/*@@ @header STRESSENERGY_guts.h @date Nov 98 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Macro to calculate the hydro quantities scheme @enddesc @@*/ #ifndef STRESSENERGY_GUTS #define STRESSENERGY_GUTS c These geometrical quantities are supplied for CalcTmunu #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/DETG_guts.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/UPPERMET_guts.h" uxx = UPPERMET_UXX; uyy = UPPERMET_UYY; uzz = UPPERMET_UZZ uxy = UPPERMET_UXY; uxz = UPPERMET_UXZ; uyz = UPPERMET_UYZ detg = DETG_DETCG c Zero the stress-energy tensor STRESSENERGY_TTT = 0.0D0; STRESSENERGY_TTX = 0.0D0 STRESSENERGY_TTY = 0.0D0; STRESSENERGY_TTZ = 0.0D0 STRESSENERGY_TXX = 0.0D0; STRESSENERGY_TXY = 0.0D0 STRESSENERGY_TXZ = 0.0D0; STRESSENERGY_TYY = 0.0D0 STRESSENERGY_TYZ = 0.0D0; STRESSENERGY_TZZ = 0.0D0 c Calculate the stress-energy tensor #include "./CalcTmunu.inc" c Calculate the trace of the stress-energy tensor #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/TRT_guts.h" #endif