cc/*@@ c @file ADMConstraints.F c @date Aug 98 c @desc c Calculate the ADM Constraints for output: c c Hamiltonian Constraint is: c c R - K^i_j K^j_i + trK^2 - 16 Pi rho c c Momentum Constraints are: c c Del_j K_i^j - Del_i trK - 8 Pi j_i c c @enddesc c@@*/ c -------------------------------------------------------------- c CCTK Header files #include "cctk.h" #include "declare_parameters.h" #include "declare_arguments.h" c Using macro definitions from Einstein #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/Einstein.h" c -------------------------------------------------------------- c/*@@ c @routine ADMConstraints c @date Aug 98 c @desc c Calculate the ADM Constraints c @enddesc c @calls c @calledby c @history c c @endhistory c@@*/ subroutine ADMConstraints(CCTK_FARGUMENTS) USE ADM_Scalars implicit none c Declare variables in the dynamic argument list DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS c Declare parameters DECLARE_PARAMETERS c Perhaps this and others should go into cctk.h INTEGER CCTK_Equals integer :: i,j,k,i1,i2,j1,j2,k1,k2 REAL :: dx,dy,dz REAL :: pi,det,uxx,uxy,uxz,uyy,uyz,uzz c Temporaries for the Stress-Energy tensor REAL :: Ttt,Ttx,Tty,Ttz,Txx,Txy,Txz,Tyy,Tyz,Tzz #include "" c Macros from Standard Einstein #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/HAMADM_declare.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/MOMXADM_declare.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/MOMYADM_declare.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/MOMZADM_declare.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/DETG_declare.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/UPPERMET_declare.h" dx = delta_space(1) dy = delta_space(2) dz = delta_space(3) i1 = 2 i2 = sh(1)-1 j1 = 2 j2 = sh(2)-1 k1 = 2 k2 = sh(2)-1 do i=i1,i2 do j=j1,j2 do k=k1,k2 ham(i,j,k) = 0.0D0 momx(i,j,k) = 0.0D0 momy(i,j,k) = 0.0D0 momz(i,j,k) = 0.0D0 end do end do end do Pi = ACOS(-1D0) do k = k1, k2 do j = j1, j2 do i = k1, k2 c Calculate the stress energy tensor at this point c ------------------------------------------------ Ttt = 0.0D0; Ttx = 0.0D0; Tty = 0.0D0; Ttz = 0.0D0 Txx = 0.0D0; Txy = 0.0D0; Txz = 0.0D0; Tyy = 0.0D0 Tyz = 0.0D0; Tzz = 0.0D0 c This may be needed for CalcTmunu etc #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/DETG_guts.h" det = DETG_DETCG #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/UPPERMET_guts.h" uxx = UPPERMET_UXX; uxy = UPPERMET_UXY; uxz = UPPERMET_UXZ uyy = UPPERMET_UYY; uyz = UPPERMET_UYZ; uzz = UPPERMET_UZZ #include "" c Calculate the hamiltonian constraint c ------------------------------------ #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/HAMADM_guts.h" ham(i,j,k) = HAMADM_HAMADM - 16D0*Pi*Ttt/alp(i,j,k)**2 #ifdef THORN_MAHC if ((some_hydro .eq. MAHCHYDRO).or. . (some_hydro .eq. MAHCHYDRODUST)) then ham(i,j,k) = ADM_ham(i,j,k) - 16.0d0 * pi * . ( (rho(i,j,k) + rho(i,j,k)*eps(i,j,k) + press(i,j,k)) * . w_lorentz(i,j,k)**2 - press(i,j,k)) endif #endif c Calculate the Momentum constraints c ---------------------------------- #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/MOMXADM_guts.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/MOMYADM_guts.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/MOMZADM_guts.h" momx(i,j,k) = MOMXADM_MOMXADM - 8D0*Pi*Ttx/alp(i,j,k)**2 momy(i,j,k) = MOMYADM_MOMYADM - 8D0*Pi*Tty/alp(i,j,k)**2 momz(i,j,k) = MOMZADM_MOMZADM - 8D0*Pi*Ttz/alp(i,j,k)**2 #ifdef THORN_MAHC if ((some_hydro .eq. MAHCHYDRO).or. . (some_hydro .eq. MAHCHYDRODUST)) then momx(i,j,k) = ADM_momx(i,j,k) - . 8.0d0 * pi * sx(i,j,k) / sqrt(det) momy(i,j,k) = ADM_momy(i,j,k) - . 8.0d0 * pi * sy(i,j,k) / sqrt(det) momz(i,j,k) = ADM_momz(i,j,k) - . 8.0d0 * pi * sz(i,j,k) / sqrt(det) endif #endif enddo enddo enddo #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/DETG_undefine.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/HAMADM_undefine.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/MOMXADM_undefine.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/MOMYADM_undefine.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/MOMZADM_undefine.h" #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/macro/UPPERMET_undefine.h" c Synchronize and apply boundaries conditions c call onebound(ARENA, ADM_ham, 1d0, 1d0, 1d0) c call onebound(ARENA, ADM_momx,-1d0, 1d0, 1d0) c call onebound(ARENA, ADM_momy, 1d0,-1d0, 1d0) c call onebound(ARENA, ADM_momz, 1d0,-1d0, 1d0) if (constraint_communication.eq.1) then call CCTK_SyncGroup(GH,"adm::ADM_constraints") end if end subroutine ADMConstraints