# null coordinates calculations import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp, OdeSolution from . import diff from . import interp def _null_geodesic_axis_rhs(Lambda, f, gtt_i, gtt_dX_i, gtt_dt_i, gXX_i, gXX_dX_i, gXX_dt_i, gtX_i, gtX_dX_i, gtX_dt_i): """ Right-hand-side of the null geodesic equation along an axis of symmetry or reflection-symmetric equatorial plane. The curve is given by X^μ(λ) = { t(λ), x(λ), 0, 0 }, the geodesic equation then is: d X^μ / dλ = p^μ d p^μ / dλ = -Γ^μ_αβ p^α p^β In components: dt / dλ = p^t dx / dλ = p^x dp^t / dλ = -(Γ^t_tt (p^t)^2 + 2 Γ^t_xt p^x p^t + Γ^t_xx (p^x)^2) dp^x / dλ = -(Γ^x_tt (p^t)^2 + 2 Γ^x_xt p^x p^t + Γ^x_xx (p^x)^2) As p^μ should be null, it also holds 0 = g_μν p^μ p^ν = g_tt (p^t)^2 + 2 g_tx p^t p^x + g_xx (p^x)^2 -> p^x = (-g_tx p^t ± √((g_tx p^t)^2 - g_tt g_xx (p^t)^2)) / g_xx This constraint needs to be enforced at runtime to ensure the curve remains null. With zero shift, it can be easily computed that Γ^t_tt = 0.5 g^tt g_tt,t Γ^t_xt = 0.5 g^tt g_tt,x Γ^t_xx = -0.5 g^tt g_xx,t Γ^x_tt = -0.5 g^xx g_tt,x Γ^x_xt = 0.5 g^xx g_xx,t Γ^x_xx = 0.5 g^xx g_xx,x """ t, X, mom_t, mom_X = f gtt = gtt_i (t, X).flatten()[0] gtt_dt = gtt_dt_i(t, X).flatten()[0] gtt_dX = gtt_dX_i(t, X).flatten()[0] gXX = gXX_i (t, X).flatten()[0] gXX_dt = gXX_dt_i(t, X).flatten()[0] gXX_dX = gXX_dX_i(t, X).flatten()[0] gtX = gtX_i (t, X).flatten()[0] gtX_dt = gtX_dt_i(t, X).flatten()[0] gtX_dX = gtX_dX_i(t, X).flatten()[0] # set the unavailable (but unneeded) diagonal elements # to NaN, to ensure they are actually unneeded # off-diagonal elements other than gtX should be zero # due to symmetry g = np.array([[gtt, gtX, 0.0, 0.0], [gtX, gXX, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, np.inf, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, np.inf]]) gu = np.linalg.inv(g) # enforce the momentum to be a null vector # otherwise the curve stops being null rapidly: term_sqrt = np.sqrt(gtX * gtX - gtt * gXX) mom_X = (- gtX + term_sqrt ) * mom_t / gXX G = np.zeros((4, 4, 4)) G[0, 0, 0] = 0.5 * gtt_dt G[0, 1, 1] = -0.5 * gXX_dt + gtX_dX G[0, 0, 1] = 0.5 * gtt_dX G[0, 1, 0] = G[0, 0, 1] G[1, 1, 1] = 0.5 * gXX_dX G[1, 0, 0] = -0.5 * gtt_dX + gtX_dt G[1, 0, 1] = 0.5 * gXX_dt G[1, 1, 0] = G[1, 0, 1] Gu = np.einsum('ij,jkl->ikl', gu, G) rhs_mom_t = -(Gu[0, 0, 0] * mom_t * mom_t + 2.0 * Gu[0, 1, 0] * mom_X * mom_t + Gu[0, 1, 1] * mom_X * mom_X) rhs_mom_X = -(Gu[1, 0, 0] * mom_t * mom_t + 2.0 * Gu[1, 1, 0] * mom_X * mom_t + Gu[1, 1, 1] * mom_X * mom_X) return np.array([mom_t, mom_X, rhs_mom_t, rhs_mom_X]) def _null_geodesic_kernel(times, t0, events, pu_t_0, gtt, gtt_dX, gtt_dt, gXX, gXX_dX, gXX_dt, gtX, gtX_dX, gtX_dt): gtt_0 = gtt(t0, 0.0).flatten()[0] gXX_0 = gXX(t0, 0.0).flatten()[0] gtX_0 = gtX(t0, 0.0).flatten()[0] term_t = gtX_0 * pu_t_0 pu_X_0 = (-term_t + np.sqrt(term_t * term_t - gtt_0 * gXX_0 * pu_t_0 * pu_t_0)) / gXX_0 args = { # workaround for older versions of scipy not supporting args for fun 'fun' : lambda t, x: \ _null_geodesic_axis_rhs(t, x, gtt, gtt_dX, gtt_dt, gXX, gXX_dX, gXX_dt, gtX, gtX_dX, gtX_dt), 't_span' : (0.0, 1e6), 'y0' : (t0, 0.0, pu_t_0, pu_X_0), 'method' : 'RK45', 'dense_output' : True, 'events' : events, 'rtol' : 1e-4, 'atol' : 1e-6, } sol_fwd = None if t0 < times[-1]: sol = solve_ivp(**args) if sol.status != 1: raise ValueError('solver status from t0=%g: %d' % (t0, sol.status)) sol_fwd = sol.sol sol_back = None if t0 > times[0]: args['t_span'] = (0.0, -1e6) sol = solve_ivp(**args) if sol.status != 1: raise ValueError('solver status from t0=%g: %d' % (t0, sol.status)) sol_back = sol.sol if sol_fwd is not None and sol_back is not None: # combine forward and backward solutions return OdeSolution(np.concatenate((sol_back.ts[::-1][:-1], sol_fwd.ts)), sol_back.interpolants[::-1] + sol_fwd.interpolants) elif sol_fwd is not None: return sol_fwd return sol_back # terminate integration on reaching the simulation time boundaries def _events_bnd_null_geodesics(times, spatial_coords): def event_t_bound_upper(Lambda, y, *args): t = y[0] return t - times[-1] event_t_bound_upper.terminal = True event_t_bound_upper.direction = 1.0 def event_t_bound_lower(Lambda, y, *args): t = y[0] return t - times[0] event_t_bound_lower.terminal = True event_t_bound_lower.direction = -1.0 def event_x_bound_upper(Lambda, y, *args): x = y[1] return x - spatial_coords[-1] event_x_bound_upper.terminal = True event_x_bound_upper.direction = 1.0 def event_x_bound_lower(Lambda, y, *args): x = y[1] return x - spatial_coords[0] event_x_bound_lower.terminal = True event_x_bound_lower.direction = -1.0 return [event_t_bound_upper, event_t_bound_lower, event_x_bound_upper, event_x_bound_lower] def null_geodesics(times, X, gXX, gtt, gtX = None, pu_t_0 = None, interp_order = 6, integrate_times=None): """ Compute null geodesics along a axis, assuming zero shift. For every coordinate time times[i], integrate a null geodesic from (t=times[i], x=0) forward and backward in time. :param array_like times: 1D array of coordinate times at which gXX and gtt are provided, must be uniform :param array_like X: 1D array of spatial coordinates at which gXX and gtt are provided, must be uniform :param array_like gXX: 2D array containing the values of the XX component of the spacetime metric. gXX[i, j] is the value at spacetime point (t=times[i], x=X[j]) :param array_like gtt: 2D array containing the values of the tt component of the spacetime metric, analogous to gXX. :param array_like gtX: 2D array containing the values of the tX component of the spacetime metric, analogous to gXX. Assumed to be zero if not provided. :param array_like pu_t_0: 1D array of the same shape as times containing initial time component of the 4-momentum p^t for the null geodesic shot from each time coordinate. Defaults to 1.0 for each geodesic if not supplied. :param int interp_order: order of the Lagrange interpolation used for gXX and gtt. :return: A len(times)-sized list of scipy.integrate.OdeSolution, each describing the null geodesic shot from the corresponding coordinate time. """ dt = times[1] - times[0] dX = X[1] - X[0] if gtX is None: gtX = np.zeros_like(gXX) gXX_dt = diff.fd8(gXX, 0, dt) gXX_dX = diff.fd8(gXX, 1, dX) gtt_dt = diff.fd8(gtt, 0, dt) gtt_dX = diff.fd8(gtt, 1, dX) gtX_dt = diff.fd8(gtX, 0, dt) gtX_dX = diff.fd8(gtX, 1, dX) gXX_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([times[0], X[0]], [dt, dX], gXX, interp_order) gXX_dX_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([times[0], X[0]], [dt, dX], gXX_dX, interp_order) gXX_dt_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([times[0], X[0]], [dt, dX], gXX_dt, interp_order) gtt_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([times[0], X[0]], [dt, dX], gtt, interp_order) gtt_dX_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([times[0], X[0]], [dt, dX], gtt_dX, interp_order) gtt_dt_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([times[0], X[0]], [dt, dX], gtt_dt, interp_order) gtX_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([times[0], X[0]], [dt, dX], gtX, interp_order) gtX_dX_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([times[0], X[0]], [dt, dX], gtX_dX, interp_order) gtX_dt_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([times[0], X[0]], [dt, dX], gtX_dt, interp_order) events = _events_bnd_null_geodesics(times, X) ret = [] if integrate_times is None: integrate_times = times for i, t0 in enumerate(integrate_times): pu_t_0_val = 1.0 if pu_t_0 is None else pu_t_0[i] ret.append(_null_geodesic_kernel(times, t0, events, pu_t_0_val, gtt_interp, gtt_dX_interp, gtt_dt_interp, gXX_interp, gXX_dX_interp, gXX_dt_interp, gtX_interp, gtX_dX_interp, gtX_dt_interp)) return ret def coord_similarity(times, X, T, gXX, gtt, gtX = None, g = None, lambda_max = None, lambda_points = 1 << 8): """ Compute null similarity coordinates, assuming zero shift. :param array_like times: 1D array of coordinate times at which gXX and gtt are provided, must be uniform :param array_like X: 1D array of spatial coordinates at which gXX and gtt are provided, must be uniform :param array_like T: 1D array of slow time T corresponding to coordinate times. :param array_like gXX: 2D array containing the values of the XX component of the spacetime metric. gXX[i, j] is the value at spacetime point (t=times[i], x=X[j]) :param array_like gtt: 2D array containing the values of the tt component of the spacetime metric analogous to gXX. :param array_like gtX: 2D array containing the values of the tX component of the spacetime metric analogous to gXX. Assumed to be zero if not provided. :param g: Optional list of pre-computed geodesics, as returned by null_geodesics(). Computed by this function if not supplied. :param lambda_max: maximum value of the affine parameter λ. :param lambda_points: number of points in the λ direction :return: Tuple of (T, λ, X(T, λ), t(T, λ)). T and λ are 1D arrays (not necessarily uniform) specifying the similarity coordinates. X() and t() are 2D arrays with shapes (T.shape + λ.shape) containing the values of X and t at corresponding (T, λ) coordinates. """ if g is None: g = null_geodesics(times, X, gXX, gtt, gtX) sim_coord_valid = np.isfinite(T) T_valid = T[sim_coord_valid] t_valid = times[sim_coord_valid] if lambda_max is None: g_valid = np.array(g, dtype = np.object)[sim_coord_valid] lambda_max = min([c.t_max for c in g_valid]) lambda_uniform = np.linspace(0., lambda_max, lambda_points) dT_dt = diff.fd8(T_valid, 0, t_valid[1] - t_valid[0]) X_of_Tl = np.empty(T_valid.shape + lambda_uniform.shape) t_of_Tl = np.empty_like(X_of_Tl) for i in range(X_of_Tl.shape[0]): gg = g[i] t_val = t_valid[i] T_val = T_valid[i] # the geodesics integrated above normalize the affine parameter λ so that # dt/dλ (λ=0) = 1 # which makes the result dependent on the time coordinate # to make this coordinate-invariant we rescale the affine parameter for # each geodesic such that initially # (dt/dλ) = 1 / (dT /dt) # cf. Baumgarte, Gundlach, Hilditch 'Critical phenomena in the # gravitational collapse of electromagnetic waves' (2019), third-to-last # paragraph on page 2 lambda_scaled = lambda_uniform / dT_dt[i] vals = gg(lambda_scaled)[:2] t_of_Tl[i] = np.where(lambda_scaled <= gg.t_max, vals[0], np.nan) X_of_Tl[i] = np.where(lambda_scaled <= gg.t_max, vals[1], np.nan) return T_valid, lambda_uniform, X_of_Tl, t_of_Tl