#include #include #include #include #include #include "loopcontrol.h" #include "lc_hill.h" static inline int imin (int const a, int const b) { return a < b ? a : b; } static inline int imax (int const a, int const b) { return a > b ? a : b; } static double drand (void) { return rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0); } static int irand (int const imax) { return rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) * imax; } static double time_for_stattime (lc_stattime_t const * restrict const lt) { assert (lt); return lt->time_calc_sum / lt->time_count; } static double time_for_state (lc_statset_t const * restrict const ls, lc_state_t const * restrict const state) { lc_stattime_t const * restrict const lt = lc_stattime_find (ls, state); assert (lt); return time_for_stattime (lt); } void lc_hill_init (lc_statset_t * restrict const ls, lc_state_t * const new_state) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; lc_hill_state_t * restrict lh = ls->hill_state; /* Initialise state */ if (! lh) { if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: Initialising"); } ls->hill_state = malloc (sizeof * ls->hill_state); lh = ls->hill_state; lh->iteration = 0; lh->have_best = 0; lh->excursion_start = 0; lh->have_previous = 0; lh->state = * new_state; return; } /* If the overhead has become too large, do nothing. */ if (ls->time_setup_sum > maximum_setup_overhead * ls->time_calc_sum) { /* Stay at the old state. */ * new_state = lh->state; return; } ++ lh->iteration; if (verbose) { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Hill climbing: iter %d, state %2d/{%2d,%2d,%2d}, time %g", lh->iteration, lh->state.topology, lh->state.tiling[0], lh->state.tiling[1], lh->state.tiling[2], lh->time); } /* Test whether we have a new best time */ if (! lh->have_best || lh->time < lh->best_time) { /* Remember this state */ if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: This is a new best time"); } lh->best = lh->state; lh->best_time = lh->time; lh->have_best = 1; lh->excursion_start = lh->iteration; } else if (lh->have_best && lc_state_equal (& lh->state, & lh->best)) { /* Update time for best state */ if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: Updating best time"); } lh->best_time = lh->time; } /* Compare the time for the current state with the time for the previous state. If the previous state was better, backtrack. */ if (lh->have_previous && lh->previous_time < lh->time) { if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: Backtracking"); } lh->state = lh->previous; lh->time = lh->previous_time; lh->have_previous = 0; } /* Give up if the current time is too bad */ if (lh->have_best) { int const immediate_overhead = lh->time > lh->best_time * (1.0 + immediate_overhead_threshold); int const delayed_overhead = lh->iteration > lh->excursion_start + overhead_threshold_delay && lh->time > lh->best_time * (1.0 + delayed_overhead_threshold); if (immediate_overhead || delayed_overhead) { if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: Reverting to best known state"); } lh->excursion_start = lh->iteration; lh->state = lh->best; lh->time = lh->best_time; } } /* Age the state */ lh->previous = lh->state; lh->previous_time = lh->time; lh->have_previous = 1; search:; /* Look which neighbours exist. */ typedef enum { nb_boundary, nb_missing, nb_exists } neighbour_t; neighbour_t neighbours[3][2]; lc_state_t nb_state[3][2]; double nb_time[3][2]; lc_state_t * nb_nonexist_state[6]; int num_nonexist_states = 0; lc_state_t * nb_minimum_time = NULL; double minimum_time; for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) { for (int f=0; f<2; ++f) { nb_state[d][f] = lh->state; nb_state[d][f].tiling[d] += f ? + 1: -1; int const ntilings = ls->topology_ntilings[d][nb_state[d][f].topology]; if (nb_state[d][f].tiling[d] < 0 || nb_state[d][f].tiling[d] >= ntilings) { neighbours[d][f] = nb_boundary; } else { lc_stattime_t const * restrict const nb_lt = lc_stattime_find (ls, & nb_state[d][f]); if (! nb_lt) { neighbours[d][f] = nb_missing; nb_nonexist_state[num_nonexist_states++] = & nb_state[d][f]; } else { neighbours[d][f] = nb_exists; nb_time[d][f] = time_for_stattime (nb_lt); if (! nb_minimum_time || nb_time[d][f] < minimum_time) { nb_minimum_time = & nb_state[d][f]; minimum_time = nb_time[d][f]; } } } } } /* If not all neighbours exist, then choose a random neighbour and move there. */ if (num_nonexist_states > 0) { if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: Examining a new state"); } int const choice = irand (num_nonexist_states); lh->state = * nb_nonexist_state[choice]; * new_state = lh->state; return; } /* All neighbours exist. Look whether we are in a local minimum. */ assert (nb_minimum_time); if (minimum_time >= lh->time) { /* We are in a local minimum. */ if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: Local minimum reached"); } /* Every so often take a small jump. */ if (drand() < probability_small_jump) { /* Be curious, go somewhere nearby. */ if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: Making a small jump"); } for (int ntries = 0; ntries < max_jump_attempts; ++ ntries) { lc_state_t try_state = lh->state; if (drand() < 0.25) { /* Change the topology, but not the tiling. */ try_state.topology = irand (ls->ntopologies); for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) { if (try_state.tiling[d] >= ls->topology_ntilings[d][try_state.topology]) { /* The tiling doesn't fit for this new topology; don't choose this topology. */ goto next_try; } } } else { /* Change the tiling a bit, but keep the topology */ for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) { int const i0 = imax (try_state.tiling[d] - small_jump_distance, 0); int const i1 = imin (try_state.tiling[d] + small_jump_distance + 1, ls->topology_ntilings[d][try_state.topology]); try_state.tiling[d] = i0 + irand (i1 - i0); } } if (! lc_stattime_find (ls, & try_state)) { lh->state = try_state; * new_state = lh->state; return; } next_try:; } /* Don't jump after all. */ } /* Every so often take a random jump. */ if (drand() < probability_random_jump) { /* Be adventurous, go somewhere unknown. */ if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: Jumping randomly"); } for (int ntries = 0; ntries < max_jump_attempts; ++ ntries) { lc_state_t try_state; try_state.topology = irand (ls->ntopologies); for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) { try_state.tiling[d] = irand (ls->topology_ntilings[d][try_state.topology]); } if (! lc_stattime_find (ls, & try_state)) { /* The new state is hitherto unknown, use it. */ lh->state = try_state; lh->excursion_start = lh->iteration; lh->have_previous = 0; /* disable backtracking */ * new_state = lh->state; return; } } /* Don't jump after all. */ } /* If the current state is not the best state, give up and go back. */ if (! lc_state_equal (& lh->state, & lh->best)) { /* Revert to the best known state. */ if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: Reverting to best known state"); } lh->state = lh->best; lh->excursion_start = lh->iteration; lh->have_previous = 0; * new_state = lh->best; return; } /* Be content, do nothing. */ if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: Resting"); } * new_state = lh->state; return; } /* One of the neighbours is better. Move to this neighbour, and continue the search there. */ if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Hill climbing: Found a better neighbour, going there"); } lh->state = * nb_minimum_time; lh->time = minimum_time; goto search; } void lc_hill_finish (lc_statset_t * restrict const ls, lc_stattime_t const * restrict const lt) { lc_hill_state_t * restrict const lh = ls->hill_state; lh->time = time_for_stattime (lt); }