Carpet Design Walkthrough


The AEI numrel group is hosting a "Carpet Design Walkthrough" on 13-15.Dec.2004. We plan to start at 3:30pm each day (European time), and run for roughly 2 hours each day. The meetings will be held at the numrel group offices at Benzstrasse 8/9, Potsdam Babelsberg. Anyone interested is welcome to attend in person, to listen in by telephone, or to watch/listen/participate by Access Grid video conferencing.

General discussion about this meeting (including topics to be covered) should be on the mailing list (archives here). Most questions about organization should be directed to Jonathan Thornburg <> (remove "-animal"); questions about the Access Grid should be directed to Steve White <> (again, remove "-animal").

Our current plan is to start things off with a more general "Cactus/Carpet Design Overview" on monday, covering design topics that should be useful to everyone using Carpet. Then on tuesday && wednesday we will move to more technical material (likely to be of interest only to people who are programming either inside the Carpet code itself, or infrastructure thorns that must closely interoperate with Carpet).


Here's the current draft agenda:

Course Material

Part I: There is an example schedule.ccl file (pdf version) and an example parameter file meudon-18.par (pdf version).

Part II: Explanation of the schedule (latex source).

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Erik Schnetter
Last modified: Tue Dec 14 14:21:18 CET 2004