Carpet Month

Items on the agenda during Carpet Month

Physics done

  1. Periodic boundaries
  2. Robust stability
  3. Coordinates and symmetry conditions
  4. Vector grid functions (worked all the time)
  5. "Universal" mode (now called "global mode" and "level mode")

Physics in the works

  1. Documentation
  2. Gauge wave (travelling)
  3. Binary black holes
  4. Convergence tests in GR
  5. Scalar fields (with Francisco)
  6. Interpolator
  7. Checkpoint / restart
  8. Excision

Physics to be done

  1. Compile and run on
  2. Parallel performance
  3. Testsuites

Physics to dream about

  1. Other gauge waves
  2. Brill waves (requires elliptic solver)
  3. Basic hydro (requires prolongation operators)
  4. Output formats
  5. FlexIO
  6. Viz methods
  7. Elliptic solvers
  8. Cell centering
  9. Reduction operators
  10. Prolongation operators
  11. Progressive FMR
  12. AMR
  13. Automatic convergence testing
  14. User friendliness
  15. Compile Carpet + AHFinderDirect + Lorene together.
  16. Custom refinement
  17. Callbacks

People to work on this

Tentative schedule with people (outdated):

Priority (1-3) Topic When (Start, duration) Who
1 Documentation Ongoing, from the beginning ES, IH, JT
2 Interpolator Simple version: from start, 2 weeks. ES, JT, TR
2 Compile on various platforms From 1 week ongoing ES, IH, SH, CO, PD, JT, ...
2 Testsuites From 2 weeks Everybody
3 Checkpoint / restart Simple version: from start, 2 weeks (max). ES, TR, IH
3 Parallel version: from 2 weeks, ongoing. ES, TR, JS?, WB?, RK?
3 FlexIO / output / Viz From 1 week ongoing ES, TR, JS, WB, RK, ...
3 Elliptic solvers Ongoing ES, JT, SH, PD, DP, IH, ...
3 Parallel performance From 2 weeks, ongoing ES, SH, IH, TR, ...?
3 Prolongation operators Ongoing (shouldn't take long) ES, IH, ...
3 Remove no-op warnings (e.g., prolongation of INT GF's) Ongoing ES, ...
3 Vector grid functions From 1 week (shouldn't take long) ES, IH, ...
3 Excision From 2 weeks (shouldn't take long) ES, IH, DP, JT, ...

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Erik Schnetter

Last modified: Tue Aug 12 22:31:42 CEST 2003