# Parameter definitions for thorn CarpetIOF5 BOOLEAN verbose "Produce screen output while running" { } no BOOLEAN veryverbose "Produce much screen output while running" { } no SHARES: IO USES KEYWORD out_mode USES INT out_proc_every USES INT out_timesteps_per_file USES KEYWORD out_save_parameters USES STRING out_dir AS IO_out_dir USES KEYWORD out_criterion AS IO_out_criterion USES INT out_every AS IO_out_every USES REAL out_dt AS IO_out_dt PRIVATE: STRING out_dir "Output directory (overrides IO::out_dir)" STEERABLE=always { "^$" :: "Empty: use IO::out_dir" ".+" :: "Not empty: directory name" } "" KEYWORD file_content "Create one file for every x" STEERABLE=always { "variable" :: "" "group" :: "" "thorn" :: "" "everything" :: "" } "group" INT iteration_digits "Minimum number of digits for iteration number" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "" } 10 STRING out_filename "File name (without extension) for file_content='everything'" STEERABLE=always { "" :: "" } "output" INT processor_digits "Minimum number of digits for processor number" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "" } 6 STRING out_extension "File name extension" STEERABLE=always { "" :: "File extension (including a leading dot, if desired)" } ".f5" STRING out_vars "Variables and groups which should be output in the F5 file format" STEERABLE=always { "" :: "List of group or variable names" } "" KEYWORD out_criterion "Criterion to select CarpetIOHDF5 output intervals" STEERABLE=always { "default" :: "Use IO::out_criterion" "always" :: "Always output" "never" :: "Never output" "iteration" :: "Output every so many iterations" "time" :: "Output every that much coordinate time" } "default" INT out_every "How often to do CarpetIOF5 output (overrides IO::out_every)" STEERABLE=always { 1:* :: "Output every so many time steps" 0 :: "As often as possible" -1 :: "No output" -2 :: "Use IO::out_every" } -2 REAL out_dt "How often to do CarpetIOF5 output (overrides IO::out_dt)" STEERABLE=always { (0:* :: "In intervals of that much coordinate time" 0 :: "As often as possible" -1 :: "No output" -2 :: "Use IO::out_dt" } -2 REAL dt_fudge "Fudge factor for time comparisons" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "" } 1.0e-12 INT compression_level "Compression level to use for writing HDF5 data" STEERABLE=always { 0:9 :: "Higher numbers compress better, a value of zero disables compression" } 0 KEYWORD output_regions "Regions which should be output" STEERABLE=always { "exterior" :: "whole region (including boundaries)" "communicated" :: "exterior without outer boundary" "owned" :: "evolved in time" # "active" :: "owned minus buffers" "interior" :: "interior (without ghost zones)" } "exterior"