From fd75cedd15e3cbeedd3c641cc9b4e2e0f3cd2616 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Diego Biurrun Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 05:55:03 +0000 Subject: cosmetics: Reformat long_names so that "ADPCM" comes first. Originally committed as revision 17720 to svn:// --- doc/general.texi | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/general.texi b/doc/general.texi index 8972c9c8af..5f708b71f5 100644 --- a/doc/general.texi +++ b/doc/general.texi @@ -463,11 +463,53 @@ following image formats are supported: @multitable @columnfractions .4 .1 .1 .4 @item Name @tab Encoding @tab Decoding @tab Comments -@item 4X Movie ADPCM @tab @tab X @item 8SVX audio @tab @tab X @item AAC @tab E @tab X @tab encoding supported through external library libfaac @item AC-3 @tab X @tab X +@item ADPCM 4X Movie @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM CDROM XA @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM Creative Technology @tab @tab X + @tab 16 -> 4, 8 -> 4, 8 -> 3, 8 -> 2 +@item ADPCM Electronic Arts @tab @tab X + @tab Used in various EA titles. +@item ADPCM Electronic Arts Maxis CDROM XS @tab @tab X + @tab Used in Sim City 3000. +@item ADPCM Electronic Arts R1 @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM Electronic Arts R2 @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM Electronic Arts R3 @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM Electronic Arts XAS @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM G.726 @tab X @tab X +@item ADPCM IMA AMV @tab @tab X + @tab Used in AMV files +@item ADPCM IMA Electronic Arts EACS @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM IMA Electronic Arts SEAD @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM IMA Funcom @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM IMA QuickTime @tab X @tab X +@item ADPCM IMA Loki SDL MJPEG @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM IMA WAV @tab X @tab X +@item ADPCM IMA Westwood @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM ISS IMA @tab @tab X + @tab Used in FunCom games. +@item ADPCM IMA Duck DK3 @tab @tab X + @tab Used in some Sega Saturn console games. +@item ADPCM IMA Duck DK4 @tab @tab X + @tab Used in some Sega Saturn console games. +@item ADPCM Microsoft @tab X @tab X +@item ADPCM MS IMA @tab X @tab X +@item ADPCM Nintendo Gamecube THP @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM QT IMA @tab X @tab X +@item ADPCM SEGA CRI ADX @tab X @tab X + @tab Used in Sega Dreamcast games. +@item ADPCM Shockwave Flash @tab X @tab X +@item ADPCM SMJPEG IMA @tab @tab X + @tab Used in certain Loki game ports. +@item ADPCM Sound Blaster Pro 2-bit @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM Sound Blaster Pro 2.6-bit @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM Sound Blaster Pro 4-bit @tab @tab X +@item ADPCM Westwood Studios IMA @tab @tab X + @tab Used in Westwood Studios games like Command and Conquer. +@item ADPCM Yamaha @tab X @tab X @item AMR-NB @tab E @tab E @tab supported through external library libamrnb @item AMR-WB @tab E @tab E @@ -475,27 +517,15 @@ following image formats are supported: @item Apple lossless audio @tab X @tab X @tab QuickTime fourcc 'alac' @item Atrac 3 @tab @tab X -@item CDROM XA ADPCM @tab @tab X @item Delphine Software International CIN audio @tab @tab X @tab Codec used in Delphine Software International games. @item COOK @tab @tab X @tab All versions except 5.1 are supported. -@item Creative Technology ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab 16 -> 4, 8 -> 4, 8 -> 3, 8 -> 2 @item DCA (DTS Coherent Acoustics) @tab @tab X @item DSP Group TrueSpeech @tab @tab X @item DV audio @tab @tab X -@item Electronic Arts ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in various EA titles. -@item Electronic Arts Maxis CDROM XS ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in Sim City 3000. -@item Electronic Arts R1 ADPCM @tab @tab X -@item Electronic Arts R2 ADPCM @tab @tab X -@item Electronic Arts R3 ADPCM @tab @tab X -@item Electronic Arts XAS ADPCM @tab @tab X @item Enhanced AC-3 @tab @tab X @item FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) @tab X @tab IX -@item G.726 ADPCM @tab X @tab X @item G.729 @tab @tab X @item GSM @tab E @tab E @tab supported through external library libgsm @@ -503,27 +533,11 @@ following image formats are supported: @tab supported through external library libgsm @item id RoQ DPCM @tab X @tab X @tab Used in Quake III, Jedi Knight 2, other computer games. -@item IMA AMV ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in AMV files -@item IMA Electronic Arts EACS ADPCM @tab @tab X -@item IMA Electronic Arts SEAD ADPCM @tab @tab X -@item IMA Funcom ADPCM @tab @tab X -@item IMA QuickTime ADPCM @tab X @tab X -@item IMA Loki SDL MJPEG ADPCM @tab @tab X -@item IMA WAV ADPCM @tab X @tab X -@item IMA Westwood ADPCM @tab @tab X @item IMC (Intel Music Coder) @tab @tab X @item Interplay DPCM @tab @tab X @tab Used in various Interplay computer games. -@item ISS IMA ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in FunCom games. -@item IMA Duck DK3 ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in some Sega Saturn console games. -@item IMA Duck DK4 ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in some Sega Saturn console games. @item MACE (Macintosh Audio Compression/Expansion) 3:1 @tab @tab X @item MACE (Macintosh Audio Compression/Expansion) 6:1 @tab @tab X -@item Microsoft ADPCM @tab X @tab X @item MLP(Meridian Lossless Packing)/TrueHD @tab @tab X @tab Used in DVD-Audio and Blu-Ray discs. @item Monkey's Audio @tab @tab X @@ -532,11 +546,9 @@ following image formats are supported: @item MP2 (MPEG audio layer 2) @tab IX @tab IX @item MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3) @tab E @tab IX @tab encoding supported through external library LAME, ADU MP3 and MP3onMP4 also supported -@item MS IMA ADPCM @tab X @tab X @item Musepack SV7 @tab @tab X @item Musepack SV8 @tab @tab X @item Nellymoser Asao @tab X @tab X -@item Nintendo Gamecube THP ADPCM @tab @tab X @item PCM A-law @tab X @tab X @item PCM mu-law @tab X @tab X @item PCM 16-bit little-endian planar @tab @tab X @@ -563,46 +575,34 @@ following image formats are supported: @item QCELP / PureVoice @tab @tab X @item QDesign Music Codec 2 @tab @tab X @tab There are still some distortions. -@item QT IMA ADPCM @tab X @tab X @item RealAudio 1.0 (14.4K) @tab @tab X @tab Real 14400 bit/s codec @item RealAudio 2.0 (28.8K) @tab @tab X @tab Real 28800 bit/s codec @item RealAudio 3.0 (dnet) @tab IX @tab X @tab Real low bitrate AC-3 codec -@item SEGA CRI ADX ADPCM @tab X @tab X - @tab Used in Sega Dreamcast games. -@item Shockwave Flash ADPCM @tab X @tab X @item Shorten @tab @tab X @item Sierra Online DPCM @tab @tab X @tab Used in Sierra Online game audio files. @item Sierra VMD audio @tab @tab X @tab Used in Sierra VMD files. @item Smacker audio @tab @tab X -@item SMJPEG IMA ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in certain Loki game ports. @item Sol DPCM @tab @tab X @item Sonic @tab X @tab X @tab experimental codec @item Sonic lossless @tab X @tab X @tab experimental codec -@item Sound Blaster Pro 2-bit ADPCM @tab @tab X -@item Sound Blaster Pro 2.6-bit ADPCM @tab @tab X -@item Sound Blaster Pro 4-bit ADPCM @tab @tab X @item Speex @tab @tab E @tab supported through external library libspeex @item True Audio (TTA) @tab @tab X @item Vorbis @tab E @tab X @ A native but very primitive encoder exists. @item WavPack @tab @tab X -@item Westwood Studios IMA ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in Westwood Studios games like Command and Conquer. @item Westwood Audio (SND1) @tab @tab X @item Windows Media Audio 1 @tab X @tab X @item Windows Media Audio 2 @tab X @tab X @item Xan DPCM @tab @tab X @tab Used in Origin's Wing Commander IV AVI files. -@item Yamaha ADPCM @tab X @tab X @end multitable @code{X} means that encoding (resp. decoding) is supported. -- cgit v1.2.3