#include "loopcontrol.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _OPENMP # include #else // Simple non-OpenMP implementations static inline int omp_get_num_threads() { return 1; } static inline int omp_get_thread_num() { return 0; } #endif #if defined HAVE_CAPABILITY_CYCLECLOCK // We have a fast, accurate clock # include #elif defined _OPENMP // We use the OpenMP clock typedef double ticks; static inline ticks getticks() { return omp_get_wtime(); } static inline double elapsed(ticks t1, ticks t0) { return t1-t0; } static inline double seconds_per_tick() { return 1.0; } #else // We use gettimeofday as fallback #include typedef timeval ticks; static inline ticks getticks() { timeval tp; gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); return tp; } static inline double elapsed(ticks t1, ticks t0) { return 1.0e+6 * (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) + (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec); } static inline double seconds_per_tick() { return 1.0e-6; } #endif using namespace std; bool lc_do_explore_eagerly = false; bool lc_do_settle = false; struct lc_thread_info_t { char padding1[128]; // pad to ensure cache lines are not shared volatile int idx; // linear index of next coarse thread block char padding2[128]; }; struct lc_fine_thread_comm_t { char padding1[128]; // pad to ensure cache lines are not shared volatile int state; // waiting threads volatile int value; // broadcast value char padding2[128]; }; // Statistics struct lc_stats_t { double points, threads; double count, sum, sum2, min, max; int init_count; lc_stats_t(): points(0.0), threads(0.0), count(0.0), sum(0.0), sum2(0.0), min(numeric_limits::max()), max(0.0), init_count(2) {} void add(const int npoints, const int nthreads, const double elapsed_time) { if (init_count > 0) { --init_count; // Reset statistics after the first iteration if (init_count == 0) { points = 0.0; threads = 0.0; count = 0.0; sum = 0.0; sum2 = 0.0; min = numeric_limits::max(); max = 0.0; } } points += double(npoints); threads += double(nthreads); count += 1.0; sum += elapsed_time; sum2 += pow(elapsed_time, 2.0); min = fmin(min, elapsed_time); max = fmax(max, elapsed_time); } double avg_thread() const { return sum / count; } double avg_point() const { return sum * threads / (count * points); } }; // Parameters that determine how a loop is traversed. This corresponds // to the choices one can make to optimize. This loosely corresponds // to parameters of thorn LoopControl. struct lc_params_key_t { lc_ivec_t tilesize; lc_ivec_t loopsize; bool operator==(const lc_params_key_t& x) const { return memcmp(this, &x, sizeof *this) == 0; } bool operator<(const lc_params_key_t& x) const { return memcmp(this, &x, sizeof *this) < 0; } }; // Unique identifier for an iteration setup, where differing setups // need to be optimized separately. This corresponds to the // information passed to lc_control_init. struct lc_setup_key_t { lc_ivec_t min, max, ash; int num_coarse_threads, num_fine_threads; bool operator==(const lc_setup_key_t& x) const { return memcmp(this, &x, sizeof *this) == 0; } bool operator<(const lc_setup_key_t& x) const { return memcmp(this, &x, sizeof *this) < 0; } }; struct lc_setup_t; struct lc_params_t { lc_setup_t& setup; // setup lc_params_key_t key; // copy of params lc_params_t(lc_setup_t& setup_, lc_params_key_t& key_): setup(setup_), key(key_) {} lc_stats_t stats; // statistics for these params }; struct lc_descr_t; struct lc_setup_t { lc_descr_t& descr; // descriptor lc_setup_key_t key; // copy of setup lc_setup_t(lc_descr_t& descr_, lc_setup_key_t& key_): descr(descr_), key(key_), default_params(0), best_params(0), current_params(0) {} typedef map params_map_t; params_map_t params; lc_params_t *default_params; lc_params_t *best_params; lc_params_t *current_params; lc_stats_t stats; // statistics for all params for this setup }; struct lc_descr_t { string name; string file; int line; typedef map setup_map_t; setup_map_t setups; lc_setup_t *current_setup; // current setup lc_params_t *current_params; // current params lc_stats_t stats; // global statistics for all setups ticks start_time; // current start time }; extern "C" CCTK_FCALL void CCTK_FNAME(lc_get_fortran_type_sizes)(ptrdiff_t *type_sizes); namespace { typedef vector all_descrs_t; all_descrs_t all_descrs; void check_fortran_type_sizes() { ptrdiff_t type_sizes[4]; CCTK_FNAME(lc_get_fortran_type_sizes) (type_sizes); assert(type_sizes[0] == sizeof(lc_vec_t)); assert(type_sizes[1] == sizeof(lc_ivec_t)); assert(type_sizes[2] == sizeof(lc_space_t)); assert(type_sizes[3] == sizeof(lc_control_t)); } template T divup(const T i, const T j) { assert(i >= 0 and j > 0); return (i + j - 1) / j; } template T divdown(const T i, const T j) { assert(i >= 0 and j > 0); return i / j; } template T divexact(const T i, const T j) { assert(i % j == 0); return i / j; } template T moddown(const T i, const T j) { assert(i >= 0 and j > 0); return i % j; } template T alignup(const T i, const T j) { return divup(i, j) * j; } template T aligndown(const T i, const T j) { return divdown(i, j) * j; } // random uniform integer template T randomui(const T imin, const T imax, const T istr = 1) { assert(imin=imin and res0) os << ","; os << x.v[d]; } os << "]"; return os; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const lc_ivec_t& x) { os << "["; for (int d=0; d0) os << ","; os << x.v[d]; } os << "]"; return os; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const lc_space_t& s) { os << "{" << "min:" << s.min << "," << "max:" << s.max << "," << "step:" << s.step << "," << "pos:" << s.pos << "," << "count:" << s.count << "," << "idx:" << s.idx << "}"; return os; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const lc_control_t& c) { os << "lc_control{\n" << " ash:" << c.ash << ",\n" << " overall:" << c.overall << ",\n" << " coarse_thread:" << c.coarse_thread << ",\n" << " coarse_loop:" << c.coarse_loop << ",\n" << " fine_loop:" << c.fine_loop << "\n" << " fine_thread:" << c.fine_thread << "\n" << "}\n"; return os; } ptrdiff_t prod(const lc_vec_t& x) { ptrdiff_t r = 1; for (int d=0; d= 0); r *= x.v[d]; } return r; } ptrdiff_t ind(const lc_vec_t& shape, const lc_vec_t& pos) { ptrdiff_t r = 0; ptrdiff_t f = 1; for (int d=0; d= 0 and pos.v[d] < shape.v[d]); r += f * pos.v[d]; assert(shape.v[d] >= 0); f *= shape.v[d]; } return r; } ptrdiff_t ind(const lc_vec_t& shape, const ptrdiff_t i, const ptrdiff_t j, const ptrdiff_t k) { const lc_vec_t pos = {{ i, j, k }}; return ind(shape, pos); } void space_set_count(lc_space_t& space) { for (int d=0; d= 0); for (int d=0; d 0) { space.idx.v[d] = moddown(gidx, space.count.v[d]); gidx = divdown(gidx, space.count.v[d]); } else { space.idx.v[d] = 0; } } return gidx != 0; } int space_local2global(const lc_space_t& space) { int gidx = 0; int fact = 1; for (int d=0; d= 0 and space.idx.v[d] < space.count.v[d]); gidx += fact * space.idx.v[d]; fact *= space.count.v[d]; } return gidx; } int get_num_fine_threads() { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; if (not use_smt_threads) return 1; if (omp_get_num_threads() == 1) return 1; static int num_smt_threads = -1; if (CCTK_BUILTIN_EXPECT(num_smt_threads<0, false)) { #pragma omp critical if (num_smt_threads<0) { if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased("GetNumSMTThreads")) { num_smt_threads = GetNumSMTThreads(); } else { num_smt_threads = 1; } } } return num_smt_threads; } int get_fine_thread_num() { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; if (not use_smt_threads) return 0; if (omp_get_num_threads() == 1) return 0; const int thread_num = omp_get_thread_num(); const int num_fine_threads = get_num_fine_threads(); return moddown(thread_num, num_fine_threads); } int get_num_coarse_threads() { const int num_threads = omp_get_num_threads(); const int num_fine_threads = get_num_fine_threads(); return divexact(num_threads, num_fine_threads); } int get_coarse_thread_num() { const int thread_num = omp_get_thread_num(); const int num_fine_threads = get_num_fine_threads(); return divdown(thread_num, num_fine_threads); } // Wait until *ptr is different from old_value void thread_wait(volatile int *const ptr, const int old_value) { while (*ptr == old_value) { #pragma omp flush (void)0; // PGI compiler needs this } } int fine_thread_broadcast(lc_fine_thread_comm_t *const comm, int value) { const int num_fine_threads = get_num_fine_threads(); if (num_fine_threads == 1) return value; assert(num_fine_threads < 8 * int(sizeof comm->state)); const int fine_thread_num = get_fine_thread_num(); const int master_mask = 1; // Assume comm->count == 0 initially if (fine_thread_num == 0) { // if on master const int all_threads_mask = (1 << num_fine_threads) - 1; if (comm->state != 0) { // wait until everybody has acknowledged the previous value #pragma omp flush for (;;) { const int state = comm->state; if (state == all_threads_mask) break; thread_wait(&comm->state, state); } // mark the value as invalid comm->state = 0; #pragma omp flush } // publish value comm->value = value; #pragma omp flush // mark the value as valid comm->state = master_mask; #pragma omp flush } else { // if not on master // wait until the value is valid, and it is a new value const int thread_mask = 1 << fine_thread_num; #pragma omp flush for (;;) { const int state = comm->state; if ((state & (master_mask | thread_mask)) == master_mask) break; thread_wait(&comm->state, state); } // read value value = comm->value; #pragma omp flush (void)0; // PGI compiler needs this // acknowledge the value #pragma omp atomic comm->state |= thread_mask; #pragma omp flush } // if not on master return value; } } // namespace void lc_descr_init(lc_descr_t **const descr_ptr, const char *const name, const char *const file, const int line) { if (CCTK_BUILTIN_EXPECT(*descr_ptr != 0, true)) return; #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp master { lc_descr_t *const descr = new lc_descr_t; descr->name = name; descr->file = file; descr->line = line; descr->current_setup = NULL; descr->current_params = NULL; all_descrs.push_back(descr); *descr_ptr = descr; } #pragma omp barrier } void lc_control_init(lc_control_t *restrict const control, lc_descr_t *const descr, ptrdiff_t imin, ptrdiff_t jmin, ptrdiff_t kmin, ptrdiff_t imax, ptrdiff_t jmax, ptrdiff_t kmax, ptrdiff_t iash, ptrdiff_t jash, ptrdiff_t kash, ptrdiff_t istr) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; // Get cache line size static ptrdiff_t max_cache_linesize = -1; if (CCTK_BUILTIN_EXPECT(max_cache_linesize<0, false)) { #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp master { max_cache_linesize = 1; if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased("GetCacheInfo1")) { const int num_levels = GetCacheInfo1(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); vector types (num_levels); vector linesizes(num_levels); vector strides (num_levels); GetCacheInfo1(NULL, &types[0], NULL, &linesizes[0], &strides[0], NULL, num_levels); for (int level=0; levelstart_time = getticks(); // Capture loop setup key lc_setup_key_t setup_key; setup_key.min.v[0] = imin; setup_key.min.v[1] = jmin; setup_key.min.v[2] = kmin; setup_key.max.v[0] = imax; setup_key.max.v[1] = jmax; setup_key.max.v[2] = kmax; setup_key.ash.v[0] = iash; setup_key.ash.v[1] = jash; setup_key.ash.v[2] = kash; setup_key.num_coarse_threads = get_num_coarse_threads(); setup_key.num_fine_threads = get_num_fine_threads(); // Determine loop setup { const pair res = descr->setups.insert(make_pair(setup_key, static_cast(0))); const lc_descr_t::setup_map_t::iterator setup_i = res.first; lc_setup_t*& setup_p = setup_i->second; const bool isnew = res.second; assert(isnew == not setup_p); if (isnew) { setup_p = new lc_setup_t(*descr, setup_key); } assert(not descr->current_setup); descr->current_setup = setup_p; } // Choose loop params lc_setup_t& setup = *descr->current_setup; const int max_size_factor = 4; const double very_expensive_factor = 1.5; const int tryout_iterations = 1; // 10; const double random_jump_probability = 0.1; enum choices_t { choice_set_default, choice_keep_current, choice_use_best, choice_random_jump }; choices_t choice = choice_set_default; if (setup.current_params) { choice = choice_keep_current; if (setup.current_params->stats.avg_point() > very_expensive_factor * setup.best_params->stats.avg_point()) { // Bail out if this params setting is too expensive choice = choice_use_best; } if (setup.current_params->stats.count >= double(tryout_iterations)) { // Switch if we tried this setting for some time choice = choice_use_best; } } if (choice == choice_use_best) { // Make a random jump every so often #if 0 const bool do_settle = settle_after_iteration >= 0 and cctkGH->cctk_iteration >= settle_after_iteration; #endif if (not lc_do_settle) { #if 0 const bool do_explore_eagerly = cctkGH->cctk_iteration < explore_eagerly_before_iteration; #endif if (lc_do_explore_eagerly or rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) < random_jump_probability) { choice = choice_random_jump; } } } lc_params_key_t params_key; switch (choice) { case choice_set_default: // Set default params_key.tilesize.v[0] = alignup(tilesize_i, int(tilesize_alignment)); params_key.tilesize.v[1] = tilesize_j; params_key.tilesize.v[2] = tilesize_k; params_key.loopsize.v[0] = alignup(loopsize_i, params_key.tilesize.v[0]); params_key.loopsize.v[1] = alignup(loopsize_j, params_key.tilesize.v[1]); params_key.loopsize.v[2] = alignup(loopsize_k, params_key.tilesize.v[2]); break; case choice_keep_current: params_key = setup.current_params->key; break; case choice_use_best: params_key = setup.best_params->key; break; case choice_random_jump: { const int tilesizes[LC_DIM] = {tilesize_i, tilesize_j, tilesize_k}; const int loopsizes[LC_DIM] = {loopsize_i, loopsize_j, loopsize_k}; for (int d=0; d res = setup.params.insert(make_pair(params_key, static_cast(0))); const lc_setup_t::params_map_t::iterator params_i = res.first; lc_params_t*& params_p = params_i->second; const bool isnew = res.second; assert(isnew == not params_p); if (isnew) { params_p = new lc_params_t(setup, params_key); } assert(not descr->current_params); descr->current_params = params_p; setup.current_params = descr->current_params; if (not setup.default_params) { setup.default_params = setup.current_params; } if (not setup.best_params) { setup.best_params = setup.current_params; } } } #pragma omp barrier // Ensure thread counts are consistent assert(get_num_coarse_threads() * get_num_fine_threads() == omp_get_num_threads()); // Initialize everything with a large, bogus value memset(control, 123, sizeof *control); // Parameters (all in units of grid points) const ptrdiff_t tilesize[LC_DIM] = { descr->current_params->key.tilesize.v[0], descr->current_params->key.tilesize.v[1], descr->current_params->key.tilesize.v[2], }; const ptrdiff_t loopsize[LC_DIM] = { descr->current_params->key.loopsize.v[0], descr->current_params->key.loopsize.v[1], descr->current_params->key.loopsize.v[2], }; ptrdiff_t smt_size[LC_DIM] = { 1, 1, 1 }; { const int num_fine_threads = get_num_fine_threads(); // If possible, stagger fine threads in the i direction, so that // they share cache lines if (istr * num_fine_threads <= loopsize[0]) { smt_size[0] = num_fine_threads; } else if (num_fine_threads <= loopsize[1]) { smt_size[1] = num_fine_threads; } else { smt_size[2] = num_fine_threads; } } // Arguments const ptrdiff_t loop_min[LC_DIM] = { imin, jmin, kmin }; const ptrdiff_t loop_max[LC_DIM] = { imax, jmax, kmax }; const ptrdiff_t ash[LC_DIM] = { iash, jash, kash }; const ptrdiff_t vect_size[LC_DIM] = { istr, 1, 1 }; // Copy ash arguments for (int d=0; dash.v[d] = ash[d]; } // Set up multithreading state lc_thread_info_t *thread_info_ptr; #pragma omp single copyprivate(thread_info_ptr) { thread_info_ptr = new lc_thread_info_t; } control->coarse_thread_info_ptr = thread_info_ptr; { lc_fine_thread_comm_t **fine_thread_comm_ptrs; #pragma omp single copyprivate(fine_thread_comm_ptrs) { fine_thread_comm_ptrs = new lc_fine_thread_comm_t*[get_num_coarse_threads()]; } if (get_fine_thread_num() == 0) { lc_fine_thread_comm_t *const fine_thread_comm_ptr = new lc_fine_thread_comm_t; fine_thread_comm_ptr->state = 0; fine_thread_comm_ptrs[get_coarse_thread_num()] = fine_thread_comm_ptr; } #pragma omp barrier control->fine_thread_comm_ptr = fine_thread_comm_ptrs[get_coarse_thread_num()]; #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp single nowait { delete[] fine_thread_comm_ptrs; } } // Set loop sizes for(int d=0; doverall.min.v[d] = loop_min[d]; control->overall.max.v[d] = loop_max[d]; // Thread loop #if VECTORISE_ALIGNED_ARRAYS // Move start to be aligned with vector size control->coarse_thread.min.v[d] = aligndown(control->overall.min.v[d], vect_size[d]); #else control->coarse_thread.min.v[d] = control->overall.min.v[d]; #endif control->coarse_thread.max.v[d] = loop_max[d]; // Fine threads control->fine_thread.count.v[d] = smt_size[d]; } { const int fine_thread_num = get_fine_thread_num(); const bool outside = space_global2local(control->fine_thread, fine_thread_num); assert(not outside); } // Set loop step sizes if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_setup, "legacy")) { // Like a non-LoopControl loop: no loop tiling (i.e. do not use // coarse loops), parallelise only in k direction (i.e. assign // equal k ranges to threads) for(int d=0; dfine_thread.step.v[d] = vect_size[d]; control->fine_loop.step.v[d] = vect_size[d]; const ptrdiff_t npoints = control->overall.max.v[d] - control->overall.min.v[d]; const ptrdiff_t nthreads = d!=LC_DIM-1 ? 1 : get_num_coarse_threads(); control->coarse_loop.step.v[d] = alignup(divup(npoints, nthreads), control->fine_loop.step.v[d]); control->coarse_thread.step.v[d] = alignup(npoints, control->coarse_loop.step.v[d]); } } else if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_setup, "tiled")) { // Basic LoopControl setup for(int d=0; dfine_thread.step.v[d] = vect_size[d]; control->fine_loop.step.v[d] = smt_size[d] * control->fine_thread.step.v[d]; control->coarse_loop.step.v[d] = alignup(tilesize[d], control->fine_loop.step.v[d]); control->coarse_thread.step.v[d] = alignup(loopsize[d], control->coarse_loop.step.v[d]); } } else { CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "internal error"); } if (veryverbose) { #pragma omp master CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Loop %s (%s:%d): imin=[%td,%td,%td] imax=[%td,%td,%td]\n" " threads=%d coarse_threads=%d fine_threads=%d\n" " fine_thread.step=[%td,%td,%td] fine_loop.step=[%td,%td,%td] coarse_loop.step=[%td,%td,%td] coarse_thread.step=[%td,%td,%td]", descr->name.c_str(), descr->file.c_str(), descr->line, control->overall.min.v[0], control->overall.min.v[1], control->overall.min.v[2], control->overall.max.v[0], control->overall.max.v[1], control->overall.max.v[2], omp_get_num_threads(), get_num_coarse_threads(), get_num_fine_threads(), control->fine_thread.step.v[0], control->fine_thread.step.v[1], control->fine_thread.step.v[2], control->fine_loop.step.v[0], control->fine_loop.step.v[1], control->fine_loop.step.v[2], control->coarse_loop.step.v[0], control->coarse_loop.step.v[1], control->coarse_loop.step.v[2], control->coarse_thread.step.v[0], control->coarse_thread.step.v[1], control->coarse_thread.step.v[2]); } // Initialise selftest if (selftest) { unsigned char *selftest_array; #pragma omp single copyprivate(selftest_array) { const ptrdiff_t npoints = prod(control->ash); selftest_array = new unsigned char[npoints]; memset(selftest_array, 0, npoints * sizeof *selftest_array); } control->selftest_array = selftest_array; } else { control->selftest_array = NULL; } } void lc_control_finish(lc_control_t *restrict const control, lc_descr_t *const descr) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; // Finish selftest if (selftest) { assert(control->selftest_array); #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp master { ptrdiff_t nfailed = 0; for (ptrdiff_t k=0; kash.v[2]; ++k) { for (ptrdiff_t j=0; jash.v[1]; ++j) { for (ptrdiff_t i=0; iash.v[0]; ++i) { const bool inside = i >= control->overall.min.v[0] and j >= control->overall.min.v[1] and k >= control->overall.min.v[2] and i < control->overall.max.v[0] and j < control->overall.max.v[1] and k < control->overall.max.v[2]; const ptrdiff_t ipos = ind(control->ash, i,j,k); nfailed += control->selftest_array[ipos] != inside; } } } if (nfailed > 0) { CCTK_VWarn(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "LoopControl self-test failed"); } delete[] control->selftest_array; } control->selftest_array = NULL; } #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp master { // Finish timing const ticks end_time = getticks(); const double elapsed_time = seconds_per_tick() * elapsed(end_time, descr->start_time); ptrdiff_t npoints = 1; for (int d=0; doverall.max.v[d] - control->overall.min.v[d]; } // Collect statistics const double old_avg = descr->current_params->stats.avg_point(); descr->current_params->stats.add (npoints, omp_get_num_threads(), elapsed_time); const double new_avg = descr->current_params->stats.avg_point(); descr->current_setup->stats.add (npoints, omp_get_num_threads(), elapsed_time); descr->stats.add(npoints, omp_get_num_threads(), elapsed_time); if (veryverbose) { if (descr->stats.count == 0.0) { const double time_point = elapsed_time * omp_get_num_threads() / npoints; CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Loop %s: time=%g, time/point=%g s", descr->name.c_str(), elapsed_time, time_point); } else { CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Loop %s: count=%g, avg/thread=%g s, avg/point=%g s", descr->name.c_str(), descr->stats.count, descr->stats.avg_thread(), descr->stats.avg_point()); } } lc_setup_t *const setup = descr->current_setup; if (setup->current_params == setup->best_params and new_avg > old_avg) { // The current best params just became worse, so forget it setup->best_params = NULL; } else if (setup->current_params != setup->best_params and new_avg < setup->best_params->stats.avg_point()) { // We found a new best params setup->best_params = setup->current_params; } if (not setup->best_params) { // We don't know which params is best, so find it // TODO: This is expensive -- maintain a tree instead? double best_avg = -1.0; for (lc_setup_t::params_map_t::iterator params_i = setup->params.begin(), params_end = setup->params.end(); params_i != params_end; ++params_i) { lc_params_t *const params = params_i->second; const double avg = params->stats.avg_point(); if (best_avg < 0.0 or avg < best_avg) { setup->best_params = params; best_avg = avg; } } } assert(setup->best_params); descr->current_setup = NULL; descr->current_params = NULL; // Tear down multithreading state delete control->coarse_thread_info_ptr; control->coarse_thread_info_ptr = NULL; if (get_fine_thread_num() == 0) { delete control->fine_thread_comm_ptr; } control->fine_thread_comm_ptr = NULL; } } void lc_thread_init(lc_control_t *restrict const control) { space_set_count(control->coarse_thread); #pragma omp single { control->coarse_thread_info_ptr->idx = get_num_coarse_threads(); } control->coarse_thread_done = space_global2local(control->coarse_thread, get_coarse_thread_num()); space_idx2pos(control->coarse_thread); } int lc_thread_done(const lc_control_t *restrict const control) { return control->coarse_thread_done; } void lc_thread_step(lc_control_t *restrict const control) { // Get next thread block int new_global_idx = -1; if (get_fine_thread_num() == 0) { #pragma omp critical(LoopControl_lc_thread_step) { new_global_idx = control->coarse_thread_info_ptr->idx++; } } new_global_idx = fine_thread_broadcast(control->fine_thread_comm_ptr, new_global_idx); control->coarse_thread_done = space_global2local(control->coarse_thread, new_global_idx); space_idx2pos(control->coarse_thread); } void lc_selftest_set(const lc_control_t *restrict control, const ptrdiff_t imin, const ptrdiff_t imax, const ptrdiff_t istr, const ptrdiff_t i0, const ptrdiff_t j, const ptrdiff_t k) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; assert(selftest); assert(imin>=0 and iminash.v[0]); assert(istr>0); assert(j>=0 and jash.v[1]); assert(k>=0 and kash.v[2]); assert(i0+istr-1>=control->overall.min.v[0] and i0overall.max.v[0]); if (imin>control->overall.min.v[0]) { const ptrdiff_t ipos_imin = ind(control->ash, imin,j,k); assert(ipos_imin % istr == 0); } if (imaxoverall.max.v[0]) { const ptrdiff_t ipos_imax = ind(control->ash, imax,j,k); assert(ipos_imax % istr == 0); } assert(j>=control->overall.min.v[1] and joverall.max.v[1]); assert(k>=control->overall.min.v[2] and koverall.max.v[2]); for (ptrdiff_t i=i0; i=imin and i=0 and iash.v[0]); assert(i>=control->overall.min.v[0] and ioverall.max.v[0]); const ptrdiff_t ipos = ind(control->ash, i,j,k); unsigned char& elt = control->selftest_array[ipos]; #ifdef _CRAYC // Cray C++ compiler 8.1.2 segfaults on atomic #pragma omp critical(lc_selftest_set) ++elt; #else #pragma omp atomic ++elt; #endif if (elt!=1) { #pragma omp critical { fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "thread=%d/%d fine_thread=%d/%d ijk=[%td,%td,%td]\n", get_coarse_thread_num(), get_num_coarse_threads(), get_fine_thread_num(), get_num_fine_threads(), i,j,k); assert(0); } } } } } int lc_setup(void) { check_fortran_type_sizes(); return 0; } void lc_statistics(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; { CCTK_INFO("LoopControl statistics:"); const size_t nloops = all_descrs.size(); size_t nsetups = 0, nparams = 0; double time_default = 0.0, time_best = 0.0, time_actual = 0.0; for (all_descrs_t::const_iterator idescr = all_descrs.begin(); idescr != all_descrs.end(); ++idescr) { const lc_descr_t& descr = **idescr; nsetups += descr.setups.size(); for (lc_descr_t::setup_map_t::const_iterator setup_i = descr.setups.begin(), setup_end = descr.setups.end(); setup_i != setup_end; ++setup_i) { const lc_setup_t& setup = *setup_i->second; nparams += setup.params.size(); const double setup_count = setup.stats.count * setup.stats.points; time_default += setup_count * setup.default_params->stats.avg_point(); time_best += setup_count * setup.best_params->stats.avg_point(); time_actual += setup_count * setup.stats.avg_point(); } } CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " Loops traversed: %td", nloops); CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " Setups encountered: %td", nsetups); CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " Params explored: %td", nparams); CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " Unoptimized time would have been: %g s", time_default); CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " Actual time spent: %g s (%+.1f%%)", time_actual, 100.0 * (time_actual / time_default - 1.0)); CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, " Ideal time could have been: %g s (%+.1f%%)", time_best, 100.0 * (time_best / time_actual - 1.0)); } if (strlen(statistics_filename) == 0) return; static bool did_truncate = false; const bool do_truncate = IO_TruncateOutputFiles(cctkGH); const char* const mode = do_truncate and not did_truncate ? "w" : "a"; did_truncate = true; char filename[10000]; snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "%s/%s.%06d.txt", out_dir, statistics_filename, CCTK_MyProc(cctkGH)); FILE *const descrfile = fopen(filename, mode); fprintf(descrfile, "LoopControl statistics:\n"); for (all_descrs_t::const_iterator idescr = all_descrs.begin(); idescr != all_descrs.end(); ++idescr) { const lc_descr_t *const descr = *idescr; fprintf(descrfile, " Loop %s (%s:%d):\n", descr->name.c_str(), descr->file.c_str(), descr->line); for (lc_descr_t::setup_map_t::const_iterator setup_i = descr->setups.begin(), setup_end = descr->setups.end(); setup_i != setup_end; ++setup_i) { const lc_setup_t& setup = *setup_i->second; fprintf(descrfile, " setup=[%d,%d,%d]:[%d,%d,%d]/[%d,%d,%d] nt=%d/%d\n", setup.key.min.v[0], setup.key.min.v[1], setup.key.min.v[2], setup.key.max.v[0], setup.key.max.v[1], setup.key.max.v[2], setup.key.ash.v[0], setup.key.ash.v[1], setup.key.ash.v[2], setup.key.num_coarse_threads, setup.key.num_fine_threads); double best_avg = numeric_limits::max(), worst_avg = 0.0; for (lc_setup_t::params_map_t::const_iterator params_i = setup.params.begin(), params_end = setup.params.end(); params_i != params_end; ++params_i) { const lc_params_t& params = *params_i->second; fprintf(descrfile, " tilesize=[%d,%d,%d] loopsize=[%d,%d,%d]\n", params.key.tilesize.v[0], params.key.tilesize.v[1], params.key.tilesize.v[2], params.key.loopsize.v[0], params.key.loopsize.v[1], params.key.loopsize.v[2]); const lc_stats_t& stats = params.stats; fprintf(descrfile, " count=%g, avg/thread=%g s, avg/point=%g s%s%s\n", stats.count, stats.avg_thread(), stats.avg_point(), ¶ms == setup.default_params ? " (DEFAULT)" : "", ¶ms == setup.best_params ? " (BEST)" : ""); best_avg = min(best_avg, stats.avg_point()); worst_avg = max(worst_avg, stats.avg_point()); } const double default_avg = setup.default_params->stats.avg_point(); fprintf(descrfile, " best(avg/point)=%g s, worst(avg/point)=%g s, default(avg/point)=%g s\n", best_avg, worst_avg, default_avg); const lc_stats_t& stats = setup.stats; fprintf(descrfile, " count=%g, avg/thread=%g s, avg/point=%g s\n", stats.count, stats.avg_thread(), stats.avg_point()); } const lc_stats_t& stats = descr->stats; fprintf(descrfile, " count=%g, avg/thread=%g s, avg/point=%g s\n", stats.count, stats.avg_thread(), stats.avg_point()); } fprintf(descrfile, "\n"); fclose(descrfile); } void lc_statistics_maybe(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; if (verbose or veryverbose) { lc_statistics(CCTK_PASS_CTOC); } } extern "C" CCTK_FCALL void CCTK_FNAME(lc_descr_init)(CCTK_POINTER& descr, int& line, TWO_FORTSTRINGS_ARGS) { TWO_FORTSTRINGS_CREATE(file, name); lc_descr_init((lc_descr_t**)&descr, name, file, line); free(name); free(file); } extern "C" CCTK_FCALL void CCTK_FNAME(lc_control_init)(lc_control_t& restrict control, CCTK_POINTER& descr, const int& imin, const int& jmin, const int& kmin, const int& imax, const int& jmax, const int& kmax, const int& iash, const int& jash, const int& kash, const int& istr) { lc_control_init(&control, (lc_descr_t*)descr, imin, jmin, kmin, imax, jmax, kmax, iash, jash, kash, istr); } extern "C" CCTK_FCALL void CCTK_FNAME(lc_control_finish)(lc_control_t& restrict control, CCTK_POINTER& descr) { lc_control_finish(&control, (lc_descr_t*)descr); } extern "C" CCTK_FCALL void CCTK_FNAME(lc_thread_init)(lc_control_t& control) { lc_thread_init(&control); } extern "C" CCTK_FCALL int CCTK_FNAME(lc_thread_done)(const lc_control_t& control) { return lc_thread_done(&control); } extern "C" CCTK_FCALL void CCTK_FNAME(lc_thread_step)(lc_control_t& control) { lc_thread_step(&control); }