# Parameter definitions for thorn LoopControl ################# # General options BOOLEAN printstats "Output timing statistics" STEERABLE=recover { } "yes" CCTK_REAL printstats_every_minutes "Output timing statistics every so many minutes" STEERABLE=always { 0.0:* :: "" } 60.0 CCTK_REAL printstats_threshold "Output timing statistics for loops costing at least this many percent" STEERABLE=always { 0.0:100.0 :: "" } 2.0 CCTK_INT printstats_verbosity "Level of detail for statistics" STEERABLE=always { 0 :: "Output only a global summary" 1 :: "Output summary for every loop" 2 :: "Output summary for every loop parameter set" 3 :: "Output everything" } 1 BOOLEAN verbose "Verbosity" STEERABLE=always { } "no" BOOLEAN debug "Output debug information" STEERABLE=always { } "no" BOOLEAN check_type_sizes "check that Fortran and C types match at Startup" { } "yes" ################# # Thread topology CCTK_INT lc_inthreads "Number of threads in the i-direction" STEERABLE=recover { -1 :: "choose automatically" 1:* :: "user-specified value" } -1 CCTK_INT lc_jnthreads "Number of threads in the j-direction" STEERABLE=recover { -1 :: "choose automatically" 1:* :: "user-specified value" } -1 CCTK_INT lc_knthreads "Number of threads in the k-direction" STEERABLE=recover { -1 :: "choose automatically" 1:* :: "user-specified value" } -1 ###################### # Tiling specification CCTK_INT lc_inpoints "Number of grid points in the i-direction" STEERABLE=recover { -1 :: "choose automatically" 1:* :: "user-specified value" } -1 CCTK_INT lc_jnpoints "Number of grid points in the j-direction" STEERABLE=recover { -1 :: "choose automatically" 1:* :: "user-specified value" } -1 CCTK_INT lc_knpoints "Number of grid points in the k-direction" STEERABLE=recover { -1 :: "choose automatically" 1:* :: "user-specified value" } -1 ########################## # Use legacy configuration BOOLEAN legacy_init "Initialise with legacy configuration (usually slower)" STEERABLE=recover { } "yes" ########################### # Automatic: simple cycling BOOLEAN cycle_j_tilings "Cycle through all available tilings in the j-direction" STEERABLE=recover { } "no" ################################ # Automatic: simulated annealing BOOLEAN use_simulated_annealing "Find a good loop configuration through simulated annealing" STEERABLE=recover { } "no" CCTK_INT siman_iters_fixed_T "" STEERABLE=recover { 1:* :: "" } 1 CCTK_REAL siman_probability_change_topology "" STEERABLE=recover { 0:1 :: "" } 0.1 CCTK_REAL siman_step_size "" STEERABLE=recover { (1.0:* :: "" } 3.0 CCTK_REAL siman_k "energy scale" STEERABLE=recover { (0:* :: "" } 1.0e-9 CCTK_REAL siman_T_initial "initial variability" STEERABLE=recover { (0:* :: "" } 1.0 CCTK_REAL siman_mu_T "speed" STEERABLE=recover { (0:* :: "" } 1.005 CCTK_REAL siman_T_min "stopping criterion" STEERABLE=recover { (0:* :: "" } 0.01 ######################################### # Automatic: random restart hill climbing BOOLEAN use_random_restart_hill_climbing "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_climbing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabu_search" STEERABLE=always { } "yes" CCTK_REAL maximum_setup_overhead "Maximum allowable administrative overhead" STEERABLE=always { 0.0:* :: "" } 0.01 BOOLEAN ignore_initial_overhead "Ignore the overhead from the initial setup" STEERABLE=recover { } "yes" CCTK_REAL probability_small_jump "Probability for a small jump once a local minimum has been reached" STEERABLE=always { 0.0:1.0 :: "" } 0.1 CCTK_INT small_jump_distance "Maximum distance for a small jump" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "" } 3 CCTK_REAL probability_random_jump "Probability for a random jump once a local minimum has been reached" STEERABLE=always { 0.0:1.0 :: "" } 0.01 CCTK_INT max_jump_attempts "Maximum number of attempts to find a random unknown location" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "" } 10 CCTK_REAL immediate_overhead_threshold "The maximum overhead (ratio of current to best known time) allowed during an excursion" STEERABLE=always { 0.0:* :: "" } 1.0 CCTK_REAL delayed_overhead_threshold "The maximum overhead (ratio of current to best known time) allowed during an excursion" STEERABLE=always { 0.0:* :: "" } 0.1 CCTK_INT overhead_threshold_delay "Number of steps in an excursion before the delayed overhead criterion is applied" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "" } 20