Getting the Development Version of Carpet

About Darcs

The development version of Carpet is now managed in a darcs repository. Darcs has a number of advantages for us developers, such as:

and them some more, as described in the darcs manual.

Getting Carpet

In order to get the development version of Carpet, you first need to install darcs on your system. This is described on the darcs home page, and some links to binaries are given in the darcs wiki. If you have problems installing or using darcs in general, then you should ask on the darcs mailing list, which I (Erik Schnetter) read regularly. We have also prepared a gzipped, statically linked version for Linux/i386.

By the way, you can also have a look at Carpet's source tree in your web browser.

After installing darcs, take the following steps to get Carpet:

  1. Move your old version of Carpet to a secure place:
    cd Cactus
    mkdir oldcarpet
    mv arrangements/Carpet* oldcarpet
  2. Get the development version of Carpet. Carpet consists of four arrangements that live in a single repository. This structure is not what Cactus expects, and we will therefore put it outside the arrangements directory:
    cd Cactus
    darcs get
    This copies the whole Carpet repository, and it will take some time.
  3. Create some symbolic links in the arrangements directory:
    cd Cactus/arrangements
    ln -s ../carpet/Carpet* .
    (don't forget the dot at the end of the last line).

That's it; you can now recompile your Cactus/Carpet configurations.

Updating Carpet

At some time you will want to update your version of Carpet and incorporate some changes from the main Carpet repository.

  1. You do this with the command
    cd Cactus/carpet
    darcs pull
    which will look for new changes, and then ask you which of these you want to obtain. Normally, you will want all changes.

Working with Darcs

We also have some instructions on how to develop Carpet with darcs.

Go back to the Carpet home page.

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Erik Schnetter
Last modified: Fri Dec 10 23:42:00 CET 2004