# Parameter definitions for thorn CarpetIOF5 SHARES: IO USES STRING out_dir AS IO_out_dir USES INT out_timesteps_per_file PRIVATE: STRING out_dir "Output directory (overrides IO::out_dir)" STEERABLE=always { "^$" :: "Empty: use IO::out_dir" ".+" :: "Not empty: directory name" } "" KEYWORD file_content "Create one file for every x" STEERABLE=always { "group" :: "" "thorn" :: "" "everything" :: "" } "everything" INT iteration_digits "Minimum number of digits for iteration number" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "" } 10 STRING out_filename "File name (without extension) for file_content='everything'" STEERABLE=always { "" :: "" } "output" INT processor_digits "Minimum number of digits for processor number" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "" } 6 STRING out_extension "File name extension" STEERABLE=always { "" :: "File extension (including a leading dot, if desired)" } ".f5" BOOLEAN create_subdirs "Create subdirectories for the output files to reduce the number of files per directory" STEERABLE=always { } "no" BOOLEAN one_dir_per_file "Create one subdirectory per output file to reduce locking overhead" STEERABLE=always { } "no" BOOLEAN output_symmetry_points "Output symmetry and inter-patch boundary points" STEERABLE=always { } "no" BOOLEAN output_ghost_points "Output ghost points" STEERABLE=always { } "no" BOOLEAN output_boundary_points "Output outer boundary points" STEERABLE=always { } "yes"