#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // force HDF5 1.8.x installations to use the new API #define H5Dcreate_vers 2 #include #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h" #include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioutil_CheckpointRecovery.h" #include "carpet.hh" #include "defs.hh" #include "extending.hh" #include "file.hh" #include "utils.hh" #include "writer.hh" namespace CarpetIOF5 { int const Error_none = 0; // no error int const Error_illegal_varname = -1; int const Error_group_has_no_storage = -2; int const Error_lonely_option_string = -3; int const Error_unterminated_option_string = -4; int const Error_garbage_after_option_string = -5; int const Error_invalid_variable_name = -6; extern "C" int CarpetIOF5_Startup (); static void * Setup (tFleshConfig * const fleshconfig, int const convlevel, cGH * const cctkGH); extern "C" void CarpetIOF5_Init (CCTK_ARGUMENTS); static int OutputGH (cGH const * cctkGH); static void mark_variables (int variable, char const * options, void * ptr); static int TimeToOutput (cGH const * cctkGH, int variable); static int TriggerOutput (cGH const * cctkGH, int variable); static int OutputVarAs (cGH const * cctkGH, char const * varname, char const * alias); static void WriteParameters (F5::file_t & file); static string generate_filename (cGH const * cctkGH, int variable); int CarpetIOF5_Startup () { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; if (verbose) CCTK_INFO ("Startup"); return extending_t::create (Setup); } void * Setup (tFleshConfig * const fleshconfig, int const convlevel, cGH * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; assert (fleshconfig != 0); if (verbose) CCTK_INFO ("Setup"); return extending_t::setup (cctkGH, OutputGH, TimeToOutput, TriggerOutput, OutputVarAs); } void CarpetIOF5_Init (CCTK_ARGUMENTS) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; if (verbose) CCTK_INFO ("Init"); * next_output_iteration = 0; * next_output_time = cctk_time; * this_iteration = -1; } int OutputGH (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; assert (cctkGH != 0); if (verbose) CCTK_INFO ("OutputGH"); int ierr; vector want_variables (CCTK_NumVars()); ierr = CCTK_TraverseString (out_vars, mark_variables, static_cast (& want_variables), CCTK_GROUP_OR_VAR); switch (ierr) { case -2: return Error_lonely_option_string; case -3: return Error_unterminated_option_string; case -4: return Error_garbage_after_option_string; case -5: return Error_invalid_variable_name; } assert (ierr >= 0); ierr = Error_none; for (int variable = 0; variable < CCTK_NumVars(); ++ variable) { if (want_variables.at(variable)) { if (TimeToOutput (cctkGH, variable)) { ierr = TriggerOutput (cctkGH, variable); } } } return ierr; } void mark_variables (int const variable, char const * const options, void * const ptr) { vector & want_variables = * static_cast *> (ptr); want_variables.at (variable) = true; } int TimeToOutput (cGH const * const cctkGH, int const variable) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; assert (cctkGH != 0); assert (variable >= 0 and variable < CCTK_NumVars()); assert (Carpet::is_level_mode()); if (verbose) { char * const fullname = CCTK_FullName(variable); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "TimeToOutput \"%s\"", fullname); free (fullname); } bool should_output; char const * const my_out_criterion = (CCTK_EQUALS (out_criterion, "default") ? IO_out_criterion : out_criterion); if (CCTK_EQUALS (my_out_criterion, "always")) { should_output = true; } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (my_out_criterion, "never")) { should_output = false; } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (my_out_criterion, "iteration")) { int const my_out_every = out_every == -2 ? IO_out_every : out_every; switch (my_out_every) { case 0: should_output = true; break; case -1: should_output = false; break; default: if (* this_iteration == cctk_iteration) { // we already decided to output this iteration should_output = true; } else if (cctk_iteration >= * next_output_iteration) { // it is time for the next output should_output = true; * this_iteration = cctk_iteration; * next_output_iteration = cctk_iteration + my_out_every; } else { should_output = false; } break; } } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (my_out_criterion, "time")) { CCTK_REAL const my_out_dt = out_dt == -2 ? IO_out_dt : out_dt; if (out_dt == 0) { should_output = true; } else if (out_dt == -1) { should_output = false; } else { if (* this_iteration == cctk_iteration) { // we already decided to output this iteration should_output = true; } else if (cctk_time / cctk_delta_time >= * next_output_time / cctk_delta_time - dt_fudge) { // it is time for the next output should_output = true; * this_iteration = cctk_iteration; * next_output_time = cctk_time + my_out_dt; } else { should_output = false; } } } else { CCTK_WARN (1, "internal error"); should_output = false; } if (should_output) { extending_t extending (cctkGH); int const last_output_iteration = (extending.get_last_output_iteration (Carpet::mglevel, Carpet::reflevel, variable)); assert (last_output_iteration <= cctk_iteration); if (last_output_iteration == cctk_iteration) { // Skipping output for variable, because this variable has // already been output during the current iteration -- // probably via a trigger during the analysis stage should_output = false; } else { extending.set_last_output_iteration (Carpet::mglevel, Carpet::reflevel, variable, cctk_iteration); } } return should_output; } int TriggerOutput (cGH const * const cctkGH, int const variable) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; assert (cctkGH != 0); assert (variable >= 0 and variable < CCTK_NumVars()); char * const fullname = CCTK_FullName (variable); assert (fullname); if (verbose) { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "TriggerOutput \"%s\"", fullname); } string const alias = generate_filename (cctkGH, variable); int const ierr = OutputVarAs (cctkGH, fullname, alias.c_str()); free (fullname); return ierr; } int OutputVarAs (cGH const * const cctkGH, char const * const varname, char const * const alias) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; assert (cctkGH != 0); assert (varname != 0); assert (alias != 0); if (verbose) { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "OutputVarAs \"%s\" \"%s\"", varname, alias); } int const variable = CCTK_VarIndex (varname); if (variable < 0) { return Error_illegal_varname; } assert (variable >= 0 and variable < CCTK_NumVars()); int const group = CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI (variable); assert (group >= 0 and group < CCTK_NumGroups()); if (CCTK_ActiveTimeLevelsGI (cctkGH, group) == 0) { return Error_group_has_no_storage; } extending_t extending (cctkGH); bool const use_IO_out_dir = strcmp (out_dir, "") == 0; string const path = use_IO_out_dir ? IO_out_dir : out_dir; string const basename = alias; bool const did_truncate = extending.get_did_truncate (basename); bool const do_truncate = not did_truncate and IO_TruncateOutputFiles (cctkGH); extending.set_did_truncate (basename); int const proc = CCTK_MyProc (cctkGH); bool have_metafile; // whether there is a metadata file int metadata_processor; // the processor which outputs the metadata file int output_processor; // the processor which outputs our data if (CCTK_EQUALS (out_mode, "proc")) { have_metafile = true; metadata_processor = 0; output_processor = proc; } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (out_mode, "np")) { have_metafile = true; metadata_processor = 0; output_processor = proc / out_proc_every * out_proc_every; } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (out_mode, "onefile")) { have_metafile = false; metadata_processor = 0; output_processor = 0; } else { assert (0); } F5::file_t * metafile = NULL; if (have_metafile and proc == metadata_processor) { metafile = new F5::file_t (cctkGH, path, basename, string (out_extension), do_truncate, true, false); } F5::file_t * file = NULL; if (proc == output_processor) { file = new F5::file_t (cctkGH, path, basename, string (out_extension), do_truncate, not have_metafile, true); } if (do_truncate) { // Output parameters once after the output file has been created if (proc == metadata_processor) { if (CCTK_EQUALS (out_save_parameters, "all") or CCTK_EQUALS (out_save_parameters, "only set")) { WriteParameters (have_metafile ? * metafile : * file); } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (out_save_parameters, "no")) { // do nothing } else { assert (0); } } } if (metafile) { writer_t writer (cctkGH, variable); writer.write (* metafile); delete metafile; metafile = NULL; } { writer_t writer (cctkGH, variable); #warning "TODO: handle the case where not all processors are writing to their own file" assert (proc == output_processor); assert (file); writer.write (* file); delete file; file = NULL; } return Error_none; } void WriteParameters (F5::file_t & file) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; cGH const * const cctkGH = file.get_cctkGH (); hid_t const hdf5_file = file.get_hdf5_file(); hid_t const attribute_group = F5::open_or_create_group (hdf5_file, "Parameters and Global Attributes"); assert (attribute_group >= 0); // unique configuration identifier if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("UniqueConfigID")) { F5::write_or_check_attribute (attribute_group, "config id", static_cast (UniqueConfigID (cctkGH))); } // unique build identifier if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("UniqueBuildID")) { F5::write_or_check_attribute (attribute_group, "build id", static_cast (UniqueBuildID (cctkGH))); } // unique simulation identifier if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("UniqueSimulationID")) { F5::write_or_check_attribute (attribute_group, "simulation id", static_cast (UniqueSimulationID (cctkGH))); } // unique run identifier if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("UniqueRunID")) { F5::write_or_check_attribute (attribute_group, "run id", static_cast (UniqueRunID (cctkGH))); } // Output Cactus parameters as single string { char * const parameters = IOUtil_GetAllParameters (cctkGH, true); assert (parameters); // Create a dataset, since the data may not fit into an attribute hsize_t const size = strlen (parameters) + 1; hid_t const dataspace = H5Screate_simple (1, & size, NULL); assert (dataspace >= 0); hid_t properties = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE); assert (properties >= 0); check (not H5Pset_chunk (properties, 1, & size)); if (compression_level > 0) { check (not H5Pset_deflate (properties, compression_level)); } if (write_checksum) { check (not H5Pset_fletcher32 (properties)); } hid_t const dataset = H5Dcreate (attribute_group, "All Parameters", H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, properties, H5P_DEFAULT); assert (dataset >= 0); check (not H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, parameters)); check (not H5Dclose (dataset)); check (not H5Pclose (properties)); check (not H5Sclose (dataspace)); free (parameters); } check (not H5Gclose (attribute_group)); // This is far too slow to be useful #if 0 hid_t const parameter_group = F5::open_or_create_group (hdf5_file, "Cactus parameters"); assert (parameter_group >= 0); int first = 1; for (;;) { cParamData const * parameter_data; char * parameter_fullname; int const ierr = CCTK_ParameterWalk (first, 0, & parameter_fullname, & parameter_data); if (ierr > 0) break; assert (ierr >= 0); int type; void const * const parameter_value = CCTK_ParameterGet (parameter_data->name, parameter_data->thorn, & type); assert (type == parameter_data->type); assert (parameter_value != 0); switch (type) { case PARAMETER_BOOLEAN: case PARAMETER_INT: { CCTK_INT const value = * static_cast (parameter_value); F5::write_or_check_attribute (parameter_group, parameter_fullname, value); } break; case PARAMETER_REAL: { CCTK_REAL const value = * static_cast (parameter_value); F5::write_or_check_attribute (parameter_group, parameter_fullname, value); } break; case PARAMETER_KEYWORD: case PARAMETER_STRING: { char const * const value = * static_cast (parameter_value); F5::write_or_check_attribute (parameter_group, parameter_fullname, value); } break; default: assert (0); } free (parameter_fullname); first = 0; } check (not H5Gclose (parameter_group)); #endif } string generate_filename (cGH const * const cctkGH, int const variable) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; assert (variable >= 0); ostringstream filename_buf; if (CCTK_EQUALS (file_content, "variable")) { char * const varname = CCTK_FullName (variable); assert (varname); for (char * p = varname; * p; ++ p) { *p = tolower (* p); } filename_buf << varname; free (varname); } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (file_content, "group")) { char * const groupname = CCTK_GroupNameFromVarI (variable); assert (groupname); for (char * p = groupname; * p; ++ p) { *p = tolower (* p); } filename_buf << groupname; free (groupname); } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (file_content, "thorn")) { char const * const impname = CCTK_ImpFromVarI (variable); char * const thornname = strdup (impname); assert (thornname); char * const colon = strchr (thornname, ':'); assert (colon); * colon = '\0'; for (char * p = thornname; * p; ++ p) { *p = tolower (* p); } filename_buf << thornname; free (thornname); } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (file_content, "everything")) { filename_buf << out_filename; } else { assert (0); } if (out_timesteps_per_file > 0) { int const iteration = (cctkGH->cctk_iteration / out_timesteps_per_file * out_timesteps_per_file); filename_buf << ".it" << setw (iteration_digits) << setfill ('0') << iteration; } return filename_buf.str(); } } // namespace CarpetIOF5