import ctypes from errno import ENOENT import numpy as np def interp1d(src_start, src_step, src_val, dst_coords, stencil): idx_src = ((dst_coords - src_start) / src_step - (stencil / 2 - 1)).astype(int) idx_src = np.minimum(np.maximum(idx_src, 0), len(src_val) - stencil) src_coord = np.linspace(src_start, src_start + src_step * (src_val.shape[0] - 1), src_val.shape[0], dtype = src_val.dtype) fact = np.zeros((stencil, ) + idx_src.shape, dtype = src_val.dtype) + 1.0 for i in range(stencil): for j in range(stencil): if i == j: continue fact[i] *= (dst_coords - src_coord[idx_src + j]) / (src_coord[idx_src + i] - src_coord[idx_src + j]) ret = np.zeros_like(dst_coords, dtype = src_val.dtype) for i in range(stencil): ret += fact[i] * src_val[idx_src + i] return ret def interp1d_irregular(src_coord, src_val, dst_coord, stencil): idx_src = np.empty(dst_coord.shape, dtype = int) for i, dc in enumerate(dst_coord): idx_src[i] = np.where(src_coord - dc < 0, src_coord, -np.inf).argmax() - stencil / 2 + 1 fact = np.zeros((stencil, ) + idx_src.shape, dtype = src_val.dtype) + 1.0 for i in range(stencil): for j in range(stencil): if i == j: continue fact[i] *= (dst_coord - src_coord[idx_src + j]) / (src_coord[idx_src + i] - src_coord[idx_src + j]) ret = np.zeros_like(dst_coord, dtype = src_val.dtype) for i in range(stencil): ret += fact[i] * src_val[idx_src + i] return ret def interp2d(src_start, src_step, src_val, dst_coords, stencil): ret = np.zeros_like(dst_coords[0], dtype = src_val.dtype) idx_src = [] fact = [] for dim in range(len(src_start)): src_coord = np.linspace(src_start[dim], src_start[dim] + src_step[dim] * (src_val.shape[dim] - 1), src_val.shape[dim], dtype = src_val.dtype) idx = ((dst_coords[dim] - src_start[dim]) / src_step[dim] - (stencil / 2 - 1)).astype(int) f = np.zeros((stencil, ) + idx.shape, dtype = src_val.dtype) + 1.0 for i in range(stencil): for j in range(stencil): if i == j: continue f[i] *= (dst_coords[dim] - src_coord[idx + j]) / (src_coord[idx + i] - src_coord[idx + j]) idx_src.append(idx) fact.append(f) for i in range(stencil): val = np.zeros_like(ret) for j in range(stencil): val += fact[1][j] * src_val[idx_src[0] + i, idx_src[1] + j] ret += fact[0][i] * val return ret _doubleptr = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double) class LibError(Exception): _errmsg = """ Cannot load the interpolation library. Make sure you've built it (run 'make') and the dynamic loader can locate it (e.g. add the directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH). """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(self._errmsg) class Interp2D_C: _lib = None _interp_func = None _src_start_c = None _src_step_c = None _src_val_c = None _src_stride_c = None _src_len_c = None _x = None _y = None _ret = None _x_c = None _y_c = None _ret_c = None def __init__(self, src_start, src_step, src_val, stencil): try: self._lib = ctypes.CDLL('') except OSError as e: raise LibError func = getattr(self._lib, 'interp2d_%d' % stencil) func.argtypes = [_doubleptr, _doubleptr, _doubleptr, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int), ctypes.c_int, _doubleptr, _doubleptr, _doubleptr] self._interp_func = func self._src_start_c = (ctypes.c_double * 2)(src_start[0], src_start[1]) self._src_step_c = (ctypes.c_double * 2)(src_step[0], src_step[1]) self._src_val_c = ctypes.cast(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(src_val), _doubleptr) self._src_stride_c = (ctypes.c_int * 2)(src_val.strides[0] // 8, src_val.strides[1] // 8) self._src_len_c = (ctypes.c_int * 2)(src_val.shape[0], src_val.shape[1]) self._setup_arrays((1,)) def _setup_arrays(self, shape): self._x = np.empty(shape) self._y = np.empty(shape) self._ret = np.empty(shape) self._x_c = ctypes.cast(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(self._x), _doubleptr) self._y_c = ctypes.cast(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(self._y), _doubleptr) self._ret_c = ctypes.cast(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(self._ret), _doubleptr) def interp(self, x, y): try: x.shape[0] except (AttributeError, IndexError): x = np.array([x]) try: y.shape[0] except (AttributeError, IndexError): y = np.array([y]) x_interp = x.flatten() y_interp = y.flatten() if x_interp.shape != self._x.shape: self._setup_arrays(x_interp.shape) np.copyto(self._x, x_interp) np.copyto(self._y, y_interp) self._interp_func(self._src_start_c, self._src_step_c, self._src_val_c, self._src_stride_c, self._src_len_c, self._x.shape[0], self._x_c, self._y_c, self._ret_c) return self._ret.copy().reshape(x.shape) def __call__(self, x, y): return self.interp(x, y)