/* Copyright 2018 Massdrop Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _UDI_DEVICE_CONF_H_ #define _UDI_DEVICE_CONF_H_ #include "udi_device_epsize.h" #include "usb_protocol.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "usb_protocol_hid.h" #define DEVICE_CLASS 0 #define DEVICE_SUBCLASS 0 #define DEVICE_PROTOCOL 0 #define KBD //#define MOUSE_ENABLE //rules.mk #ifdef MOUSE_ENABLE # define MOU #endif //#define EXTRAKEY_ENABLE //rules.mk #ifdef EXTRAKEY_ENABLE # define EXK #endif //#define RAW_ENABLE //rules.mk #ifdef RAW_ENABLE # define RAW #endif //#define CONSOLE_ENABLE //rules.mk #ifdef CONSOLE_ENABLE # define CON #endif //#define NKRO_ENABLE //rules.mk #ifdef NKRO_ENABLE # define NKRO #endif //#define MIDI_ENABLE //deferred implementation //#ifdef MIDI_ENABLE //#define MIDI //#endif //#define VIRTSER_ENABLE //rules.mk #ifdef VIRTSER_ENABLE # define CDC // because CDC uses IAD (interface association descriptor // per USB Interface Association Descriptor Device Class Code and Use Model 7/23/2003 Rev 1.0) # undef DEVICE_CLASS # define DEVICE_CLASS 0xEF # undef DEVICE_SUBCLASS # define DEVICE_SUBCLASS 0x02 # undef DEVICE_PROTOCOL # define DEVICE_PROTOCOL 0x01 #endif /* number of interfaces */ #define NEXT_INTERFACE_0 0 #ifdef KBD # define KEYBOARD_INTERFACE NEXT_INTERFACE_0 # define NEXT_INTERFACE_1 (KEYBOARD_INTERFACE + 1) # define UDI_HID_KBD_IFACE_NUMBER KEYBOARD_INTERFACE #else # define NEXT_INTERFACE_1 NEXT_INTERFACE_0 #endif // It is important that the Raw HID interface is at a constant // interface number, to support Linux/OSX platforms and chrome.hid // If Raw HID is enabled, let it be always 1. #ifdef RAW # define RAW_INTERFACE NEXT_INTERFACE_1 # define NEXT_INTERFACE_2 (RAW_INTERFACE + 1) #else # define NEXT_INTERFACE_2 NEXT_INTERFACE_1 #endif #ifdef MOU # define MOUSE_INTERFACE NEXT_INTERFACE_2 # define UDI_HID_MOU_IFACE_NUMBER MOUSE_INTERFACE # define NEXT_INTERFACE_3 (MOUSE_INTERFACE + 1) #else # define NEXT_INTERFACE_3 NEXT_INTERFACE_2 #endif #ifdef EXK # define EXTRAKEY_INTERFACE NEXT_INTERFACE_3 # define NEXT_INTERFACE_4 (EXTRAKEY_INTERFACE + 1) # define UDI_HID_EXK_IFACE_NUMBER EXTRAKEY_INTERFACE #else # define NEXT_INTERFACE_4 NEXT_INTERFACE_3 #endif #ifdef CON # define CON_INTERFACE NEXT_INTERFACE_4 # define NEXT_INTERFACE_5 (CON_INTERFACE + 1) # define UDI_HID_CON_IFACE_NUMBER CON_INTERFACE #else # define NEXT_INTERFACE_5 NEXT_INTERFACE_4 #endif #ifdef NKRO # define NKRO_INTERFACE NEXT_INTERFACE_5 # define NEXT_INTERFACE_6 (NKRO_INTERFACE + 1) # define UDI_HID_NKRO_IFACE_NUMBER NKRO_INTERFACE #else # define NEXT_INTERFACE_6 NEXT_INTERFACE_5 #endif #ifdef MIDI # define AC_INTERFACE NEXT_INTERFACE_6 # define AS_INTERFACE (AC_INTERFACE + 1) # define NEXT_INTERFACE_7 (AS_INTERFACE + 1) #else # define NEXT_INTERFACE_7 NEXT_INTERFACE_6 #endif #ifdef CDC # define CCI_INTERFACE NEXT_INTERFACE_7 # define CDI_INTERFACE (CCI_INTERFACE + 1) # define NEXT_INTERFACE_8 (CDI_INTERFACE + 1) # define CDC_STATUS_INTERFACE CCI_INTERFACE # define CDC_DATA_INTERFACE CDI_INTERFACE #else # define NEXT_INTERFACE_8 NEXT_INTERFACE_7 #endif /* nubmer of interfaces */ #define TOTAL_INTERFACES NEXT_INTERFACE_8 #define USB_DEVICE_NB_INTERFACE TOTAL_INTERFACES // ********************************************************************** // Endopoint number and size // ********************************************************************** #define USB_DEVICE_EP_CTRL_SIZE 8 #define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_0 1 #define NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_0 1 #ifdef KBD # define KEYBOARD_IN_EPNUM NEXT_IN_EPNUM_0 # define UDI_HID_KBD_EP_IN KEYBOARD_IN_EPNUM # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_1 (KEYBOARD_IN_EPNUM + 1) # define UDI_HID_KBD_EP_SIZE KEYBOARD_EPSIZE # define KBD_POLLING_INTERVAL 10 # ifndef UDI_HID_KBD_STRING_ID # define UDI_HID_KBD_STRING_ID 0 # endif #else # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_1 NEXT_IN_EPNUM_0 #endif #ifdef MOU # define MOUSE_IN_EPNUM NEXT_IN_EPNUM_1 # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_2 (MOUSE_IN_EPNUM + 1) # define UDI_HID_MOU_EP_IN MOUSE_IN_EPNUM # define UDI_HID_MOU_EP_SIZE MOUSE_EPSIZE # define MOU_POLLING_INTERVAL 10 # ifndef UDI_HID_MOU_STRING_ID # define UDI_HID_MOU_STRING_ID 0 # endif #else # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_2 NEXT_IN_EPNUM_1 #endif #ifdef EXK # define EXTRAKEY_IN_EPNUM NEXT_IN_EPNUM_2 # define UDI_HID_EXK_EP_IN EXTRAKEY_IN_EPNUM # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_3 (EXTRAKEY_IN_EPNUM + 1) # define UDI_HID_EXK_EP_SIZE EXTRAKEY_EPSIZE # define EXTRAKEY_POLLING_INTERVAL 10 # ifndef UDI_HID_EXK_STRING_ID # define UDI_HID_EXK_STRING_ID 0 # endif #else # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_3 NEXT_IN_EPNUM_2 #endif #ifdef RAW # define RAW_IN_EPNUM NEXT_IN_EPNUM_3 # define UDI_HID_RAW_EP_IN RAW_IN_EPNUM # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_4 (RAW_IN_EPNUM + 1) # define RAW_OUT_EPNUM NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_0 # define UDI_HID_RAW_EP_OUT RAW_OUT_EPNUM # define NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_1 (RAW_OUT_EPNUM + 1) # define RAW_POLLING_INTERVAL 1 # ifndef UDI_HID_RAW_STRING_ID # define UDI_HID_RAW_STRING_ID 0 # endif #else # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_4 NEXT_IN_EPNUM_3 # define NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_1 NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_0 #endif #ifdef CON # define CON_IN_EPNUM NEXT_IN_EPNUM_4 # define UDI_HID_CON_EP_IN CON_IN_EPNUM # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_5 (CON_IN_EPNUM + 1) # define CON_OUT_EPNUM NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_1 # define UDI_HID_CON_EP_OUT CON_OUT_EPNUM # define NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_2 (CON_OUT_EPNUM + 1) # define CON_POLLING_INTERVAL 1 # ifndef UDI_HID_CON_STRING_ID # define UDI_HID_CON_STRING_ID 0 # endif #else # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_5 NEXT_IN_EPNUM_4 # define NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_2 NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_1 #endif #ifdef NKRO # define NKRO_IN_EPNUM NEXT_IN_EPNUM_5 # define UDI_HID_NKRO_EP_IN NKRO_IN_EPNUM # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_6 (NKRO_IN_EPNUM + 1) # define UDI_HID_NKRO_EP_SIZE NKRO_EPSIZE # define NKRO_POLLING_INTERVAL 1 # ifndef UDI_HID_NKRO_STRING_ID # define UDI_HID_NKRO_STRING_ID 0 # endif #else # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_6 NEXT_IN_EPNUM_5 #endif #ifdef MIDI # define MIDI_STREAM_IN_EPNUM NEXT_IN_EPNUM_6 # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_7 (MIDI_STREAM_IN_EPNUM + 1) # define MIDI_STREAM_OUT_EPNUM NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_2 # define NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_3 (MIDI_STREAM_OUT_EPNUM + 1) # define MIDI_POLLING_INTERVAL 5 #else # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_7 NEXT_IN_EPNUM_6 # define NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_3 NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_2 #endif #ifdef CDC # define CDC_NOTIFICATION_EPNUM NEXT_IN_EPNUM_7 # define CDC_ACM_ENDPOINT CDC_NOTIFICATION_EPNUM # define CDC_TX_ENDPOINT (CDC_NOTIFICATION_EPNUM + 1) # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_8 (CDC_TX_ENDPOINT + 1) # define CDC_OUT_EPNUM NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_3 # define CDC_RX_ENDPOINT CDC_OUT_EPNUM # define NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_4 (CDC_OUT_EPNUM + 1) # define CDC_ACM_SIZE CDC_NOTIFICATION_EPSIZE # define CDC_RX_SIZE CDC_EPSIZE // KFSMOD was 64 # define CDC_TX_SIZE CDC_RX_SIZE # define CDC_ACM_POLLING_INTERVAL 255 # define CDC_EP_INTERVAL_STATUS CDC_ACM_POLLING_INTERVAL # define CDC_DATA_POLLING_INTERVAL 5 # define CDC_EP_INTERVAL_DATA CDC_DATA_POLLING_INTERVAL # define CDC_STATUS_NAME L"Virtual Serial Port - Status" # define CDC_DATA_NAME L"Virtual Serial Port - Data" #else # define NEXT_IN_EPNUM_8 NEXT_IN_EPNUM_7 # define NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_4 NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_3 #endif #define TOTAL_OUT_EP NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_4 #define TOTAL_IN_EP NEXT_IN_EPNUM_8 #define USB_DEVICE_MAX_EP (max(NEXT_OUT_EPNUM_4, NEXT_IN_EPNUM_8)) #if USB_DEVICE_MAX_EP > 8 # error "There are not enough available endpoints to support all functions. Remove some in the rules.mk file.(MOUSEKEY, EXTRAKEY, CONSOLE, NKRO, MIDI, VIRTSER)" #endif // ********************************************************************** // KBD Descriptor structure and content // ********************************************************************** #ifdef KBD COMPILER_PACK_SET(1) typedef struct { usb_iface_desc_t iface; usb_hid_descriptor_t hid; usb_ep_desc_t ep; } udi_hid_kbd_desc_t; typedef struct { uint8_t array[59]; } udi_hid_kbd_report_desc_t; # define UDI_HID_KBD_DESC \ { .iface.bLength = sizeof(usb_iface_desc_t), .iface.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE, .iface.bInterfaceNumber = UDI_HID_KBD_IFACE_NUMBER, .iface.bAlternateSetting = 0, .iface.bNumEndpoints = 1, .iface.bInterfaceClass = HID_CLASS, .iface.bInterfaceSubClass = HID_SUB_CLASS_BOOT, .iface.bInterfaceProtocol = HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD, .iface.iInterface = UDI_HID_KBD_STRING_ID, .hid.bLength = sizeof(usb_hid_descriptor_t), .hid.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID, .hid.bcdHID = LE16(USB_HID_BDC_V1_11), .hid.bCountryCode = USB_HID_NO_COUNTRY_CODE, .hid.bNumDescriptors = USB_HID_NUM_DESC, .hid.bRDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID_REPORT, .hid.wDescriptorLength = LE16(sizeof(udi_hid_kbd_report_desc_t)), .ep.bLength = sizeof(usb_ep_desc_t), .ep.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .ep.bEndpointAddress = UDI_HID_KBD_EP_IN | USB_EP_DIR_IN, .ep.bmAttributes = USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, .ep.wMaxPacketSize = LE16(UDI_HID_KBD_EP_SIZE), .ep.bInterval = KBD_POLLING_INTERVAL, } // set report buffer (from host) extern uint8_t udi_hid_kbd_report_set; // report buffer (to host) # define UDI_HID_KBD_REPORT_SIZE 8 extern uint8_t udi_hid_kbd_report[UDI_HID_KBD_REPORT_SIZE]; COMPILER_PACK_RESET() #endif // KBD // ********************************************************************** // EXK Descriptor structure and content // ********************************************************************** #ifdef EXK COMPILER_PACK_SET(1) typedef struct { usb_iface_desc_t iface; usb_hid_descriptor_t hid; usb_ep_desc_t ep; } udi_hid_exk_desc_t; typedef struct { uint8_t array[54]; } udi_hid_exk_report_desc_t; # define UDI_HID_EXK_DESC \ { .iface.bLength = sizeof(usb_iface_desc_t), .iface.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE, .iface.bInterfaceNumber = UDI_HID_EXK_IFACE_NUMBER, .iface.bAlternateSetting = 0, .iface.bNumEndpoints = 1, .iface.bInterfaceClass = HID_CLASS, .iface.bInterfaceSubClass = HID_SUB_CLASS_BOOT, .iface.bInterfaceProtocol = HID_PROTOCOL_GENERIC, .iface.iInterface = UDI_HID_EXK_STRING_ID, .hid.bLength = sizeof(usb_hid_descriptor_t), .hid.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID, .hid.bcdHID = LE16(USB_HID_BDC_V1_11), .hid.bCountryCode = USB_HID_NO_COUNTRY_CODE, .hid.bNumDescriptors = USB_HID_NUM_DESC, .hid.bRDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID_REPORT, .hid.wDescriptorLength = LE16(sizeof(udi_hid_exk_report_desc_t)), .ep.bLength = sizeof(usb_ep_desc_t), .ep.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .ep.bEndpointAddress = UDI_HID_EXK_EP_IN | USB_EP_DIR_IN, .ep.bmAttributes = USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, .ep.wMaxPacketSize = LE16(UDI_HID_EXK_EP_SIZE), .ep.bInterval = EXTRAKEY_POLLING_INTERVAL, } // set report buffer (from host) extern uint8_t udi_hid_exk_report_set; // report buffer # define UDI_HID_EXK_REPORT_SIZE 3 typedef union { struct { uint8_t report_id; uint16_t report_data; } desc; uint8_t raw[UDI_HID_EXK_REPORT_SIZE]; } udi_hid_exk_report_t; extern udi_hid_exk_report_t udi_hid_exk_report; COMPILER_PACK_RESET() #endif // EXK // ********************************************************************** // NKRO Descriptor structure and content // ********************************************************************** #ifdef NKRO COMPILER_PACK_SET(1) typedef struct { usb_iface_desc_t iface; usb_hid_descriptor_t hid; usb_ep_desc_t ep; } udi_hid_nkro_desc_t; typedef struct { uint8_t array[57]; } udi_hid_nkro_report_desc_t; # define UDI_HID_NKRO_DESC \ { .iface.bLength = sizeof(usb_iface_desc_t), .iface.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE, .iface.bInterfaceNumber = UDI_HID_NKRO_IFACE_NUMBER, .iface.bAlternateSetting = 0, .iface.bNumEndpoints = 1, .iface.bInterfaceClass = HID_CLASS, .iface.bInterfaceSubClass = HID_SUB_CLASS_NOBOOT, .iface.bInterfaceProtocol = HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD, .iface.iInterface = UDI_HID_NKRO_STRING_ID, .hid.bLength = sizeof(usb_hid_descriptor_t), .hid.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID, .hid.bcdHID = LE16(USB_HID_BDC_V1_11), .hid.bCountryCode = USB_HID_NO_COUNTRY_CODE, .hid.bNumDescriptors = USB_HID_NUM_DESC, .hid.bRDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID_REPORT, .hid.wDescriptorLength = LE16(sizeof(udi_hid_nkro_report_desc_t)), .ep.bLength = sizeof(usb_ep_desc_t), .ep.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .ep.bEndpointAddress = UDI_HID_NKRO_EP_IN | USB_EP_DIR_IN, .ep.bmAttributes = USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, .ep.wMaxPacketSize = LE16(UDI_HID_NKRO_EP_SIZE), .ep.bInterval = NKRO_POLLING_INTERVAL, } // set report buffer extern uint8_t udi_hid_nkro_report_set; // report buffer # define UDI_HID_NKRO_REPORT_SIZE 32 extern uint8_t udi_hid_nkro_report[UDI_HID_NKRO_REPORT_SIZE]; COMPILER_PACK_RESET() #endif // NKRO // ********************************************************************** // MOU Descriptor structure and content // ********************************************************************** #ifdef MOU COMPILER_PACK_SET(1) typedef struct { usb_iface_desc_t iface; usb_hid_descriptor_t hid; usb_ep_desc_t ep; } udi_hid_mou_desc_t; typedef struct { uint8_t array[77]; // MOU PDS } udi_hid_mou_report_desc_t; # define UDI_HID_MOU_DESC \ { .iface.bLength = sizeof(usb_iface_desc_t), .iface.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE, .iface.bInterfaceNumber = MOUSE_INTERFACE, .iface.bAlternateSetting = 0, .iface.bNumEndpoints = 1, .iface.bInterfaceClass = HID_CLASS, .iface.bInterfaceSubClass = HID_SUB_CLASS_BOOT, .iface.bInterfaceProtocol = HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE, .iface.iInterface = UDI_HID_MOU_STRING_ID, .hid.bLength = sizeof(usb_hid_descriptor_t), .hid.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID, .hid.bcdHID = LE16(USB_HID_BDC_V1_11), .hid.bCountryCode = USB_HID_NO_COUNTRY_CODE, .hid.bNumDescriptors = USB_HID_NUM_DESC, .hid.bRDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID_REPORT, .hid.wDescriptorLength = LE16(sizeof(udi_hid_mou_report_desc_t)), .ep.bLength = sizeof(usb_ep_desc_t), .ep.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .ep.bEndpointAddress = UDI_HID_MOU_EP_IN | USB_EP_DIR_IN, .ep.bmAttributes = USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, .ep.wMaxPacketSize = LE16(UDI_HID_MOU_EP_SIZE), .ep.bInterval = MOU_POLLING_INTERVAL, } // no set report buffer // report buffer # define UDI_HID_MOU_REPORT_SIZE 5 // MOU PDS extern uint8_t udi_hid_mou_report[UDI_HID_MOU_REPORT_SIZE]; COMPILER_PACK_RESET() #endif // MOU // ********************************************************************** // RAW Descriptor structure and content // ********************************************************************** #ifdef RAW COMPILER_PACK_SET(1) typedef struct { usb_iface_desc_t iface; usb_hid_descriptor_t hid; usb_ep_desc_t ep_out; usb_ep_desc_t ep_in; } udi_hid_raw_desc_t; typedef struct { uint8_t array[27]; } udi_hid_raw_report_desc_t; # define UDI_HID_RAW_DESC \ { \ .iface.bLength = sizeof(usb_iface_desc_t), .iface.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE, .iface.bInterfaceNumber = RAW_INTERFACE, .iface.bAlternateSetting = 0, .iface.bNumEndpoints = 2, .iface.bInterfaceClass = HID_CLASS, .iface.bInterfaceSubClass = HID_SUB_CLASS_NOBOOT, .iface.bInterfaceProtocol = HID_SUB_CLASS_NOBOOT, .iface.iInterface = UDI_HID_RAW_STRING_ID, .hid.bLength = sizeof(usb_hid_descriptor_t), .hid.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID, .hid.bcdHID = LE16(USB_HID_BDC_V1_11), .hid.bCountryCode = USB_HID_NO_COUNTRY_CODE, .hid.bNumDescriptors = USB_HID_NUM_DESC, .hid.bRDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID_REPORT, .hid.wDescriptorLength = LE16(sizeof(udi_hid_raw_report_desc_t)), .ep_out.bLength = sizeof(usb_ep_desc_t), .ep_out.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .ep_out.bEndpointAddress = UDI_HID_RAW_EP_OUT | USB_EP_DIR_OUT, .ep_out.bmAttributes = USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, .ep_out.wMaxPacketSize = LE16(RAW_EPSIZE), .ep_out.bInterval = RAW_POLLING_INTERVAL, \ .ep_in.bLength = sizeof(usb_ep_desc_t), .ep_in.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .ep_in.bEndpointAddress = UDI_HID_RAW_EP_IN | USB_EP_DIR_IN, .ep_in.bmAttributes = USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, .ep_in.wMaxPacketSize = LE16(RAW_EPSIZE), .ep_in.bInterval = RAW_POLLING_INTERVAL, \ } # define UDI_HID_RAW_REPORT_SIZE RAW_EPSIZE extern uint8_t udi_hid_raw_report_set[UDI_HID_RAW_REPORT_SIZE]; // report buffer extern uint8_t udi_hid_raw_report[UDI_HID_RAW_REPORT_SIZE]; COMPILER_PACK_RESET() #endif // RAW // ********************************************************************** // CON Descriptor structure and content // ********************************************************************** #ifdef CON COMPILER_PACK_SET(1) typedef struct { usb_iface_desc_t iface; usb_hid_descriptor_t hid; usb_ep_desc_t ep_out; usb_ep_desc_t ep_in; } udi_hid_con_desc_t; typedef struct { uint8_t array[34]; } udi_hid_con_report_desc_t; # define UDI_HID_CON_DESC \ { \ .iface.bLength = sizeof(usb_iface_desc_t), .iface.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE, .iface.bInterfaceNumber = UDI_HID_CON_IFACE_NUMBER, .iface.bAlternateSetting = 0, .iface.bNumEndpoints = 2, .iface.bInterfaceClass = HID_CLASS, .iface.bInterfaceSubClass = HID_SUB_CLASS_NOBOOT, .iface.bInterfaceProtocol = HID_SUB_CLASS_NOBOOT, .iface.iInterface = UDI_HID_CON_STRING_ID, .hid.bLength = sizeof(usb_hid_descriptor_t), .hid.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID, .hid.bcdHID = LE16(USB_HID_BDC_V1_11), .hid.bCountryCode = USB_HID_NO_COUNTRY_CODE, .hid.bNumDescriptors = USB_HID_NUM_DESC, .hid.bRDescriptorType = USB_DT_HID_REPORT, .hid.wDescriptorLength = LE16(sizeof(udi_hid_con_report_desc_t)), .ep_out.bLength = sizeof(usb_ep_desc_t), .ep_out.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .ep_out.bEndpointAddress = UDI_HID_CON_EP_OUT | USB_EP_DIR_OUT, .ep_out.bmAttributes = USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, .ep_out.wMaxPacketSize = LE16(CONSOLE_EPSIZE), .ep_out.bInterval = CON_POLLING_INTERVAL, \ .ep_in.bLength = sizeof(usb_ep_desc_t), .ep_in.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .ep_in.bEndpointAddress = UDI_HID_CON_EP_IN | USB_EP_DIR_IN, .ep_in.bmAttributes = USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, .ep_in.wMaxPacketSize = LE16(CONSOLE_EPSIZE), .ep_in.bInterval = CON_POLLING_INTERVAL, \ } # define UDI_HID_CON_REPORT_SIZE CONSOLE_EPSIZE extern uint8_t udi_hid_con_report_set[UDI_HID_CON_REPORT_SIZE]; // report buffer extern uint8_t udi_hid_con_report[UDI_HID_CON_REPORT_SIZE]; COMPILER_PACK_RESET() #endif // CON // ********************************************************************** // CDC Descriptor structure and content // ********************************************************************** #ifdef CDC COMPILER_PACK_SET(1) typedef struct { uint8_t bFunctionLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; le16_t bcdCDC; } usb_cdc_hdr_desc_t; typedef struct { uint8_t bFunctionLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; uint8_t bmCapabilities; uint8_t bDataInterface; } usb_cdc_call_mgmt_desc_t; typedef struct { uint8_t bFunctionLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; uint8_t bmCapabilities; } usb_cdc_acm_desc_t; typedef struct { uint8_t bFunctionLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; uint8_t bMasterInterface; uint8_t bSlaveInterface0; } usb_cdc_union_desc_t; typedef struct { usb_association_desc_t iaface; usb_iface_desc_t iface_c; usb_cdc_hdr_desc_t fd; usb_cdc_call_mgmt_desc_t mfd; usb_cdc_acm_desc_t acmd; usb_cdc_union_desc_t ufd; usb_ep_desc_t ep_c; usb_iface_desc_t iface_d; usb_ep_desc_t ep_tx; usb_ep_desc_t ep_rx; } udi_cdc_desc_t; # define CDC_DESCRIPTOR \ { \ .iaface.bLength = sizeof(usb_association_desc_t), .iaface.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_IAD, .iaface.bFirstInterface = CDC_STATUS_INTERFACE, .iaface.bInterfaceCount = 2, .iaface.bFunctionClass = CDC_CLASS_DEVICE, .iaface.bFunctionSubClass = CDC_SUBCLASS_ACM, .iaface.bFunctionProtocol = CDC_PROTOCOL_V25TER, .iaface.iFunction = 0, .iface_c.bLength = sizeof(usb_iface_desc_t), .iface_c.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE, .iface_c.bInterfaceNumber = CDC_STATUS_INTERFACE, .iface_c.bAlternateSetting = 0, .iface_c.bNumEndpoints = 1, .iface_c.bInterfaceClass = 0x02, .iface_c.bInterfaceSubClass = 0x02, .iface_c.bInterfaceProtocol = CDC_PROTOCOL_V25TER, .iface_c.iInterface = 0, .fd.bFunctionLength = sizeof(usb_cdc_hdr_desc_t), .fd.bDescriptorType = CDC_CS_INTERFACE, .fd.bDescriptorSubtype = CDC_SCS_HEADER, .fd.bcdCDC = 0x0110, .mfd.bFunctionLength = sizeof(usb_cdc_call_mgmt_desc_t), .mfd.bDescriptorType = CDC_CS_INTERFACE, .mfd.bDescriptorSubtype = CDC_SCS_CALL_MGMT, \ .mfd.bmCapabilities = CDC_CALL_MGMT_SUPPORTED, .mfd.bDataInterface = CDC_DATA_INTERFACE, .acmd.bFunctionLength = sizeof(usb_cdc_acm_desc_t), .acmd.bDescriptorType = CDC_CS_INTERFACE, .acmd.bDescriptorSubtype = CDC_SCS_ACM, .acmd.bmCapabilities = CDC_ACM_SUPPORT_LINE_REQUESTS, .ufd.bFunctionLength = sizeof(usb_cdc_union_desc_t), .ufd.bDescriptorType = CDC_CS_INTERFACE, .ufd.bDescriptorSubtype = CDC_SCS_UNION, .ufd.bMasterInterface = CDC_STATUS_INTERFACE, .ufd.bSlaveInterface0 = CDC_DATA_INTERFACE, .ep_c.bLength = sizeof(usb_ep_desc_t), .ep_c.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .ep_c.bEndpointAddress = CDC_ACM_ENDPOINT | USB_EP_DIR_IN, .ep_c.bmAttributes = USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, .ep_c.wMaxPacketSize = LE16(CDC_ACM_SIZE), .ep_c.bInterval = CDC_EP_INTERVAL_STATUS, .iface_d.bLength = sizeof(usb_iface_desc_t), .iface_d.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE, .iface_d.bInterfaceNumber = CDC_DATA_INTERFACE, .iface_d.bAlternateSetting = 0, .iface_d.bNumEndpoints = 2, \ .iface_d.bInterfaceClass = CDC_CLASS_DATA, .iface_d.bInterfaceSubClass = 0, .iface_d.bInterfaceProtocol = 0, .iface_d.iInterface = 0, .ep_rx.bLength = sizeof(usb_ep_desc_t), .ep_rx.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .ep_rx.bEndpointAddress = CDC_RX_ENDPOINT | USB_EP_DIR_OUT, .ep_rx.bmAttributes = USB_EP_TYPE_BULK, .ep_rx.wMaxPacketSize = LE16(CDC_RX_SIZE), .ep_rx.bInterval = CDC_EP_INTERVAL_DATA, .ep_tx.bLength = sizeof(usb_ep_desc_t), .ep_tx.bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .ep_tx.bEndpointAddress = CDC_TX_ENDPOINT | USB_EP_DIR_IN, .ep_tx.bmAttributes = USB_EP_TYPE_BULK, .ep_tx.wMaxPacketSize = LE16(CDC_TX_SIZE), .ep_tx.bInterval = CDC_EP_INTERVAL_DATA, \ } COMPILER_PACK_RESET() #endif // CDC // ********************************************************************** // CONFIGURATION Descriptor structure and content // ********************************************************************** COMPILER_PACK_SET(1) typedef struct { usb_conf_desc_t conf; #ifdef KBD udi_hid_kbd_desc_t hid_kbd; #endif #ifdef MOU udi_hid_mou_desc_t hid_mou; #endif #ifdef EXK udi_hid_exk_desc_t hid_exk; #endif #ifdef RAW udi_hid_raw_desc_t hid_raw; #endif #ifdef CON udi_hid_con_desc_t hid_con; #endif #ifdef NKRO udi_hid_nkro_desc_t hid_nkro; #endif #ifdef MIDI udi_hid_midi_desc_t hid_midi; #endif #ifdef CDC udi_cdc_desc_t cdc_serial; #endif } udc_desc_t; COMPILER_PACK_RESET() #endif //_UDI_DEVICE_CONF_H_