#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "gh.hh" #include "vect.hh" #include "carpet.hh" #include "CAR.hh" extern "C" { static const char* rcsid = "$Header:$"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(Carpet_CarpetAdaptiveregrid_regrid_cc); } namespace CarpetAdaptiveRegrid { using namespace std; using namespace Carpet; static gh::mexts local_bbsss; static CCTK_INT last_iteration = -1; extern "C" { void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(copy_mask) (const CCTK_INT& snx, const CCTK_INT& sny, const CCTK_INT& snz, const CCTK_INT* smask, const CCTK_INT sbbox[3][3], const CCTK_INT& dnx, const CCTK_INT& dny, const CCTK_INT& dnz, CCTK_INT* dmask, const CCTK_INT dbbox[3][3]); void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(check_box) (const CCTK_INT& nx, const CCTK_INT& ny, const CCTK_INT& nz, const CCTK_INT* mask, CCTK_INT* sum_x, CCTK_INT* sum_y, CCTK_INT* sum_z, CCTK_INT* sig_x, CCTK_INT* sig_y, CCTK_INT* sig_z, const CCTK_INT bbox[3][3], CCTK_INT newbbox1[3][3], CCTK_INT newbbox2[3][3], const CCTK_INT& min_width, const CCTK_REAL& min_fraction, CCTK_INT& didit); } ivect pos2int (const cGH* const cctkGH, const gh& hh, const rvect & rpos, const int rl); rvect int2pos (const cGH* const cctkGH, const gh& hh, const ivect & ipos, const int rl); CCTK_INT CarpetAdaptiveRegrid_Regrid (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_, CCTK_POINTER const bbsss_, CCTK_POINTER const obss_, CCTK_POINTER const pss_, CCTK_INT force) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; const cGH * const cctkGH = (const cGH *) cctkGH_; gh::mexts & bbsss = * (gh::mexts *) bbsss_; gh::rbnds & obss = * (gh::rbnds *) obss_; gh::rprocs & pss = * (gh::rprocs *) pss_; gh const & hh = *vhh.at(Carpet::map); assert (is_singlemap_mode()); if (local_bbsss.empty()) { // It's the first call // Is this really the right thing to do on // multiprocessors? local_bbsss = bbsss; } // FIXME: We should check that the local reflevel "agrees" // with what is passed in. // In force mode (force == true) we do not check the // CarpetAdaptiveregrid parameters if (!force) { assert (regrid_every == -1 || regrid_every == 0 || regrid_every % maxmglevelfact == 0); // Return if no regridding is desired if (regrid_every == -1) return 0; // Return if we want to regrid during initial data only, and this // is not the time for initial data if (regrid_every == 0 && cctkGH->cctk_iteration != 0) return 0; // Return if we want to regrid regularly, but not at this time if (regrid_every > 0 && cctkGH->cctk_iteration != 0 && (cctkGH->cctk_iteration-1) % regrid_every != 0) { return 0; } // Return if it's initial data as we can't handle that yet. if (cctkGH->cctk_iteration ==0) { return 0; } } if (reflevel == maxreflevels - 1) return 0; // Return if we want to regrid regularly, but not at this time if (regrid_every > 0 && cctkGH->cctk_iteration != 0 && (cctkGH->cctk_iteration-1) % regrid_every != 0) { return 0; } // Return if we have already been called on this iteration if (cctkGH->cctk_iteration == last_iteration) { return 0; } else { last_iteration = cctkGH->cctk_iteration; } // cout << "bbsss at start" << endl << bbsss << endl; // cout << "obss at start" << endl << obss << endl; // cout << "pss at start" << endl << pss << endl; CCTK_INT do_recompose; do_recompose = 1; CCTK_INT called_on_ml = mglevel; CCTK_INT called_on_rl = reflevel; CCTK_INT called_on_map = carpetGH.map; CCTK_INT finest_current_rl = local_bbsss.at(0).size(); finest_current_rl = min(finest_current_rl, maxreflevels - 1); // Loop over all levels finer than this one. leave_singlemap_mode(const_cast (cctkGH)); leave_level_mode(const_cast (cctkGH)); for (CCTK_INT rl = called_on_rl; rl < finest_current_rl; ++rl) { enter_level_mode(const_cast (cctkGH), rl); enter_singlemap_mode(const_cast (cctkGH), called_on_map); if (verbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Entering level " << rl << " map " << called_on_map; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } // So the full algorithm should look something like: // Find how big the first bounding box should be on this level // Do this by finding min lower and max upper bounds of all bboxes // Allocate box // Fill errors from local arrays // If grandchildren exist use their bboxes (expanded) to add to errors // Reduce errors (MPI sum) // Set errors to 0/1 // Define vectors of bboxes final (empty) and todo (contains bbox) // Define vector of masks (contains error mask) // Loop over all entries in todo: // Setup appropriate 1d array memory // Call fortran routine // If return is: // zero: add bbox to final // one: add new bbox to todo and assoc mask to masklist // two: add both new bboxs to todo and assoc masks to masklist // vector bbs = local_bbsss.at(mglevel).at(reflevel); stack final; vector > bbss = local_bbsss.at(0); bool did_regrid = false; rvect physical_min, physical_max; rvect interior_min, interior_max; rvect exterior_min, exterior_max; rvect base_spacing; int ierr = GetDomainSpecification (dim, &physical_min[0], &physical_max[0], &interior_min[0], &interior_max[0], &exterior_min[0], &exterior_max[0], &base_spacing[0]); assert (!ierr); for ( vector::const_iterator bbi = bbs.begin(); bbi != bbs.end(); ++bbi) { ivect low = bbi->lower(); ivect upp = bbi->upper(); // low and upp now define the starting bbox. ibbox bb(low, upp, bbs.at(0).stride()); if (verbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Found the local size of the box: " << endl << bb; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } vector mask(prod(bb.shape()/bb.stride()), 0); if (veryverbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Allocated mask size: " << bb.shape()/bb.stride() << " (points: " << prod(bb.shape()/bb.stride()) << ")"; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } // Setup the mask. const ibbox& baseext = vdd.at(Carpet::map)->bases.at(mglevel).at(reflevel).exterior; ivect imin = (bb.lower() - baseext.lower())/bb.stride(), imax = (bb.upper() - baseext.lower())/bb.stride(); BEGIN_LOCAL_COMPONENT_LOOP(cctkGH, CCTK_GF) { const CCTK_REAL *error_var_ptr = static_cast(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, error_var)); const CCTK_REAL *x_var_ptr = static_cast(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "Grid::x")); const CCTK_REAL *y_var_ptr = static_cast(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "Grid::y")); const CCTK_REAL *z_var_ptr = static_cast(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "Grid::z")); // These can actually be negative if the parent shrinks. // Of course, the final grid should still be properly // nested... // assert(all(imin >= 0)); // assert(all(imax >= 0)); // FIXME: Why should the following assert be true? // assert(all(imax < ivect::ref(cctkGH->cctk_lsh))); assert(all(imin <= imax)); for (CCTK_INT k = 0; k < cctkGH->cctk_lsh[2]; ++k) { for (CCTK_INT j = 0; j < cctkGH->cctk_lsh[1]; ++j) { for (CCTK_INT i = 0; i < cctkGH->cctk_lsh[0]; ++i) { CCTK_INT index = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i, j, k); CCTK_REAL local_error = abs(error_var_ptr[index]); if (local_error > max_error) { CCTK_INT ii = i + cctkGH->cctk_lbnd[0] - imin[0]; CCTK_INT jj = j + cctkGH->cctk_lbnd[1] - imin[1]; CCTK_INT kk = k + cctkGH->cctk_lbnd[2] - imin[2]; // Check that this point actually intersects with // this box (if this component was actually a // different grid on the same processor, it need not) if ( (ii >= 0) and (jj >= 0) and (kk >= 0) and (ii <= imax[0] - imin[0]) and (jj <= imax[1] - imin[1]) and (kk <= imax[2] - imin[2]) ) { assert (ii >= 0); assert (jj >= 0); assert (kk >= 0); assert (ii <= imax[0] - imin[0]); assert (jj <= imax[1] - imin[1]); assert (kk <= imax[2] - imin[2]); CCTK_INT mindex = ii + (imax[0] - imin[0] + 1)* (jj + (imax[1] - imin[1] + 1) * kk); mask[mindex] = 1; if (veryverbose) { CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "In error at point" "\n(%g,%g,%g) [%d,%d,%d] [[%d,%d,%d]]", x_var_ptr[index], y_var_ptr[index], z_var_ptr[index], ii, jj, kk, i,j,k); } } } } } } } END_LOCAL_COMPONENT_LOOP; // Instead check the error on child level, if exists // This should fix the "orphaned grandchild" problem if (bbss.size() > reflevel+1) { CCTK_INT currentml = mglevel; CCTK_INT currentrl = reflevel; CCTK_INT currentmap = carpetGH.map; leave_singlemap_mode(const_cast (cctkGH)); leave_level_mode(const_cast (cctkGH)); enter_level_mode(const_cast (cctkGH), currentrl + 1); enter_singlemap_mode(const_cast (cctkGH), currentmap); if (verbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Checking for errors on child level " << reflevel << " map " << currentmap; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } BEGIN_LOCAL_COMPONENT_LOOP(cctkGH, CCTK_GF) { const CCTK_REAL *error_var_ptr = static_cast(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, error_var)); const CCTK_REAL *x_var_ptr = static_cast(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "Grid::x")); const CCTK_REAL *y_var_ptr = static_cast(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "Grid::y")); const CCTK_REAL *z_var_ptr = static_cast(CCTK_VarDataPtr(cctkGH, 0, "Grid::z")); // assert(all(imin >= 0)); // assert(all(imax >= 0)); // FIXME: Why should the following assert be true? // assert(all(imax < ivect::ref(cctkGH->cctk_lsh))); assert(all(imin <= imax)); for (CCTK_INT k = 0; k < cctkGH->cctk_lsh[2]; ++k) { for (CCTK_INT j = 0; j < cctkGH->cctk_lsh[1]; ++j) { for (CCTK_INT i = 0; i < cctkGH->cctk_lsh[0]; ++i) { CCTK_INT index = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i, j, k); CCTK_REAL local_error = abs(error_var_ptr[index]); if (local_error > max_error) { CCTK_INT ii = i + cctkGH->cctk_lbnd[0] - imin[0]; CCTK_INT jj = j + cctkGH->cctk_lbnd[1] - imin[1]; CCTK_INT kk = k + cctkGH->cctk_lbnd[2] - imin[2]; // Check that this point actually intersects with // this box (if this component was actually a // different grid on the same processor, it need not) if ( (ii >= 0) and (jj >= 0) and (kk >= 0) and (ii <= imax[0] - imin[0]) and (jj <= imax[1] - imin[1]) and (kk <= imax[2] - imin[2]) ) { assert (ii >= 0); assert (jj >= 0); assert (kk >= 0); assert (ii <= imax[0] - imin[0]); assert (jj <= imax[1] - imin[1]); assert (kk <= imax[2] - imin[2]); CCTK_INT mindex = ii + (imax[0] - imin[0] + 1)* (jj + (imax[1] - imin[1] + 1) * kk); mask[mindex] = 1; if (veryverbose) { CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "In error at point" "\n(%g,%g,%g) [%d,%d,%d] [[%d,%d,%d]]", x_var_ptr[index], y_var_ptr[index], z_var_ptr[index], ii, jj, kk, i,j,k); } } } } } } } END_LOCAL_COMPONENT_LOOP; leave_singlemap_mode(const_cast (cctkGH)); leave_level_mode(const_cast (cctkGH)); enter_level_mode(const_cast (cctkGH), currentrl); enter_singlemap_mode(const_cast (cctkGH), currentmap); } // FIXME // Reduce errors (MPI sum) // Set errors to 0/1 // Pad the errors: stage 1 - buffer points marked as 2. for (CCTK_INT k = 0; k < imax[2] - imin[2] + 1; k++) { for (CCTK_INT j = 0; j < imax[1] - imin[1] + 1; j++) { for (CCTK_INT i = 0; i < imax[0] - imin[0] + 1; i++) { CCTK_INT index = i + (imax[0] - imin[0] + 1)*(j + (imax[1] - imin[1] + 1) * k); if (mask[index] == 1) { for (CCTK_INT kk = max(k - pad, 0); kk < min(k + pad + 1, imax[2] - imin[2] + 1); ++kk) { for (CCTK_INT jj = max(j - pad, 0); jj < min(j + pad + 1, imax[1] - imin[1] + 1); ++jj) { for (CCTK_INT ii = max(i - pad, 0); ii < min(i + pad + 1, imax[0] - imin[0] + 1); ++ii) { CCTK_INT mindex = ii + (imax[0] - imin[0] + 1)* (jj + (imax[1] - imin[1] + 1) * kk); if (!mask[mindex]) mask[mindex] = 2; } } } } } } } // stage 2: all buffer points marked truly in error. // Also mark if there are any errors. bool should_regrid = false; for (CCTK_INT k = 0; k < imax[2] - imin[2] + 1; k++) { for (CCTK_INT j = 0; j < imax[1] - imin[1] + 1; j++) { for (CCTK_INT i = 0; i < imax[0] - imin[0] + 1; i++) { CCTK_INT index = i + (imax[0]-imin[0] + 1)*(j + (imax[1] - imin[1] + 1) * k); if (mask[index] > 1) mask[index] = 1; if ((veryverbose) and (mask[index])) { CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Mask set at point" "\n[%d,%d,%d]", i,j,k); } should_regrid |= (mask[index]); did_regrid |= should_regrid; } } } if (verbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Finished looking for errors on level " << reflevel << endl << "should_regrid " << should_regrid << " did_regrid " << did_regrid; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } // Define vectors of bboxes final (empty) and todo (contains bbox) if (should_regrid) { stack todo; todo.push(bb); // Define vector of masks (contains error mask) stack > masklist; masklist.push(mask); // Loop over all entries in todo: // Setup appropriate 1d array memory // Call fortran routine // If return is: // zero: add bbox to final // one: add new bbox to todo and assoc mask to masklist // two: add both new bboxs to todo and assoc masks to masklist while (!todo.empty()) { ibbox bb = todo.top(); todo.pop(); vector mask = masklist.top(); masklist.pop(); CCTK_INT nx = bb.shape()[0]/bb.stride()[0]; CCTK_INT ny = bb.shape()[1]/bb.stride()[1]; CCTK_INT nz = bb.shape()[2]/bb.stride()[2]; if (verbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "todo loop. Box: " << endl << bb; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } vector sum_x(nx, 0); vector sig_x(nx, 0); vector sum_y(ny, 0); vector sig_y(ny, 0); vector sum_z(nz, 0); vector sig_z(nz, 0); CCTK_INT fbbox[3][3], fbbox1[3][3], fbbox2[3][3]; for (CCTK_INT d = 0; d < 3; ++d) { fbbox[0][d] = bb.lower()[d]; fbbox[1][d] = bb.upper()[d]; fbbox[2][d] = bb.stride()[d]; } CCTK_INT didit; CCTK_FNAME(check_box)(nx, ny, nz, &mask.front(), &sum_x.front(), &sum_y.front(), &sum_z.front(), &sig_x.front(), &sig_y.front(), &sig_z.front(), fbbox, fbbox1, fbbox2, min_width, min_fraction, didit); if (didit == 0) { final.push(bb); if (verbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "todo loop. Box pushed to final: " << endl << bb; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } } else if (didit == 1) { ibbox newbbox1(ivect::ref(&fbbox1[0][0]), ivect::ref(&fbbox1[1][0]), ivect::ref(&fbbox1[2][0])); todo.push(newbbox1); CCTK_INT dnx = newbbox1.shape()[0]/newbbox1.stride()[0]; CCTK_INT dny = newbbox1.shape()[1]/newbbox1.stride()[1]; CCTK_INT dnz = newbbox1.shape()[2]/newbbox1.stride()[2]; vector newmask1(prod(newbbox1.shape()/newbbox1.stride()), 0); CCTK_FNAME(copy_mask)(nx, ny, nz, &mask.front(), fbbox, dnx, dny, dnz, &newmask1.front(), fbbox1); masklist.push(newmask1); if (verbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "todo loop. New (single) box created: " << endl << newbbox1; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } } else if (didit == 2) { ibbox newbbox1(ivect::ref(&fbbox1[0][0]), ivect::ref(&fbbox1[1][0]), ivect::ref(&fbbox1[2][0])); todo.push(newbbox1); ibbox newbbox2(ivect::ref(&fbbox2[0][0]), ivect::ref(&fbbox2[1][0]), ivect::ref(&fbbox2[2][0])); todo.push(newbbox2); CCTK_INT dnx = newbbox1.shape()[0]/newbbox1.stride()[0]; CCTK_INT dny = newbbox1.shape()[1]/newbbox1.stride()[1]; CCTK_INT dnz = newbbox1.shape()[2]/newbbox1.stride()[2]; vector newmask1(prod(newbbox1.shape()/newbbox1.stride()), 0); CCTK_FNAME(copy_mask)(nx, ny, nz, &mask.front(), fbbox, dnx, dny, dnz, &newmask1.front(), fbbox1); masklist.push(newmask1); dnx = newbbox2.shape()[0]/newbbox2.stride()[0]; dny = newbbox2.shape()[1]/newbbox2.stride()[1]; dnz = newbbox2.shape()[2]/newbbox2.stride()[2]; vector newmask2(prod(newbbox2.shape()/newbbox2.stride()), 0); CCTK_FNAME(copy_mask)(nx, ny, nz, &mask.front(), fbbox, dnx, dny, dnz, &newmask2.front(), fbbox2); masklist.push(newmask2); if (verbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "todo loop. New (double) box created. Box 1: " << endl << newbbox1 << " Box 2: " << endl << newbbox2; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } } else { CCTK_WARN(0, "The fortran routine must be confused."); } } // loop over todo vector (boxes needing to be done). } // should regrid. } // Loop over boxes on the parent grid. if (did_regrid) { // Fixup the stride vector newbbs; vector obs; while (! final.empty()) { ibbox bb = final.top(); final.pop(); if (veryverbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Looping over the final list. Box is:" << endl << bb; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } ivect ilo = bb.lower(); ivect ihi = bb.upper(); rvect lo = int2pos(cctkGH, hh, ilo, reflevel); rvect hi = int2pos(cctkGH, hh, ihi, reflevel); rvect str = base_spacing * ipow((CCTK_REAL)mgfact, basemglevel) / ipow(reffact, reflevel); rbbox newbbcoord(lo, hi, str); if (veryverbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Dealing with boundaries. Coord box is:" << endl << newbbcoord; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } // Set the correct ob here. bbvect ob(false); for (int d=0; d physical_max[d]) { up[d] = exterior_max[d]; } rvect str = newbbcoord.stride(); // Set the ob if outside the physical domain ob[d][0] = abs(lo[d] - exterior_min[d]) < 1.0e-6 * spacing[d]; ob[d][1] = abs(up[d] - exterior_max[d]) < 1.0e-6 * spacing[d]; if (veryverbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Done clipping domain:" << endl << lo << endl << up << endl << str; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } // Check that the striding is correct. CCTK_REAL remainder = fmod((up[d] - lo[d]), str[d])/str[d]; if ( abs(remainder) > 1.e-6 ) { if (ob[d][0]) { up[d] += str[d] * (1 - remainder); } else if (ob[d][1]) { lo[d] -= str[d] * remainder; } } if (veryverbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Corrected coords for striding:" << endl << lo << endl << up << endl << str; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } newbbcoord = rbbox(lo, up, str); } if (verbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Done dealing with boundaries. Coord box is:" << endl << newbbcoord << endl << "obox is:" << endl << ob; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } // Convert back to integer coordinates // We have to do this on the fine grid to ensure that // it is correct for an outer boundary with odd numbers // of ghost zones where the bbox does not align with the parent. ilo = pos2int(cctkGH, hh, newbbcoord.lower(), reflevel+1); ihi = pos2int(cctkGH, hh, newbbcoord.upper(), reflevel+1); ivect istr = bb.stride() / reffact; // Check that the width is sufficient // This can only be too small if the domain was clipped for (int d=0; d < dim; ++d) { if (ihi[d] - ilo[d] < min_width * istr[d]) { if (ob[d][0]) { if (ob[d][1]) { CCTK_WARN(0, "The domain is too small?!"); } ihi[d] = ilo[d] + min_width * istr[d]; } else if (ob[d][1]) { if (ob[d][0]) { CCTK_WARN(0, "The domain is too small?!"); } ilo[d] = ihi[d] - min_width * istr[d]; } else { ostringstream buf; buf << "The grid is unclipped and too small?" << endl << ilo << endl << ihi << endl << istr << endl << d; CCTK_WARN(0, buf.str().c_str()); } } } if (veryverbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Corrected integer coords for min_width:" << endl << ilo << endl << ihi << endl << istr; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } ibbox newbb(ilo, ihi, istr); if (verbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "After dealing with boundaries. Final box is:" << endl << newbb; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } newbbs.push_back (newbb); obs.push_back(ob); } // FIXME: check if the newbbs is really different // from the current bbs // if not, set do_recompose = 0 bbs = newbbs; // Set local bbss if (bbss.size() < reflevel+2) { if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO("Adding new refinement level"); } bbss.resize(reflevel+2); obss.resize(reflevel+2); pss.resize(reflevel+2); } bbss.at(reflevel+1) = bbs; obss.at(reflevel+1) = obs; MakeMultigridBoxes (cctkGH, bbss, obss, local_bbsss); // make multiprocessor aware gh::cprocs ps; SplitRegions (cctkGH, bbs, obs, ps); bbss.at(reflevel+1) = bbs; obss.at(reflevel+1) = obs; pss.at(reflevel+1) = ps; } // did_regrid? else { if (bbss.size() > reflevel+1) { if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO("Removing refinement level"); } } bbss.resize(reflevel+1); obss.resize(reflevel+1); // Set local bbsss MakeMultigridBoxes (cctkGH, bbss, obss, local_bbsss); pss.resize(reflevel+1); do_recompose = 1; } // make multigrid aware MakeMultigridBoxes (cctkGH, bbss, obss, bbsss); leave_singlemap_mode(const_cast (cctkGH)); leave_level_mode(const_cast (cctkGH)); } enter_level_mode(const_cast (cctkGH), called_on_rl); enter_singlemap_mode(const_cast (cctkGH), called_on_map); if (verbose) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Done with it all. Total list is:" << endl << local_bbsss; CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str()); } return do_recompose; } ivect pos2int (const cGH* const cctkGH, const gh& hh, const rvect & rpos, const int rl) { rvect global_lower, global_upper; for (int d=0; d