# coding=utf-8 import numpy as np import sys import series_expansion def _nonlin_solve_1d_iter(prev, grid, basis_vals, Fs, args): order = grid.shape[0] N = len(Fs) # evaluate the previous iteration on the grid prev_vals = [] for diff_order in xrange(N - 1): prev_vals.append(prev.eval(grid, diff_order)) # evaluate the RHS functions using the previous iteration F_vals = [] for F in Fs: F_vals.append(F(grid, prev_vals, args)) # TODO should be doable with fewer explicit loops mat = np.copy(basis_vals[-1]) for idx in xrange(order): for diff_order in xrange(N - 1): mat[:, idx] -= basis_vals[diff_order][:, idx] * F_vals[diff_order + 1] rhs = F_vals[0] for diff_order in xrange(N - 1): rhs -= F_vals[diff_order + 1] * prev_vals[diff_order] return series_expansion.SeriesExpansion(np.linalg.solve(mat, rhs), prev.basis) def nonlin_solve_1d(initial_guess, Fs, args, maxiter = 100, atol = 1e-14, grid = None, verbose = True): """ Solve a non-linear ODE using a spectral method with Newton iteration. The ODE is expected to be of the form d^n u ----- = F(x, u(x), u'(x), u''(x), ... , u^(n-1)(x)) dx^n Args: initial_guess (SeriesExpansion): The initial guess, from which the iteration is started. The spectral basis and its order are inferred from the initial guess. Fs (list of callables): The right-hand side of the ODE and its variational derivatives. I.e. Fs[0] is F, Fs[i] is δF / δu^(i). The order of the equation n is determined by the length of Fs minus one. Each callable must accept 3 parameters: - a numpy array containing the values of x - an iterable of n numpy arrays containing the values of u and its derivatives at x - a tuple of additional parameters passed to nonlin_solve_1d as args args (tuple): Extra parameters passed to the Fs. maxiter: Maximum number of iterations done by the solver. atol: the difference between the coefficients in subsequent iterations below which convergence is assumed. grid: If non-None, the collocation grid to use. If left as None, the default grid from the basis object is used. Returns: The solution to the equation (a SeriesExpansion object). Raises: RuntimeError: If the iteration fails to converge. """ N = len(Fs) order = len(initial_guess.coeffs) if grid is None: grid = initial_guess.basis[0].colloc_grid(order) # precompute the values of the basis functions and their derivatives # at the grid basis = initial_guess.basis[0] basis_vals = [] for diff_order in xrange(N): basis_val = np.empty((order, order)) for idx in xrange(order): basis_val[:, idx] = basis.eval(idx, grid, diff_order) basis_vals.append(basis_val) solution_old = initial_guess for i in xrange(maxiter): solution_new = _nonlin_solve_1d_iter(solution_old, grid, basis_vals, Fs, args) delta = np.max(np.abs(solution_new.coeffs - solution_old.coeffs)) if np.isnan(delta): raise RuntimeError('nan') if verbose: sys.stderr.write('delta: %g, coeffs[0]: %g\n' % (delta, solution_new.coeffs[0])) if delta < atol: return solution_new solution_old = solution_new raise RuntimeError('The horizon finder failed to converge') def nonlin_residual(solution, N, grid, F, args): """ Calculate the residual for the solution computed by nonlin_solve_1d() using 2nd order finite differences. Args: solution (SeriesExpansion): The solution, as returned by nonlin_solve_1d(). N (int): Order of the equation. grid (ndarray): An equidistant array of coordinates on which to evaluate the solution. F: The right-hand side of the ODE. args: Extra args to pass to F. """ sol_vals = [solution.eval(grid)] dx = abs(grid[1] - grid[0]) for diff_order in xrange(N): sol_vals.append(np.gradient(sol_vals[-1], dx)) rhs = F(grid, sol_vals[:-1], args) return sol_vals[-1] - rhs