import numpy as np class SeriesExpansion(object): """ An N-dimensional function approximated as a series expansion in some chosen basis """ _dim = None _coeffs = None _basis = None def __init__(self, coeffs, basis): self._dim = coeffs.ndim self._coeffs = coeffs # for 1D, allow passing just the basis object itself # without being wrapped in an iterable if self._dim == 1: try: basis[0] except (TypeError, IndexError): basis = [basis] if len(basis) != coeffs.ndim: raise ValueError('Mismatching number of coefficient and basis functions') self._basis = basis @property def coeffs(self): return self._coeffs @property def basis(self): return self._basis def eval(self, coords, diff_order = None): # for 1D, allow passing just the plain array of coords # without being wrapped in an iterable if self._dim == 1: try: coords[0][0] except (TypeError, IndexError): coords = [coords] if diff_order is not None: try: diff_order[0] except (TypeError, IndexError): diff_order = [diff_order] if diff_order is None: diff_order = [0] * len(coords) shape = [len(c) for c in coords] ret = np.zeros(shape) basis_vals = [] for i, (b, c, d) in enumerate(zip(self._basis, coords, diff_order)): val = [] for idx in xrange(self._coeffs.shape[i]): val.append(b.eval(idx, c, d)) basis_vals.append(val) if self._dim == 1: for c, val in zip(self._coeffs, basis_vals[0]): ret += val * c return ret elif self._dim == 2: for i in xrange(self._coeffs.shape[0]): for j in xrange(self._coeffs.shape[1]): ret += self._coeffs[i, j] * np.outer(basis_vals[0][i], basis_vals[1][j]) return ret else: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported number of dimensions')