path: root/src/fzy.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/fzy.c')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/src/fzy.c b/src/fzy.c
index ef4a0de..544afbe 100644
--- a/src/fzy.c
+++ b/src/fzy.c
@@ -8,161 +8,12 @@
#include "tty.h"
#include "choices.h"
#include "options.h"
+#include "tty_interface.h"
#include "../config.h"
options_t options;
-#define SEARCH_SIZE_MAX 4096
-static char search[SEARCH_SIZE_MAX + 1] = {0};
-static void clear(tty_t *tty, options_t *options) {
- tty_setcol(tty, 0);
- size_t line = 0;
- while (line++ < options->num_lines) {
- tty_newline(tty);
- }
- tty_clearline(tty);
- tty_moveup(tty, line - 1);
- tty_flush(tty);
-static void draw_match(tty_t *tty, const char *choice, int selected, options_t *options) {
- int n = strlen(search);
- size_t positions[n + 1];
- for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++)
- positions[i] = -1;
- double score = match_positions(search, choice, &positions[0]);
- size_t maxwidth = tty_getwidth(tty);
- if (options->show_scores)
- tty_printf(tty, "(%5.2f) ", score);
- if (selected)
- tty_setinvert(tty);
- for (size_t i = 0, p = 0; choice[i] != '\0'; i++) {
- if (i + 1 < maxwidth) {
- if (positions[p] == i) {
- tty_setfg(tty, TTY_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
- p++;
- } else {
- tty_setfg(tty, TTY_COLOR_NORMAL);
- }
- tty_printf(tty, "%c", choice[i]);
- } else {
- tty_printf(tty, "$");
- break;
- }
- }
- tty_setnormal(tty);
-static void draw(tty_t *tty, choices_t *choices, options_t *options) {
- unsigned int num_lines = options->num_lines;
- size_t start = 0;
- size_t current_selection = choices->selection;
- if (current_selection + options->scrolloff >= num_lines) {
- start = current_selection + options->scrolloff - num_lines + 1;
- if (start + num_lines >= choices_available(choices)) {
- start = choices_available(choices) - num_lines;
- }
- }
- tty_setcol(tty, 0);
- tty_printf(tty, "%s%s", options->prompt, search);
- tty_clearline(tty);
- for (size_t i = start; i < start + num_lines; i++) {
- tty_printf(tty, "\n");
- tty_clearline(tty);
- const char *choice = choices_get(choices, i);
- if (choice) {
- draw_match(tty, choice, i == choices->selection, options);
- }
- }
- tty_moveup(tty, num_lines);
- tty_setcol(tty, strlen(options->prompt) + strlen(search));
- tty_flush(tty);
-static void emit(choices_t *choices) {
- const char *selection = choices_get(choices, choices->selection);
- if (selection) {
- /* output the selected result */
- printf("%s\n", selection);
- } else {
- /* No match, output the query instead */
- printf("%s\n", search);
- }
-#define KEY_CTRL(key) ((key) - ('@'))
-#define KEY_DEL 127
-#define KEY_ESC 27
-static void run(tty_t *tty, choices_t *choices, options_t *options) {
- choices_search(choices, search);
- char ch;
- do {
- draw(tty, choices, options);
- ch = tty_getchar(tty);
- size_t search_size = strlen(search);
- if (isprint(ch)) {
- if (search_size < SEARCH_SIZE_MAX) {
- search[search_size++] = ch;
- search[search_size] = '\0';
- choices_search(choices, search);
- }
- } else if (ch == KEY_DEL || ch == KEY_CTRL('H')) { /* DEL || Backspace (C-H) */
- if (search_size)
- search[--search_size] = '\0';
- choices_search(choices, search);
- } else if (ch == KEY_CTRL('U')) { /* C-U */
- search_size = 0;
- search[0] = '\0';
- choices_search(choices, search);
- } else if (ch == KEY_CTRL('W')) { /* C-W */
- if (search_size)
- search[--search_size] = '\0';
- while (search_size && !isspace(search[--search_size]))
- search[search_size] = '\0';
- choices_search(choices, search);
- } else if (ch == KEY_CTRL('N')) { /* C-N */
- choices_next(choices);
- } else if (ch == KEY_CTRL('P')) { /* C-P */
- choices_prev(choices);
- } else if (ch == KEY_CTRL('I')) { /* TAB (C-I) */
- strncpy(search, choices_get(choices, choices->selection), SEARCH_SIZE_MAX);
- choices_search(choices, search);
- } else if (ch == KEY_CTRL('C') || ch == KEY_CTRL('D')) { /* ^C || ^D */
- clear(tty, options);
- tty_close(tty);
- } else if (ch == KEY_CTRL('M')) { /* CR */
- clear(tty, options);
- /* ttyout should be flushed before outputting on stdout */
- tty_close(tty);
- emit(choices);
- /* Return to eventually exit successfully */
- return;
- } else if (ch == KEY_ESC) { /* ESC */
- ch = tty_getchar(tty);
- if (ch == '[' || ch == 'O') {
- ch = tty_getchar(tty);
- if (ch == 'A') { /* UP ARROW */
- choices_prev(choices);
- } else if (ch == 'B') { /* DOWN ARROW */
- choices_next(choices);
- }
- }
- }
- } while (1);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
options_parse(&options, argc, argv);
@@ -195,10 +46,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (options.num_lines + 1 > tty_getheight(&tty))
options.num_lines = tty_getheight(&tty) - 1;
- if (options.init_search)
- strncpy(search, options.init_search, SEARCH_SIZE_MAX);
- run(&tty, &choices, &options);
+ tty_interface_run(&tty, &choices, &options);