# Parameter definitions for thorn WaveToyF77 # $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/CarpetExtra/FOWaveToyF77/param.ccl,v 1.5 2003/07/08 23:12:45 schnetter Exp $ private: STRING bound "Type of boundary condition to use" { ".*" :: "Must be a registered boundary condition" } "Zero" INT bound_width "Number of boundary points" { 1:* :: "" } 1 KEYWORD excision_bound "Type of excision boundary condition to use" { "1/r" :: "use 1/r Dirichlet data" "none" :: "no excision" } "none" REAL excision_radius "Radius of excision region" { 0:* :: "must be nonnegative" } 1.0