*extline.txt* Plugin for extending lines (e.g., underlined titles) *extline* Version 0.2.0 ============================================================================== 1. Introduction |extline-intro| 2. Installation |extline-installation| 3. Usage |extline-usage| 4. Customization |extline-customization| 5. ChangeLog |extline-changelog| 6. Credits |extline-credits| ============================================================================== 1. Introduction *extline-intro* When writing titles in a plain text document, a common convention is to use repeated punctuation characters to draw lines under (and sometimes over) the title text. This plugin helps maintain those title lines more easily, and it provides support for standalone horizontal lines as well. Titles are marked up in a manner compatible with reStructuredText[1], and the various heading levels are chosen to coincide with the Sphinx[2] project's conventions as follows: ############## Part (level 9) ############## ***************** Chapter (level 0) ***************** Section (level 1) ================= Subsection (level 2) -------------------- Subsubsection (level 3) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Paragraph (level 4) """"""""""""""""""" Level-5 heading ''''''''''''''' Extline provides methods for adding these lines, adjusting them to fit as the section names changes, and for converting one level to another. [1]: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html [2]: http://sphinx-doc.org/ =============================================================================== 2. Installation *extline-installation* Unzip the downloaded file in your personal |vimfiles| directory (~/.vim under unix or %HOMEPATH%\vimfiles under windows). The following files will be unpacked: > doc/extline.txt plugin/extline.vim Finally, re-generate your help tags with the |:helptags| command, e.g.: > :helptags ~/.vim/doc ============================================================================== 3. Usage *extline-usage* The following mappings apply in Visual and Insert modes (but, notably, NOT in Normal mode): CTRL-L CTRL-L Auto-line update CTRL-L CTRL-H Horizontal line update CTRL-L CTRL-U Change to underlined title CTRL-L CTRL-O Change to overlined title CTRL-L CTRL-I Change to underlined and overlined title CTRL-L = Force Section heading (level 1) CTRL-L 1 CTRL-L - Force Subsection heading (level 2) CTRL-L 2 CTRL-L ^ Force Subsubsection heading (level 3) CTRL-L 3 CTRL-L " Force Paragraph heading (level 4) CTRL-L 4 CTRL-L ' Force level 5 heading (level 5) CTRL-L 5 To insert a literal CTRL-L in Insert mode, use CTRL-V CTRL-L (or CTRL-Q CTRL-L if CTRL-V has been remapped as happens on Windows by default). Because Normal-mode CTRL-L already serves a useful function (redrawing the screen), extline does not create Normal-mode mappings. To invoke from Normal mode, it's convenient to first enter blockwise Visual mode via CTRL-V (or CTRL-Q on Windows), then press CTRL-L CTRL-L (for example) to invoke the desired mapping from Visual mode. Each of the "change to xxx title" commands will convert an existing title to the desired format. The "horizontal line update" command will update an existing horizontal line of punctuation characters to reach column 78. The "auto-line update" command will update an existing title or horizontal. If a title has no pre-existing underline or overline, by default a Section heading will be used with a row of equals signs as an underline. =============================================================================== 4. Customization *extline-customization* At present, nothing is conveniently customizable. =============================================================================== 5. ChangeLog |extline-changelog| Version 0.2.0 Date 2013-10-03 *extline-changelog-0.2.0* - Partition into plugin and autoload components. - Reorganize documentation. - First public release. =============================================================================== 6. Credits *extline-credits* Developed by Michael Henry (vim at drmikehenry.com). Distributed under Vim's |license|. Git repository: https://github.com/drmikehenry/vim-extline =============================================================================== vim:sts=2:et:ai:tw=78:fo=tcq2:ft=help:spell: