# ErgoDox EZ Svorak A5 This layout is supposed to be an implementation of the [Svorak A5 layout](http://aoeu.info/s/dvorak/svorak). Unfortunately, the Ergodox EZ lacks one column for the right hand, why the three buttons furthest to the right, on the right half, are missing. I have tried to move them around and have yet to find a perfect position for them. ## Note The keyboard assumes that the operating system interprets your keyboard as Swedish. If you get weird issues (like, most letters work, but not all special characters) please make sure your operating system uses a Swedish keyboard layout. ## Flashing In order to compile and flash your Ergodox EZ, invoke the following at the root of the repository. `make ergodox_ez:dvorak_svorak_a5:teensy` I haven't gotten the above to work on Windows. Instead I use [Msys2](https://www.msys2.org/) to compile the .hex-file (`make ergodox_ez:dvorak_svorak_a5`) and [Teensy Loader](https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader_win10.html) to flash the board. ## Changelog * 2018-08-09 * Initial release * 2018-08-10 * Make special characters work in Windows * Add QWERTY layer # Author Erik Thorsell erikthorsell @ github and twitter