import time import datetime from clPlugin import * SCROBBLER_USERNAME_DEFAULT='' SCROBBLER_PASSWORD_DEFAULT='' # TODO cached failed submissions class pluginScrobbler(Plugin): submitted=False time=None loggedIn=False def __init__(self, winMain): Plugin.__init__(self, winMain, 'Scrobbler') self.addMontyListener('onSongChange', self.onSongChange) self.addMontyListener('onTimeChange', self.onTimeChange) def _load(self): self._login() def _login(self): self.submitting=False self.loggedIn=False if self._username(): self.normal("logging in %s"%(self._username())) try: login(self._username(), self._password()) self.loggedIn=True except Exception, e: self.normal("failed to login: "+str(e)) else: self.debug("no username provided, not logging in") def _username(self): return self.getSetting('username') def _password(self): return self.getSetting('password') def onTimeChange(self, params): if self.submitted==False and self.loggedIn: song=monty.getCurrentSong() if song.getTag('time')>30: if int(params['newTime'])>int(song.getTag('time'))/2 \ or int(params['newTime'])>240: if not self.time: self.onSongChange(None) self.normal("submitting song") submit(song.getArtist(), song.getTitle(), self.time, 'P', '', song.getTag('time'), song.getAlbum(), song.getTrack(), False) self.debug("flushing ...") try: flush() self.submitted=True except Exception, e: self.important("failed to submit song1 - %s"%(e)) self.extended("Logging in ...") self._login() try: flush() self.submitted=True except Exception, e: self.important("failed to submit song2 - %s"%(e)) if self.submitted: self.debug("flushed") else: self.important("failed to submit the song!") def onSongChange(self, params): if self.loggedIn==False: return self.time=int(time.mktime(datetime.utcnow().timetuple())) self.submitted=False song=monty.getCurrentSong() # for loop: in case of SessionError, we need to retry once ... for i in [0, 1]: try: self.extended("submitting now playing") now_playing(song.getArtist(), song.getTitle(), song.getAlbum(), "", song.getTrack()) self.debug("submitted") break except AuthError, e: self.important("failed to submit playing song - %s"%(e)) break except SessionError, e: self.normal("session error") self._login() def _getSettings(self): return [ ['username', 'Username', 'Username to submit to', QtGui.QLineEdit(self._username())], ['password', 'Password', 'Password to user to submit. Note that the password is stored *unencrypted* to file.', QtGui.QLineEdit(self._password())], ] def afterSaveSettings(self): self._login() def getInfo(self): return "Submits tracks to" # Big thank you, # !" """ A pure-python library to assist sending data to AudioScrobbler (the LastFM backend) """ import urllib, urllib2 from time import mktime from datetime import datetime, timedelta from md5 import md5 SESSION_ID = None POST_URL = None NOW_URL = None HARD_FAILS = 0 LAST_HS = None # Last handshake time HS_DELAY = 0 # wait this many seconds until next handshake SUBMIT_CACHE = [] MAX_CACHE = 5 # keep only this many songs in the cache PROTOCOL_VERSION = '1.2' class BackendError(Exception): "Raised if the AS backend does something funny" pass class AuthError(Exception): "Raised on authencitation errors" pass class PostError(Exception): "Raised if something goes wrong when posting data to AS" pass class SessionError(Exception): "Raised when problems with the session exist" pass class ProtocolError(Exception): "Raised on general Protocol errors" pass def login( user, password, client=('tst', '1.0') ): """Authencitate with AS (The Handshake) @param user: The username @param password: The password @param client: Client information (see for more info) @type client: Tuple: (client-id, client-version)""" global LAST_HS, SESSION_ID, POST_URL, NOW_URL, HARD_FAILS, HS_DELAY, PROTOCOL_VERSION if LAST_HS is not None: next_allowed_hs = LAST_HS + timedelta(seconds=HS_DELAY) if < next_allowed_hs: delta = next_allowed_hs - raise ProtocolError("""Please wait another %d seconds until next handshake (login) attempt.""" % delta.seconds) LAST_HS = tstamp = int(mktime( url = "" pwhash = md5(password).hexdigest() token = md5( "%s%d" % (pwhash, int(tstamp))).hexdigest() values = { 'hs': 'true', 'p' : PROTOCOL_VERSION, 'c': client[0], 'v': client[1], 'u': user, 't': tstamp, 'a': token } data = urllib.urlencode(values) req = urllib2.Request("%s?%s" % (url, data) ) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) result = lines = result.split('\n') if lines[0] == 'BADAUTH': raise AuthError('Bad username/password') elif lines[0] == 'BANNED': raise Exception('''This client-version was banned by Audioscrobbler. Please contact the author of this module!''') elif lines[0] == 'BADTIME': raise ValueError('''Your system time is out of sync with Audioscrobbler.Consider using an NTP-client to keep you system time in sync.''') elif lines[0].startswith('FAILED'): handle_hard_error() raise BackendError("Authencitation with AS failed. Reason: %s" % lines[0]) elif lines[0] == 'OK': # wooooooohooooooo. We made it! SESSION_ID = lines[1] NOW_URL = lines[2] POST_URL = lines[3] HARD_FAILS = 0 else: # some hard error handle_hard_error() def handle_hard_error(): "Handles hard errors." global SESSION_ID, HARD_FAILS, HS_DELAY if HS_DELAY == 0: HS_DELAY = 60 elif HS_DELAY < 120*60: HS_DELAY *= 2 if HS_DELAY > 120*60: HS_DELAY = 120*60 HARD_FAILS += 1 if HARD_FAILS == 3: SESSION_ID = None def now_playing( artist, track, album="", length="", trackno="", mbid="" ): """Tells audioscrobbler what is currently running in your player. This won't affect the user-profile on To do submissions, use the "submit" method @param artist: The artist name @param track: The track name @param album: The album name @param length: The song length in seconds @param trackno: The track number @param mbid: The MusicBrainz Track ID @return: True on success, False on failure""" global SESSION_ID, NOW_URL if SESSION_ID is None: raise AuthError("Please 'login()' first. (No session available)") if POST_URL is None: raise PostError("Unable to post data. Post URL was empty!") if length != "" and type(length) != type(1): raise TypeError("length should be of type int") if trackno != "" and type(trackno) != type(1): raise TypeError("trackno should be of type int") values = {'s': SESSION_ID, 'a': unicode(artist).encode('utf-8'), 't': unicode(track).encode('utf-8'), 'b': unicode(album).encode('utf-8'), 'l': length, 'n': trackno, 'm': mbid } data = urllib.urlencode(values) req = urllib2.Request(NOW_URL, data) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) result = if result.strip() == "OK": return True elif result.strip() == "BADSESSION" : raise SessionError('Invalid session') else: return False def submit(artist, track, time, source='P', rating="", length="", album="", trackno="", mbid="", autoflush=False): """Append a song to the submission cache. Use 'flush()' to send the cache to AS. You can also set "autoflush" to True. From the Audioscrobbler protocol docs: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The client should monitor the user's interaction with the music playing service to whatever extent the service allows. In order to qualify for submission all of the following criteria must be met: 1. The track must be submitted once it has finished playing. Whether it has finished playing naturally or has been manually stopped by the user is irrelevant. 2. The track must have been played for a duration of at least 240 seconds or half the track's total length, whichever comes first. Skipping or pausing the track is irrelevant as long as the appropriate amount has been played. 3. The total playback time for the track must be more than 30 seconds. Do not submit tracks shorter than this. 4. Unless the client has been specially configured, it should not attempt to interpret filename information to obtain metadata instead of tags (ID3, etc). @param artist: Artist name @param track: Track name @param time: Time the track *started* playing in the UTC timezone (see datetime.utcnow()). Example: int(time.mktime(datetime.utcnow())) @param source: Source of the track. One of: 'P': Chosen by the user 'R': Non-personalised broadcast (e.g. Shoutcast, BBC Radio 1) 'E': Personalised recommendation except (e.g. Pandora, Launchcast) 'L': (any mode). In this case, the 5-digit recommendation key must be appended to this source ID to prove the validity of the submission (for example, "L1b48a"). 'U': Source unknown @param rating: The rating of the song. One of: 'L': Love (on any mode if the user has manually loved the track) 'B': Ban (only if source=L) 'S': Skip (only if source=L) '': Not applicable @param length: The song length in seconds @param album: The album name @param trackno:The track number @param mbid: MusicBrainz Track ID @param autoflush: Automatically flush the cache to AS? """ global SUBMIT_CACHE, MAX_CACHE source = source.upper() rating = rating.upper() if source == 'L' and (rating == 'B' or rating == 'S'): raise ProtocolError("""You can only use rating 'B' or 'S' on source 'L'.See the docs!""") if source == 'P' and length == '': raise ProtocolError("""Song length must be specified when using 'P' as source!""") if type(time) != type(1): raise ValueError("""The time parameter must be of type int (unix timestamp). Instead it was %s""" % time) SUBMIT_CACHE.append( { 'a': unicode(artist).encode('utf-8'), 't': unicode(track).encode('utf-8'), 'i': time, 'o': source, 'r': rating, 'l': length, 'b': unicode(album).encode('utf-8'), 'n': trackno, 'm': mbid } ) if autoflush or len(SUBMIT_CACHE) >= MAX_CACHE: flush() def flush(): "Sends the cached songs to AS." global SUBMIT_CACHE values = {} for i, item in enumerate(SUBMIT_CACHE): for key in item: values[key + "[%d]" % i] = item[key] values['s'] = SESSION_ID data = urllib.urlencode(values) req = urllib2.Request(POST_URL, data) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) result = lines = result.split('\n') if lines[0] == "OK": SUBMIT_CACHE = [] return True elif lines[0] == "BADSESSION" : raise SessionError('Invalid session') elif lines[0].startswith('FAILED'): handle_hard_error() raise BackendError("Authencitation with AS failed. Reason: %s" % lines[0]) else: # some hard error handle_hard_error() return False if __name__ == "__main__": login( 'user', 'password' ) submit( 'De/Vision', 'Scars', 1192374052, source='P', length=3*60+44 ) submit( 'Spineshank', 'Beginning of the End', 1192374052+(5*60), source='P', length=3*60+32 ) submit( 'Dry Cell', 'Body Crumbles', 1192374052+(10*60), source='P', length=3*60+3 ) print flush()