Old documentation: solve L(u) = r set f := L(u) - r given: f = L(u ) - r wanted: 0 = L(u') - r known: R(f) - f is small assume: R(u'-u) is also small define: fc = R(f) uc = R(u) fc = L(uc) - rc (defines rc) solve: L(uc') = rc use: R(u'-u) = uc'-uc (defines u') yields: f' = L(u') - r where f' is smaller than f uc <- R(u) fc <- R(f) rc <- fc fc <- L(uc) - rc rc <- fc then solve L(uc) = rc the above is identical to: uc <- R(u) rc <- R(f) rc <- L(uc) - rc then solve L(uc) = rc now change the notation: varc <- R(var) resc-rhsc <- R(res-rhs) rhsc <- resc-rhsc resc-rhsc <- L(varc) - rhsc rhsc <- resc-rhsc then solve L(varc) = rhsc the above is identical to: varc <- R(var) rhsc <- R(res-rhs) rhsc <- L(varc) - rhsc then solve L(varc) = rhsc ******************************************************************************* New documentation: equation: L(varc) = rhsc resf <- L(varf) resf <- resf - rhsf varc <- varc // R(varf) savc <- varc resc <- 0 resc <- resc // R(resf) rhsc <- resc resc <- L(varc) rhsc <- rhsc - resc varc <- L(varc) = rhsc resc <- varc resc <- resc - savc resf <- 0 resf <- P(resc) varf <- varf + resf rhsc <- R(L(varf) - rhsf) - L(R(varf)) varc <- L(varc) = R(L(varf) - rhsf) - L(R(varf)) varf <- varf + P(varc - R(varf)) delc <- L(R(varf) + delc) = R(L(varf) - rhsf) - L(R(varf)) delf = P(delc) L(varf ) - rhcf = resf L(varf + delf) - rhcf = 0