
This is the data package attached to the author's [1] PhD thesis. It contains
source codes and simulation parameter files that can be used to reproduce the
results from the thesis.

par_files/              parameter files defining the simulations
src/                    source codes for running the simulations
    threadpool_omp/     utility library implementing thread pools, used by teukolsky_data and mg2d
    ndarray/            utility library for working with N-dimensional arrays, used by mg2d
    brill_data/         library for constructing Brill wave initial data
    teukolsky_data/     library for constructing time-asymmetric initial data
    mg2d/               multigrid elliptic solver
    cactus_build        Einstein Toolkit - Cactus+NR thorns
    math_utils.tar.xz   Python packages used for analysis

The full and up-to-date version of this package may be downloaded via:
  git clone --recursive git://git.khirnov.net/phd_thesis_sources

  The 'defended' branch points to the original code as it was at the time of thesis defence. It will
  only receive cosmetic changes, such us fixing out-of-date URLs and similar.

  The 'master' branch will contain further developments and may not reproduce exactly the results of
  the thesis.

[1] Anton Khirnov <anton@khirnov.net>