# fzy A fuzzy text selector for terminals in C inspired by [selecta](https://github.com/garybernhardt/selecta), but with an improved [scoring algorithm](#sorting). ![](http://i.hawth.ca/u/fzy2.gif) ## Installation $ make $ sudo make install The `PREFIX` environment variable can be used to specify the install location, the default is `/usr/local`. ## Usage fzy is a drop in replacement for [selecta](https://github.com/garybernhardt/selecta), and can be used with its [usage examples](https://github.com/garybernhardt/selecta#usage-examples). ### Use with Vim fzy can be integrated very simply in vim. There is also [fzy-vim](https://github.com/Dkendal/fzy-vim), a more fully featured vim plugin. ``` vim function! FzyCommand(choice_command, vim_command) silent let output = system(a:choice_command . " | fzy ") redraw! if v:shell_error == 0 && !empty(output) exec a:vim_command . ' ' . output endif endfunction nnoremap e :call FzyCommand("find -type f", ":e") nnoremap v :call FzyCommand("find -type f", ":vs") nnoremap s :call FzyCommand("find -type f", ":sp") ``` Any program can be used to filter files presented through fzy. [ag (the silver searcher)](https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher) can be used to ignore files specified by `.gitignore`. ``` vim nnoremap e :call FzyCommand("ag . --no-color -l -g ''", ":e") nnoremap v :call FzyCommand("ag . --no-color -l -g ''", ":vs") nnoremap s :call FzyCommand("ag . --no-color -l -g ''", ":sp") ``` ## Sorting fzy attempts to present the best matches first. The following considerations are weighted when sorting: It prefers matching the beginning of words: `amo` is likely to match app/models/order.rb. It prefers consecutive characters: `file` will match file over filter. It prefers shorter matches: `abce` matches abcdef over abc de. It prefers shorter candidates: `test` matches tests over testing.