" general options set nocompatible set background=dark set showcmd set showmatch set smartcase set incsearch set autowrite syntax on filetype plugin indent on " TODO: reconsider this, possible risk set modeline set wrapmargin=4 set linebreak set ruler set cryptmethod=blowfish set foldmethod=syntax set scrolloff=3 set wildmenu set hlsearch set conceallevel=2 set ttyfast set undofile set nojoinspaces " tabs handling set expandtab set shiftwidth=4 set tabstop=4 " mouse set mouse=a set ttymouse=sgr " trailing whitespace highlighting highlight WhiteSpaceEOL ctermbg=darkgreen match WhiteSpaceEOL /\s\+$/ " put all the vim files under ~/.vim to avoid polluting the rest of the " filesystem with them set dir=~/.cache/vim/swap set backupdir=~/.cache/vim/bkp set undodir=~/.local/var/vim/undo set viminfo+=n~/.local/var/vim/viminfo if &t_Co < 88 colorscheme default else let g:inkpot_black_background = 1 colorscheme inkpot endif " extension-based filetypes let filetype_m="mma" let filetype_par="config" ".tex files default to latex let g:tex_flavor='latex' " enable syntax folding in viml files let g:vimsyn_folding = 'af' " autodisable syntax folding for c files (it's slow) autocmd BufEnter *.c,*.h setlocal foldmethod=manual " C indent options set cinoptions=(0 """ key mappings map zJ zjzo " the default mapping enters the ex mode, which is very annoying since it's " easy to trigger by mistake (going for ZQ, missing Z) map Q nmap gb :bnext nmap gB :bprevious map m :make nnoremap b :FufBuffer nnoremap d :FufDir nnoremap f :FufCoverageFile " line diff mode " TODO: split off into plugin? function LineDiff() silent execute "!linediff " . v:fname_in . " " . v:fname_new . " > " . v:fname_out endfunction function SetLineDiff() set diffexpr=LineDiff() diffupdate redraw endfunction