from enum import Enum, auto import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, interp1d from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp, OdeSolution from . import interp def _photon_dXdt(t, coord, sign, gXX, gtt, gXt): """ Null curve equation RHS (not a geodesic - not affinely parametrized). gXX dX^2 + 2 gXt dX dt - gtt dt^2 = 0 => dx / dt = (-gXt ± √(gXt^2 - gXX gtt)) / gXX """ gXt_val = gXt(t, coord) gXX_val = gXX(t, coord) gtt_val = gtt(t, coord) return ((-gXt_val + sign * np.sqrt((gXt_val ** 2) - gtt_val * gXX_val)) / gXX_val).flatten()[0] # terminate integration on reaching the outer boundaries def _events_bnd(X_span): def event_x_bound_upper(t, x, sign, *args): return x[0] - X_span[1] event_x_bound_upper.terminal = True event_x_bound_upper.direction = 1.0 def event_x_bound_lower(t, x, sign, *args): return x[0] - X_span[0] event_x_bound_lower.terminal = True event_x_bound_lower.direction = -1.0 return [event_x_bound_upper, event_x_bound_lower] def _kernel_time(t_span, dt, origin, sign, gXX, gXt, gtt, events): sol_fwd = None if t_span[1] - origin > dt: sol = solve_ivp(_photon_dXdt, (origin, t_span[1]), (0,), method = 'RK45', args = (sign, gXX, gtt, gXt), dense_output = True, events = events, rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-8) sol_fwd = sol.sol sol_back = None if origin - t_span[0] > dt: sol = solve_ivp(_photon_dXdt, (origin, t_span[0]), (0,), method = 'RK45', args = (sign, gXX, gtt, gXt), dense_output = True, events = events, rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-8) sol_back = sol.sol if sol_fwd is not None and sol_back is not None: # combine forward and backward solutions return OdeSolution(np.concatenate((sol_back.ts[::-1][:-1], sol_fwd.ts)), sol_back.interpolants[::-1] + sol_fwd.interpolants) elif sol_fwd is not None: return sol_fwd return sol_back def _kernel_space(t_span, dt, origin, sign, gXX, gXt, gtt, events): sol = solve_ivp(_photon_dXdt, t_span, (origin,), method = 'RK45', args = (sign, gXX, gtt, gXt), dense_output = True, events = events, rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-8) return sol.sol class Curves(Enum): SPATIAL_FORWARD = auto() "photons are traced forward in time from (t=times[0], X=spatial_coords[i])" SPATIAL_BACK = auto() "photons are traced backward in time from (t=times[-1], X=spatial_coords[i])" TEMPORAL = auto() """ photons are traced both forward and backward in time from (t=times[i], X=0); the forward and backward segment are combined to form the resulting curve """ def _null_curves(t_span, dt, X_span, dX, origins, gXX, gXt, gtt, kind, interp_order): gXX_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([min(t_span), X_span[0]], [dt, dX], gXX, interp_order) gXt_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([min(t_span), X_span[0]], [dt, dX], gXt, interp_order) \ if gXt is not None else lambda t, X: 0.0 gtt_interp = interp.Interp2D_C([min(t_span), X_span[0]], [dt, dX], gtt, interp_order) kernel = _kernel_time if kind == Curves.TEMPORAL else _kernel_space events = _events_bnd(X_span) rays_pos = [] rays_neg = [] for tgt, sign in ((rays_pos, 1.0), (rays_neg, -1.0)): for i, origin in enumerate(origins): tgt.append(kernel(t_span, dt, origin, sign, gXX_interp, gXt_interp, gtt_interp, events)) return (rays_pos, rays_neg) def null_curves(times, spatial_coords, gXX, gXt, gtt, kind = Curves.SPATIAL_FORWARD, interp_order = 6): """ Compute null curves along a given axis. Shoot a null ray from each point in spatial_coords, in the positive and negative spatial direction and compute its trajectory. :param array_like times: 1D array of coordinate times at which the spacetime curvature is provided :param array_like spatial_coords: 1D array of spatial coordinates :param array_like gXX: 2D array containing the values of the XX component of the spacetime metric, where X is the spatial coordinate along which the rays are traced. gXX[i, j] is the value at spacetime point (t=times[i], X=spatial_coords[j]). :param array_like gXt: same as gXX, but for the Xt component of the metric :param array_like gtt: same as gXX, but for the tt component of the metric :param Curves kind: specifies where to integrate the curves from :param int interp_order: Order of interpolation used for metric quantities. :return: Tuple of (ray_times, rays_pos, rays_neg). rays_*[i, j] contains the X-coordinate of the ray shot from (t=ray_times[0], X=spatial_coords[i]) at time t=ray_times[j]. """ origins = times if kind == Curves.TEMPORAL else spatial_coords ray_times = times[::-1] if kind == Curves.SPATIAL_BACK else times t_span = [ray_times[0], ray_times[-1]] X_span = [spatial_coords[0], spatial_coords[-1]] dt = times[1] - times[0] dX = spatial_coords[1] - spatial_coords[0] # integrate the null curves, as lists of OdeSolution pos, neg = _null_curves(t_span, dt, X_span, dX, origins, gXX, gXt, gtt, kind, interp_order) # evaluate the null curves on the provided coordinates rays_pos = np.empty((origins.shape[0], times.shape[0])) rays_neg = np.empty_like(rays_pos) for tgt, curves in ((rays_pos, pos), (rays_neg, neg)): for i, c in enumerate(curves): tgt[i] = c(ray_times) # do not extrapolate beyond solution range tgt[i, ray_times < c.t_min] = np.nan tgt[i, ray_times > c.t_max] = np.nan return (ray_times, rays_pos, rays_neg) def null_coordinates(times, spatial_coords, u_rays, v_rays, gXX, gXt, gtt, kind = Curves.SPATIAL_FORWARD): """ Compute double-null coordinates (u, v) as functions of position and time. :param array_like times: 1D array of coordinate times at which the spacetime curvature is provided :param array_like spatial_coords: 1D array of spatial coordinates :param array_like u_rays: 1D array assigning the values of u on the initial time slice. u_rays[i] is the value of u at X=spatial_coords[i]. :param array_like v_rays: same as u_rays, but for v. :param array_like gXX: 2D array containing the values of the XX component of the spacetime metric, where X is the spatial coordinate along which the rays are traced. gXX[i, j] is the value at spacetime point (t=times[i], X=spatial_coords[j]). :param array_like gXt: same as gXX, but for the Xt component of the metric :param array_like gtt: same as gXX, but for the tt component of the metric :return: tuple containing two 2D arrays with, respectively, values of u and v as functions of t and X. u/v[i, j] is the value of u/v at t=times[i], X=spatial_coords[j]. """ _, X_of_ut, X_of_vt = null_curves(times, spatial_coords, gXX, gXt, gtt, kind = kind) u_of_tx = np.empty((times.shape[0], spatial_coords.shape[0])) v_of_tx = np.empty_like(u_of_tx) for i, t in enumerate(times): Xu = X_of_ut[:, i] Xv = X_of_vt[:, i] u_of_tx[i] = interp1d(Xu, u_rays, bounds_error = False)(spatial_coords) v_of_tx[i] = interp1d(Xv, v_rays, bounds_error = False)(spatial_coords) return (u_of_tx, v_of_tx) def null_coordinates_inv(t, X, uv, gXX, gXt, gtt, *, uv_times = None, interp_order = 6): """ Compute values of (t, X) on a uniform grid in double-null coordinates (U, V). :param array_like t: 1D array of coordinate times at which the spacetime curvature is provided :param array_like X: 1D array of spatial coordinates :param array_like uv: 1D array of values of U/V values on the symmetry axis. Every value coresponds to the appropriate element in uv_times, i.e. uv[i] = U(t = uv_times[i], X = 0). :param array_like gXX: 2D array containing the values of the XX component of the spacetime metric, where X is the spatial coordinate along which the rays are traced. gXX[i, j] is the value at spacetime point (t=times[i], X=spatial_coords[j]). :param array_like gXt: same as gXX, but for the Xt component of the metric :param array_like gtt: same as gXX, but for the tt component of the metric :param array_like uv_times: 1D array of coordinate times corresponding to uv; may be None, in which case t is used instead :return: tuple containing two 2D arrays with, respectively, values of T and X as functions of U and V. Tuv[i, j] is the value of T at U=uv[i], V=uv[j]. """ t_span = [t[0], t[-1]] dt = t[1] - t[0] if np.any(np.abs((t[1:] - t[:-1]) - dt) > 1e-6 * dt): raise ValueError("Non-uniform t-grid") X_span = [X[0], X[-1]] dX = X[1] - X[0] if np.any(np.abs((X[1:] - X[:-1]) - dX) > 1e-6 * dX): raise ValueError("Non-uniform X-grid") uv_times = t if uv_times is None else uv_times if uv.shape != uv_times.shape: raise ValueError("Shape of uv must match uv_times: %s != %s" % (uv.shape, uv_times.shape)) pos, neg = _null_curves(t_span, dt, X_span, dX, uv_times, gXX, gXt, gtt, Curves.TEMPORAL, interp_order) # interpolator for V(t, X) # FIXME: integrates the curves again at different times # (uniform in U/V vs uniform in X/t) if uv_times is t: uv_t = uv else: uv_t = interp1d(uv_times, uv, bounds_error = False)(t) _, vtx_vals = null_coordinates(t, X, uv_t, uv_t, gXX, gXt, gtt, kind = Curves.TEMPORAL) Vtx = interp.Interp2D_C([t[0], X[0]], [dt, dX], vtx_vals, interp_order) Xuv = np.empty(uv.shape * 2) Tuv = np.empty_like(Xuv) for i in range(uv.shape[0]): # X(t) at constant U=uv[i] xt_u = pos[i] # uniform t grid along the curve t_uniform = np.linspace(xt_u.t_min, xt_u.t_max, 2 * uv.shape[0]) # values of V(t, X(t)) at this t-grid along the curve v_vals = Vtx(t_uniform, xt_u(t_uniform)) # finally invert V(t) into t(V) on a uniform V-grid Tuv[i] = interp1d(v_vals, t_uniform, bounds_error = False)(uv) Xuv[i] = xt_u(Tuv[i]) return Tuv, Xuv