# Parameter definitions for thorn ADMMass # $Header$ CCTK_INT ADMMass_number "number of measurements" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { 0: :: "0 or positive" } 1 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_x_min[100] "x position of the leftmost yz-plane for the integration box" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "anything" } -100.0 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_x_max[100] "x position of the righttmost yz-plane for the integration box" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "anything" } 100.0 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_y_min[100] "y position of the leftmost xz-plane for the integration box" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "anything" } -100.0 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_y_max[100] "y position of the rightmost xz-plane for the integration box" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "anything" } 100.0 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_z_min[100] "z position of the leftmost xy-plane for the integration box" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "anything" } -100.0 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_z_max[100] "z position of the rightmost xy-plane for the integration box" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "anything" } 100.0 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_x_pos[100] "x position of the center of the integration box" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "anything" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_y_pos[100] "y position of the center of the integration box" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "anything" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_z_pos[100] "z position of the center of the integration box" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "anything" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_distance_from_grid_boundary[100] "distance between the grid boundaries and the surface of the integration box" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "<=0 for disable, positive otherwise" } -1.0 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_surface_distance[100] "distance between the above-defined center of the integration (cubic) box and its surface" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "<=0 for disable, positive otherwise" } -1.0 CCTK_REAL ADMMass_volume_radius[100] "radius of the sphere inside which the volume integral is computed" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { : :: "<=0 for disable, positive otherwise" } -1.0 BOOLEAN ADMMass_use_surface_distance_as_volume_radius "Use ADMMass_surface_distance instead of ADMMass_volume_radius" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { } "yes" BOOLEAN ADMMass_use_all_volume_as_volume_radius "Use ADMMass_distance_from_grid_boundary instead of ADMMass_volume_radius" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { } "no" BOOLEAN ADMMass_Excise_Horizons "Should we exclude the region inside the AH to the volume integral" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { } "no"