#include #include #include "match.h" #include "choices.h" int testsrun = 0, testsfailed = 0, assertionsrun = 0; #define assert(x) if(++assertionsrun && !(x)){fprintf(stderr, "test \"%s\" failed\n assert(%s) was false\n at %s:%i\n\n", __func__, #x, __FILE__ ,__LINE__);return -1;} #define assert_streq(a, b) assert(!strcmp(a, b)) void runtest(int (*test)()){ testsrun++; if(test()) testsfailed++; } int test_match(){ assert(has_match("a", "a")); assert(has_match("a", "ab")); assert(has_match("a", "ba")); assert(has_match("abc", "a|b|c")); /* non-match */ assert(!has_match("a", "")); assert(!has_match("a", "b")); assert(!has_match("ass", "tags")); /* match when query is empty */ assert(has_match("", "")); assert(has_match("", "a")); return 0; } int test_scoring(){ /* App/Models/Order is better than App/MOdels/zRder */ assert(match("amor", "app/models/order") > match("amor", "app/models/zrder")); /* App/MOdels/foo is better than App/M/fOo */ assert(match("amo", "app/m/foo") < match("amo", "app/models/foo")); /* GEMFIle.Lock < GEMFILe */ assert(match("gemfil", "Gemfile.lock") < match("gemfil", "Gemfile")); /* GEMFIle.Lock < GEMFILe */ assert(match("gemfil", "Gemfile.lock") < match("gemfil", "Gemfile")); /* Prefer shorter matches */ assert(match("abce", "abcdef") > match("abce", "abc de")); /* Prefer shorter candidates */ assert(match("test", "tests") > match("test", "testing")); /* Scores first letter highly */ assert(match("test", "testing") > match("test", "/testing")); /* Prefer shorter matches */ assert(match("abc", " a b c ") > match("abc", " a b c ")); assert(match("abc", " a b c ") > match("abc", " a b c ")); return 0; } int test_positions_1(){ size_t positions[3]; match_positions("amo", "app/models/foo", positions); assert(positions[0] == 0); assert(positions[1] == 4); assert(positions[2] == 5); return 0; } int test_positions_2(){ /* * We should prefer matching the 'o' in order, since it's the beginning * of a word. */ size_t positions[4]; match_positions("amor", "app/models/order", positions); assert(positions[0] == 0); assert(positions[1] == 4); assert(positions[2] == 11); return 0; } int test_positions_3(){ size_t positions[2]; match_positions("as", "tags", positions); assert(positions[0] == 1); assert(positions[1] == 3); return 0; } int test_positions_4(){ size_t positions[2]; match_positions("as", "examples.txt", positions); assert(positions[0] == 2); assert(positions[1] == 7); return 0; } int test_positions_exact(){ size_t positions[3]; match_positions("foo", "foo", positions); assert(positions[0] == 0); assert(positions[1] == 1); assert(positions[2] == 2); return 0; } int test_choices_empty(){ choices_t choices; choices_init(&choices); assert(choices.size == 0); assert(choices.available == 0); assert(choices.selection == 0); choices_prev(&choices); assert(choices.selection == 0); choices_next(&choices); assert(choices.selection == 0); choices_free(&choices); return 0; } int test_choices_1(){ choices_t choices; choices_init(&choices); choices_add(&choices, "tags"); choices_search(&choices, ""); assert(choices.available == 1); assert(choices.selection == 0); choices_search(&choices, "t"); assert(choices.available == 1); assert(choices.selection == 0); choices_prev(&choices); assert(choices.selection == 0); choices_next(&choices); assert(choices.selection == 0); assert(!strcmp(choices_get(&choices, 0), "tags")); assert(choices_get(&choices, 1) == NULL); choices_free(&choices); return 0; } int test_choices_2(){ choices_t choices; choices_init(&choices); choices_add(&choices, "tags"); choices_add(&choices, "test"); /* Empty search */ choices_search(&choices, ""); assert(choices.selection == 0); assert(choices.available == 2); assert_streq(choices_get(&choices, 0), "tags"); assert_streq(choices_get(&choices, 1), "test"); choices_next(&choices); assert(choices.selection == 1); choices_next(&choices); assert(choices.selection == 0); choices_prev(&choices); assert(choices.selection == 1); choices_prev(&choices); assert(choices.selection == 0); /* Filtered search */ choices_search(&choices, "te"); assert(choices.available == 1); assert(choices.selection == 0); assert_streq(choices_get(&choices, 0), "test"); choices_next(&choices); assert(choices.selection == 0); choices_prev(&choices); assert(choices.selection == 0); /* No results */ choices_search(&choices, "foobar"); assert(choices.available == 0); assert(choices.selection == 0); /* Different order due to scoring */ choices_search(&choices, "ts"); assert(choices.available == 2); assert(choices.selection == 0); assert_streq(choices_get(&choices, 0), "test"); assert_streq(choices_get(&choices, 1), "tags"); choices_free(&choices); return 0; } int test_choices_without_search(){ /* Before a search is run, it should return no results */ choices_t choices; choices_init(&choices); assert(choices.available == 0); assert(choices.selection == 0); assert(choices.size == 0); assert(choices_get(&choices, 0) == NULL); choices_add(&choices, "test"); assert(choices.available == 0); assert(choices.selection == 0); assert(choices.size == 1); assert(choices_get(&choices, 0) == NULL); choices_free(&choices); return 0; } void summary(){ printf("%i tests, %i assertions, %i failures\n", testsrun, assertionsrun, testsfailed); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ (void) argc; (void) argv; runtest(test_match); runtest(test_scoring); runtest(test_positions_1); runtest(test_positions_2); runtest(test_positions_3); runtest(test_positions_4); runtest(test_positions_exact); runtest(test_choices_empty); runtest(test_choices_1); runtest(test_choices_2); runtest(test_choices_without_search); summary(); /* exit 0 if all tests pass */ return !!testsfailed; }