
+const int Kxy_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kxy");
+const int Kxz_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kxz");
+const int Kyy_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kyy");
+const int Kyz_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kyz");
+const int Kzz_index = CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kzz");
+const int N_dims = 3;
+int interp_coord_types[N_dims]
+const void *const interp_coords[N_dims]
+ = { (const void *) &xcoord,
+ (const void *) &ycoord,
+ (const void *) &zcoord };
+const int N_input_arrays = 12;
+int input_array_types[N_input_arrays]
+const int N_output_arrays = 30;
+int output_array_types[N_output_arrays];
+ for (int oi = 0 ; oi < N_output_arrays ; ++oi)
+ {
+ output_array_types[oi] = CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL;
+ }
+#define VP(x) static_cast<void *>(x)
+void *const output_arrays[N_output_arrays]
+ = {
+ VP(I_gxx), VP(dx_gxx), VP(dy_gxx), VP(dz_gxx),
+ VP(I_gxy), VP(dx_gxy), VP(dy_gxy), VP(dz_gxy),
+ VP(I_gxz), VP(dx_gxz), VP(dy_gxz), VP(dz_gxz),
+ VP(I_gyy), VP(dx_gyy), VP(dy_gyy), VP(dz_gyy),
+ VP(I_gyz), VP(dx_gyz), VP(dy_gyz), VP(dz_gyz),
+ VP(I_gzz), VP(dx_gzz), VP(dy_gzz), VP(dz_gzz),
+ VP(I_Kxx), VP(I_Kxy), VP(I_Kxz), VP(I_Kyy), VP(I_Kyz), VP(I_Kzz),
+ };
+int operand_indices[N_output_arrays];
+ = {
+ gxx_index, gxx_index, gxx_index, gxx_index,
+ gxy_index, gxy_index, gxy_index, gxy_index,
+ gxz_index, gxz_index, gxz_index, gxz_index,
+ gyy_index, gyy_index, gyy_index, gyy_index,
+ gyz_index, gyz_index, gyz_index, gyz_index,
+ gzz_index, gzz_index, gzz_index, gzz_index,
+ Kxx_index, Kxy_index, Kxz_index, Kyy_index, Kyz_index, Kzz_index,
+ };
+const int op_I = CCTK_INTERP_OPCODE_I;
+const int op_dx = CCTK_INTERP_OPCODE_DX;
+const int op_dy = CCTK_INTERP_OPCODE_DY;
+const int op_dz = CCTK_INTERP_OPCODE_DZ;
+int opcodes[N_output_arrays]
+ = {
+ op_I, op_dx, op_dy, op_dz,
+ op_I, op_dx, op_dy, op_dz,
+ op_I, op_dx, op_dy, op_dz,
+ op_I, op_dx, op_dy, op_dz,
+ op_I, op_dx, op_dy, op_dz,
+ op_I, op_dx, op_dy, op_dz,
+ op_I, op_I, op_I, op_I, op_I, op_I,
+ };
+int param_table_handle = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_DEFAULT);
+ 3, "order");
+ N_output_arrays, operand_indices, "operand_indices");
+ N_output_arrays, opcodes, "opcodes");
+int status = CCTK_GInterpGV(GH,
+ N_dims,
+ operator_handle, coord_system_handle,
+ param_table_handle,
+ N_interp_points, interp_coord_types, interp_coords,
+ N_input_arrays, N_output_arrays,
+ input_array_indices,
+ output_array_types, output_arrays);
+if (status < 0)
+ { /* something bad happened */ }