#include #include // force HDF5 1.8.x installations to use the new API #define H5Dcreate_vers 2 #include #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "vect.hh" #include "tensor_component.hh" namespace CarpetIOF5 { namespace F5 { tensor_component_t:: tensor_component_t (data_region_t & data_region, int const variable) : m_data_region (data_region), m_variable (variable) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; assert (variable >= 0 and variable < CCTK_NumVars()); char const * const name = CCTK_VarName (variable); assert (name != 0); m_name = string (name); int const vartype = CCTK_VarTypeI (variable); assert (vartype >= 0); hid_t const hdf5_datatype = hdf5_datatype_from_cactus_datatype (vartype); assert (hdf5_datatype >= 0); bbox const & region = m_data_region.get_region(); vect const dims = (region.shape() / region.stride()).reverse(); m_dataspace = H5Screate_simple (dim, & dims [0], 0); assert (m_dataspace >= 0); m_properties = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE); assert (m_properties >= 0); vect const user_chunk_size (chunk_size_x, chunk_size_y, chunk_size_z); bool const need_chunks = any (user_chunk_size > 0) or compression_level > 0 or write_checksum; if (need_chunks) { vect const chunk_size = either (user_chunk_size > 0, vect (user_chunk_size), dims); herr_t const herr = H5Pset_chunk (m_properties, dim, & chunk_size [0]); assert (not herr); } if (compression_level > 0) { herr_t const herr = H5Pset_deflate (m_properties, compression_level); assert (not herr); } if (write_checksum) { herr_t const herr = H5Pset_fletcher32 (m_properties); assert (not herr); } m_dataset = H5Dcreate (m_data_region.get_hdf5_data_region(), m_name.c_str(), hdf5_datatype, m_dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, m_properties, H5P_DEFAULT); assert (m_dataset >= 0); write_or_check_attribute (m_dataset, "iorigin", region.lower() / region.stride()); assert (invariant()); } tensor_component_t:: ~ tensor_component_t () { herr_t herr; herr = H5Dclose (m_dataset); assert (not herr); herr = H5Sclose (m_dataspace); assert (not herr); herr = H5Pclose (m_properties); assert (not herr); } data_region_t & tensor_component_t:: get_data_region () const { return m_data_region; } hid_t tensor_component_t:: get_variable () const { return m_variable; } // TODO: This assumes that the shape of data is the same as the // shape of the region; this may not be so if not all of the data // are written out void tensor_component_t:: write (void const * const data, int const cactus_datatype) const { hid_t const memory_hdf5_datatype = hdf5_datatype_from_cactus_datatype (cactus_datatype); assert (memory_hdf5_datatype >= 0); bbox const & region = m_data_region.get_region(); vect const dims = (region.shape() / region.stride()).reverse(); hid_t const memory_dataspace = H5Screate_simple (dim, & dims [0], & dims [0]); assert (memory_dataspace >= 0); hid_t const transfer_properties = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_XFER); assert (transfer_properties >= 0); herr_t herr; herr = H5Dwrite (m_dataset, memory_hdf5_datatype, memory_dataspace, m_dataspace, transfer_properties, data); assert (not herr); herr = H5Pclose (transfer_properties); assert (not herr); herr = H5Sclose (memory_dataspace); assert (not herr); } bool tensor_component_t:: invariant () const { return (m_variable >= 0 and m_variable < CCTK_NumVars() and m_properties >= 0 and m_dataset >= 0 and m_dataspace >= 0); } } // namespace F5 } // namespace CarpetIOF5