# Parameter definitions for thorn ADMBase # $Header$ restricted: KEYWORD initial_data "Initial metric and extrinsic curvature datasets" { "Cartesian Minkowski" :: "Minkowski values in cartesian coordinates" } "Cartesian Minkowski" KEYWORD initial_lapse "Initial lapse value" { "one" :: "Uniform lapse" } "one" KEYWORD initial_shift "Initial shift value" { "none" :: "Shift is inactive" "zero" :: "Shift is zero" } "none" KEYWORD initial_dtlapse "Initial lapse value" { "none" :: "dtlapse is inactive" "zero" :: "dtlapse is zero" } "none" KEYWORD initial_dtshift "Initial dtshift value" { "none" :: "dtshift is inactive" "zero" :: "dtshift is zero" } "none" KEYWORD evolution_method "The metric an extrinsic curvature evolution method" { "none" :: "The metric and extrinsic curvature are not evolved" "static" :: "The metric and extrinsic curvature are not evolved" } "static" KEYWORD lapse_evolution_method "The lapse evolution method" { "static" :: "lapse is not evolved" } "static" KEYWORD shift_evolution_method "The shift evolution method" { "static" :: "shift is not evolved" } "static" KEYWORD dtlapse_evolution_method "The dtlapse evolution method" { "static" :: "dtlapse is not evolved" } "static" KEYWORD dtshift_evolution_method "The dtshift evolution method" { "static" :: "shift is not evolved" } "static" KEYWORD metric_type "The semantics of the metric variables (physical, static conformal, etc)" { "physical" :: "metric and extrinsic curvature are the physical ones" } "physical" KEYWORD lapse_prolongation_type "The kind of boundary prolongation for the lapse" { "Lagrange" :: "standard prolongation (requires several time levels)" "none" :: "no prolongation (use this if you do not have enough time levels active)" } "Lagrange" KEYWORD shift_prolongation_type "The kind of boundary prolongation for the shift" { "Lagrange" :: "standard prolongation (requires several time levels)" "none" :: "no prolongation (use this if you do not have enough time levels active)" } "Lagrange" KEYWORD metric_prolongation_type "The kind of boundary prolongation for the metric and extrinsic curvature" { "Lagrange" :: "standard prolongation (requires several time levels)" "none" :: "no prolongation (use this if you do not have enough time levels active)" } "Lagrange" INT lapse_timelevels "Number of time levels for the lapse" { 0:3 :: "" } 1 INT shift_timelevels "Number of time levels for the shift" { 0:3 :: "" } 1 INT metric_timelevels "Number of time levels for the metric and extrinsic curvature" { 0:3 :: "" } 1