Publications using Carpet

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Thank you for using Carpet. When you write a publication using data produced with the help Cactus or Carpet, consider citing the following if appropriate:

  1. Tom Goodale, Gabrielle Allen, Gerd Lanfermann, Joan Massó, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel, John Shalf,
    The Cactus Framework and Toolkit: Design and Applications,
    in: Vector and Parallel Processing - VECPAR'2002, 5th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin 2003 (Springer) (PDF, 269 kB).

  2. Cactus web site,

  3. Erik Schnetter, Scott H. Hawley, Ian Hawke,
    Evolutions in 3D numerical relativity using fixed mesh refinement,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 21, 1465-1488 (2004),

  4. Carpet web site,

Citebase collects statistics about citations of eprints. Its entry for the original Carpet paper lists other eprints which refer to it or are co-cited with it.

Publications in refereed journals

  1. Erik Schnetter, Scott H. Hawley, Ian Hawke,
    Evolutions in 3D numerical relativity using fixed mesh refinement,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 21, 1465-1488 (2004),

  2. Luca Baiotti, Ian Hawke, Luciano Rezzolla, Erik Schnetter,
    Gravitational-Wave Emission from Rotating Gravitational Collapse in three Dimensions,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 131101 (2005),

  3. Burkhard Zink, Nikolaos Stergioulas, Ian Hawke, Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, Ewald Müller,
    Formation of Supermassive Black Holes through Fragmentation of Torodial Supermassive Stars,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 161101 (2006),

  4. Ulrich Sperhake, Bernard Kelly, Pablo Laguna, Kenneth L. Smith, Erik Schnetter,
    Black hole head-on collisions and gravitational waves with fixed mesh-refinement and dynamic singularity excision,
    Phys. Rev. D 71, 124042 (2005),

  5. Peter Diener, Frank Herrmann, Denis Pollney, Erik Schnetter, Edward Seidel, Ryoji Takahashi, Jonathan Thornburg, Jason Ventrella,
    Accurate Evolution of Orbiting Binary Black Holes,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 121101 (2006),

  6. Peter Diener, Ernst Nils Dorband, Erik Schnetter, Manuel Tiglio,
    Optimized high-order derivative and dissipation operators satisfying summation by parts, and applications in three-dimensional multi-block evolutions,
    J. Sci. Comput. 32, 109-145 (2007),

  7. Erik Schnetter, Peter Diener, Ernst Nils Dorband, Manuel Tiglio,
    A multi-block infrastructure for three-dimensional time-dependent numerical relativity,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 23, S553-S578 (2006),

  8. Carlos F. Sopuerta, Ulrich Sperhake, Pablo Laguna,
    Hydro-without-Hydro Framework for Simulations of Black Hole-Neutron Star Binaries,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 23, S579-S598 (2006),

  9. Erik Schnetter, Badri Krishnan, Florian Beyer,
    Introduction to dynamical horizons in numerical relativity,
    Phys. Rev. D 74, 024028 (2006),

  10. Frank Löffler, Luciano Rezzolla, Marcus Ansorg,
    Numerical evolutions of a black hole-neutron star system in full General Relativity: Head-on collision,
    Phys. Rev. D 74, 104018 (2006),

  11. Ulrich Sperhake,
    Binary black-hole evolutions of excision and puncture data,
    Phys. Rev. D 76, 104015 (2007),

  12. Ernst Nils Dorband, Emanuele Berti, Peter Diener, Erik Schnetter, Manuel Tiglio,
    A numerical study of the quasinormal mode excitation of Kerr black holes,
    Phys. Rev. D 74, 084028 (2006),

  13. Luca Baiotti, Luciano Rezzolla,
    Challenging the paradigm of singularity excision in gravitational collapse,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 141101 (2006),

  14. Christian D. Ott, Harald Dimmelmeier, Andreas Marek, Hans-Thomas Janka, Ian Hawke, Burkhard Zink, Erik Schnetter,
    3D Collapse of Rotating Stellar Iron Cores in General Relativity Including Deleptonization and a Nuclear Equation of State,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 261101 (2007),

  15. Christian Reisswig, Nigel T. Bishop, Chi Wai Lai, Jonathan Thornburg, Béla Szilágyi,
    Characteristic evolutions in numerical relativity using six angular patches,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 24, S327-S339 (2007),

  16. Bernd Brügmann, José A. González, Mark Hannam, Sascha Husa, Ulrich Sperhake, Wolfgang Tichy,
    Calibration of Moving Puncture Simulations,
    Phys. Rev. D 77, 024027 (2008),

  17. Burkhard Zink, Nikolaos Stergioulas, Ian Hawke, Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, Ewald Müller,
    Non-axisymmetric instability and fragmentation of general relativistic quasitoroidal stars,
    Phys. Rev. D 76, 024019 (2007),

  18. Christian D. Ott, Harald Dimmelmeier, Andreas Marek, Hans-Thomas Janka, Burkhard Zink, Ian Hawke, Erik Schnetter,
    Rotating collapse of stellar iron cores in general relativity,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 24 S139-S154 (2007),

  19. Luca Baiotti, Ian Hawke, Luciano Rezzolla,
    On the gravitational radiation from the collapse of neutron stars to rotating black holes,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 24 S187-S206 (2007),

  20. Enrique Pazos, Ernst Nils Dorband, Alessandro Nagar, Carlos Palenzuela, Erik Schnetter, Manuel Tiglio,
    How far away is far enough for extracting numerical waveforms, and how much do they depend on the extraction method?
    Class. Quantum Grav. 24, S341-S368 (2007),

  21. Béla Szilágyi, Denis Pollney, Luciano Rezzolla, Jonathan Thornburg, Jeffrey Winicour,
    An explicit harmonic code for black-hole evolution using excision,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 24, S275-S293 (2007),

  22. Comparisons of binary black hole merger waveforms,
    John G. Baker, Manuela Campanelli, Frans Pretorius, Yosef Zlochower,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 24, S25-S31 (2007),

  23. Frank Herrmann, Ian Hinder, Deirdre M. Shoemaker, Pablo Laguna,
    Unequal mass binary black hole plunges and gravitational recoil,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 24, S33-S42 (2007),

  24. Bruno Giacomazzo, Luciano Rezzolla,
    WhiskyMHD: a new numerical code for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 24, S235-S258 (2007),

  25. Pedro Marronetti, Wolfgang Tichy, Bernd Brügmann, José González, Mark Hannam, Sascha Husa, Ulrich Sperhake,
    Binary black holes on a budget: simulations using workstations,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 24, S45-S58 (2007),

  26. Frank Herrmann, Ian Hinder, Deirdre M. Shoemaker, Pablo Laguna, Richard A. Matzner,
    Gravitational Recoil from Spinning Binary Black Hole Mergers,
    Astrophys. J. 661, 430-436 (2007),

  27. Michael Koppitz, Denis Pollney, Christian Reisswig, Luciano Rezzolla, Jonathan Thornburg, Peter Diener, Erik Schnetter,
    Recoil Velocities from Equal-Mass Binary-Black-Hole Mergers,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 041102 (2007),

  28. Manuela Campanelli, Carlos O. Lousto, Yosef Zlochower, David Merritt,
    Large Merger Recoils and Spin Flips From Generic Black-Hole Binaries,
    Astrophys. J. Lett.659, L5-L8 (2007),

  29. José A. González, Mark D. Hannam, Ulrich Sperhake, Bernd Brügmann, Sascha Husa,
    Supermassive recoil velocities for binary black-hole mergers with antialigned spins,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 231101 (2007),

  30. Manuela Campanelli, Carlos O. Lousto, Yosef Zlochower, David Merritt,
    Maximum gravitational recoil,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 231102 (2007),

  31. Jonathan Thornburg, Peter Diener, Denis Pollney, Luciano Rezzolla, Erik Schnetter, Ed Seidel, Ryoji Takahashi,
    Are moving punctures equivalent to moving black holes?,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 24, 3911-3918 (2007),

  32. Parameswaran Ajith, Stanislav Babak, Yanbei Chen, Martin Hewitson, Badri Krishnan, John T. Whelan, Bernd Brügmann, Peter Diener, José González, Mark Hannam, Sascha Husa, Michael Koppitz, Denis Pollney, Luciano Rezzolla, Lucía Santamaría, Alicia M. Sintes, Ulrich Sperhake, Jonathan Thornburg,
    Phenomenological template family for black-hole coalescence waveforms,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 24 S689-S699 (2007),
    arXiv:0704.3764 [gr-qc].

  33. Birjoo Vaishnav, Ian Hinder, Frank Herrmann, Deirdre M. Shoemaker,
    Matched Filtering of Numerical Relativity Templates of Spinning Binary Black Holes,
    Phys. Rev. D 76, 084020 (2007),
    arXiv:0705.3829 [gr-qc].

  34. Frank Herrmann, Ian Hinder, Deirdre M. Shoemaker, Pablo Laguna, Richard A. Matzner,
    Binary Black Holes: Spin Dynamics and Gravitational Recoil,
    Phys. Rev. D 76, 084032 (2007),
    arXiv:0706.2541 [gr-qc].

  35. Badri Krishnan, Carlos O. Lousto, Yosef Zlochower,
    Quasi-Local Linear Momentum in Black-Hole Binaries,
    Phys. Rev. D 76, 081501(R) (2007),
    arXiv:0707.0876 [gr-qc].

  36. David Brown, Olivier Sarbach, Erik Schnetter, Manuel Tiglio, Peter Diener, Ian Hawke, Denis Pollney,
    Excision without excision,
    Phys. Rev. D 76, 081503(R) (2007),
    arXiv:0707.3101 [gr-qc].

  37. Luciano Rezzolla, Ernst Nils Dorband, Christian Reisswig, Peter Diener, Denis Pollney, Erik Schnetter, Béla Szilágyi,
    Spin Diagrams for Equal-Mass Black-Hole Binaries with Aligned Spins,
    Astrophys. J. 679, 1422-1426 (2008),
    arXiv:0708.3999 [gr-qc].

  38. Carlos O. Lousto, Yosef Zlochower,
    Further insight into gravitational recoil,
    Phys. Rev. D 77, 044028 (2008),
    arXiv:0708.4048 [gr-qc].

  39. Denis Pollney, Christian Reisswig, Luciano Rezzolla, Bela Szilagyi, Marcus Ansorg, Barrett Deris, Peter Diener, Ernst Nils Dorband, Michael Koppitz, Alessandro Nagar, Erik Schnetter,
    Recoil velocities from equal-mass binary black-hole mergers: a systematic investigation of spin-orbit aligned configurations,
    Phys. Rev. D 76, 124002 (2007),
    arXiv:0707.2559 [gr-qc].

  40. Parameswaran Ajith, Stanislav Babak, Yanbei Chen, Martin Hewitson, Badri Krishnan, Alicia M. Sintes, John T. Whelan, Bernd Brügmann, Peter Diener, Ernst Nils Dorband, José González, Mark Hannam, Sascha Husa, Denis Pollney, Luciano Rezzolla, Lucía Santamaría, Ulrich Sperhake, Jonathan Thornburg,
    A template bank for gravitational waveforms from coalescing binary black holes: I. non-spinning binaries,
    Phys. Rev. D 77, 104017 (2008),
    arXiv:0710.2335 [gr-qc].

  41. Luciano Rezzolla, Peter Diener, Ernst Nils Dorband, Denis Pollney, Christian Reisswig, Erik Schnetter, Jennifer Seiler,
    The final spin from the coalescence of aligned-spin black-hole binaries,
    Astrophys. J. Lett.674, L29-L32 (2008),
    arXiv:0710.3345 [gr-qc].

  42. Latham Boyle, Michael Kesden, Samaya Nissanke,
    Binary black hole merger: symmetry and the spin expansion,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 151101 (2008),
    arXiv:0709.0299 [gr-qc].

  43. Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, José A. González, Ulrich Sperhake, Bernd Brügmann,
    Multipolar analysis of spinning binaries,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 25, 114035 (2008),
    arXiv:0711.1097 [gr-qc].

  44. Burkhard Zink, Erik Schnetter, Manuel Tiglio,
    Multi-patch methods in general relativistic astrophysics - I. Hydrodynamical flows on fixed backgrounds,
    Phys. Rev. D 77, 103015 (2008),
    arXiv:0712.0353 [astro-ph].

  45. Deirdre M. Shoemaker, Birjoo Vaishnav, Ian Hinder, Frank Herrmann,
    Numerical relativity meets data analysis: spinning binary black hole case,
    Class. Quantum Grav. 25, 114047 (2008),
    arXiv:0802.4427 [gr-qc].

Conference Proceedings, Preprints, and Technical Reports

  1. Burkhard Zink, Nikolaos Stergioulas, Ian Hawke, Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, Ewald Müller,
    Rotational instabilities in supermassive stars: a new way to form supermassive black holes,,
    in N. K. Spyrou, N. Stergioulas, and C. Tsagas, editors, International Scientific Workshop on Cosmology and Gravitational Physics, Thessaloniki, December 15-16, 2005, pages 155–160, Thessaloniki, 2006. ZITI.

  2. Burkhard Zink, Nikolaos Stergioulas, Ian Hawke, Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, Ewald Müller,
    Fragmentation of general relativistic quasi-toroidal polytropes,
    arXiv:0704.0431 [gr-qc].

  3. Dylan Stark, Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Thomas Radke, Erik Schnetter,
    An Extensible Timing Infrastructure for Adaptive Large-scale Applications,
    in Roman Wyrzykowski, editor, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM), 2007, Gdansk, Poland (in print), volume 4967 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2007,
    arXiv:0705.3015 [cs.PF].

  4. Ulrich Sperhake, Bernd Brügmann, José González, Mark Hannam, Sascha Husa,
    Head-On collisions of different initial data,
    arXiv:0705.2035 [gr-qc].

  5. Luca Baiotti, Ian Hawke, Luciano Rezzolla, Erik Schnetter, Details on the gravitational-wave emission from rotating gravitational collapse in 3D,
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 66, 012045 (2007).

  6. Ulrich Sperhake,
    Black-hole binary evolutions with the LEAN code,
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 66 012049 (2007).

  7. José A. Font,
    Current status of relativistic core collapse simulations,
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 66, 012063 (2007).

  8. Burkhard Zink, Nikolaos Stergioulas, Ian Hawke, Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, Ewald Müller,
    Supermassive Black Hole Formation through Rotational Instabilities,
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 68, 012050 (2007).

  9. Bernd Brügmann, José A. González, Mark Hannam, Sascha Husa, Ulrich Sperhake,
    Exploring black hole superkicks,
    arXiv:0707.0135 [gr-qc].

  10. Erik Schnetter, Christian D. Ott, Gabrielle Allen, Peter Diener, Tom Goodale, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel, John Shalf,
    Cactus Framework: Black Holes to Gamma Ray Bursts,
    arXiv:0707.1607 [cs.DC].

  11. John G. Baker, William D. Boggs, Joan M. Centrella, Bernard J. Kelly, Sean T. McWilliams, James R. van Meter,
    Gravitational waves from black-hole mergers,
    arXiv:0708.4202 [astro-ph].

  12. Alessandra Buonanno, Lawrence E. Kidder, Luis Lehner,
    Estimating the final spin of a binary black hole coalescence,
    arXiv:0709.3839 [astro-ph].

  13. Manuela Campanelli, Carlos O. Lousto, Yosef Zlochower,
    Close encounters of three black holes,
    arXiv:0710.0879 [gr-qc].

  14. Ulrich Sperhake, Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, José A. González, Bernd Brügmann, Marcus Ansorg,
    Eccentric binary black-hole mergers: The transition from inspiral to plunge in general relativity,
    arXiv:0710.3823 [gr-qc].

  15. Ian Hinder, Birjoo Vaishnav, Frank Herrmann, Deirdre M. Shoemaker, Pablo Laguna,
    Universality and Final Spin in Eccentric Binary Black Hole Inspirals,
    arXiv:0710.5167 [gr-qc].

  16. Tanja Bode, Deirdre M. Shoemaker, Frank Herrmann, Ian Hinder,
    Delicacy of Binary Black Hole Mergers in the Presence of Spurious Radiation,
    arXiv:0711.0669 [gr-qc].

  17. Thibault Damour, Alessandro Nagar, Ernst Nils Dorband, Denis Pollney, Luciano Rezzolla,
    Faithful Effective-One-Body waveforms of equal-mass coalescing black-hole binaries,
    arXiv:0712.3003 [gr-qc].

  18. Luciano Rezzolla, Enrico Barausse, Ernst Nils Dorband, Denis Pollney, Christian Reisswig, Jennifer Seiler, Sascha Husa,
    On the final spin from the coalescence of two black holes,
    arXiv:0712.3541 [gr-qc].

  19. Oleg Korobkin, Burak Aksoylu, Michael Holst, Enrique Pazos, Manuel Tiglio ,
    Solving the Einstein constraint equations on multi-block triangulations using finite element methods,
    arXiv:0801.1823 [gr-qc].

  20. Eloisa Bentivegna, Deirdre M. Shoemaker, Ian Hinder, Frank Herrmann,
    Probing the Binary Black Hole Merger Regime with Scalar Perturbations,
    arXiv:0801.3478 [gr-qc].

  21. Matthew C. Washik, James Healy, Frank Herrmann, Ian Hinder, Deirdre M. Shoemaker, Pablo Laguna, Richard A. Matzner,
    Binary Black Hole Encounters, Gravitational Bursts and Maximum Final Spin,
    arXiv:0802.2520 [gr-qc].

  22. Jennifer Seiler, Béla Szilágyi, Denis Pollney, Luciano Rezzolla,
    Constraint-preserving boundary treatment for a harmonic formulation of the Einstein equations,
    arXiv:0802.3341 [gr-qc].

  23. Sergio Dain, Carlos O. Lousto, Yosef Zlochower,
    Extra-Large Remnant Recoil Velocities and Spins from Near-Extremal-Bowen-York-Spin Black-Hole Binaries,
    arXiv:0803.0351 [gr-qc].

  24. Accurate evolutions of inspiralling neutron-star binaries: prompt and delayed collapse to black hole,
    Luca Baiotti, Bruno Giacomazzo, Luciano Rezzolla,
    arXiv:0804.0594 [gr-qc].

  25. Modeling gravitational recoil from precessing highly-spinning unequal-mass black-hole binaries,
    Carlos O. Lousto, Yosef Zlochower,
    arXiv:0805.0159 [gr-qc].

  26. Transformation of the multipolar components of gravitational radiation under rotations and boosts,
    Leonardo Gualtieri, Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, Ulrich Sperhake,
    arXiv:0805.1017 [gr-qc].

  27. Comparisons of eccentric binary black hole simulations with post-Newtonian models,
    Ian Hinder, Frank Herrmann, Pablo Lagona, Deirdre Shoemaker,
    arXiv:0806.1037 [gr-qc].

  28. The high-energy collision of two black holes,
    Ulrich Sperhake, Vitor Cardoso, Frans Pretorius, Emanuele Berti, José A. González,
    arXiv:0806.1738 [gr-qc].

  29. Superkicks in Hyperbolic Encounters of Binary Black Holes,
    James Healy, Frank Herrmann, Ian Hinder, Deirdre M. Shoemaker, Pablo Laguna, Richard A. Matzner,
    arXiv:0807.3292 [gr-qc].

  30. Comparison of Numerical and Post-Newtonian Waveforms for Generic Precessing Black-Hole Binaries,
    Manuela Campanelli, Carlos O. Lousto, Hiroyuki Nakano, Yosef Zlochower,
    arXiv:0808.0713 [gr-qc].


  1. Michael Koppitz,
    Numerical Studies Of Black Hole Initial Data,
    PhD thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2004 (PDF, 2.9 MB).

  2. Frank Herrmann,
    Evolution and analysis of binary black hole spacetimes,
    PhD thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2005.

  3. Frank Löffler,
    Numerical Simulations of Neutron Star-Black Hole Mergers,
    PhD thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2006 (PDF, 2.8 MB).

  4. Sasanka Madiraju,
    Performance Profiling with Cactus Benchmarks,
    Masters thesis, Louisiana State University, 2006 (PDF, 600 kB).

  5. Burkhard Zink,
    Black hole formation from non-axisymmetric instabilities in quasi-toroidal stars,
    PhD thesis, Technische Universität München, 2006 (PDF, 8.6 MB).

  6. Ernst Nils Dorband,
    Computing and Analyzing Gravitational Radiation in Black Hole Simulations Using a New Multi-Block Approach to Numerical Relativity,
    PhD thesis, Louisiana State University, 2007 (PDF, 2.4 MB).

  7. Christian D. Ott,
    Stellar Iron Core Collapse in {3+1} General Relativity and The Gravitational Wave Signature of Core-Collapse Supernovae,
    PhD thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2007.

  8. Gian Mario Manca,
    Dynamical instabilities in rapidly rotating neutron star models,
    PhD thesis, Università di Parma, 2007.

  9. Anıl Zenginoğlu,
    A conformal approach to numerical calculations of asymptotically flat spacetimes,
    PhD thesis, Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (AEI) and University of Potsdam, 2007, arXiv:0711.0873 [gr-qc].

  10. Michael Jasiulek,
    Spin Measures on Isolated and Dynamical Horizons in Numerical Relativity,
    Diplomarbeit, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2008.

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Erik Schnetter

Last modified: Fri Jun 6 2008