#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "amr.hh" #include "boundary.hh" #include "indexing.hh" #include "property.hh" namespace CarpetRegrid2 { using namespace std; using namespace Carpet; struct centre_description { int _num_levels; int _active; rvect _position; vector _radius; centre_description (cGH const * cctkGH, int n); }; centre_description:: centre_description (cGH const * const cctkGH, int const n) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; assert (n >= 0 and n < num_centres); bool found_error = false; int lsh[2]; getvectorindex2 (cctkGH, "CarpetRegrid2::radii", lsh); this->_num_levels = num_levels[n]; this->_active = active[n]; this->_position = rvect (position_x[n], position_y[n], position_z[n]); if (any (not isfinite(this->_position))) { CCTK_VWarn (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "The position of region %d is [%g,%g,%g], which is not finite", n + 1, double(this->_position[0]), double(this->_position[1]), double(this->_position[2])); found_error = true; } this->_radius.resize (this->_num_levels); this->_radius.at(0) = rvect(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0); // unused for (int rl = 1; rl < this->_num_levels; ++ rl) { int const ind = index2 (lsh, rl, n); CCTK_REAL const rx = radius_x[ind] < 0.0 ? radius[ind] : radius_x[ind]; CCTK_REAL const ry = radius_y[ind] < 0.0 ? radius[ind] : radius_y[ind]; CCTK_REAL const rz = radius_z[ind] < 0.0 ? radius[ind] : radius_z[ind]; rvect const rad (rx, ry, rz); if (any (not isfinite(rad))) { CCTK_VWarn (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "The radius of refinement level %d of region %d is [%g,%g,%g], which is not finite", rl, n + 1, double(rad[0]), double(rad[1]), double(rad[2])); found_error = true; } if (any (rad < CCTK_REAL(0))) { CCTK_VWarn (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "The radius of refinement level %d of region %d is [%g,%g,%g], which is non-negative", rl, n + 1, double(rad[0]), double(rad[1]), double(rad[2])); found_error = true; } this->_radius.at(rl) = rad; } if (this->_num_levels > maxreflevels) { CCTK_VWarn (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Region %d has %d levels active, which is larger than the maximum number of refinement levels %d", n + 1, this->_num_levels, maxreflevels); found_error = true; } if (found_error) { CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "Errors found in grid structure specification"); } } extern "C" { CCTK_INT CarpetRegrid2_Regrid (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_, CCTK_POINTER const superregss_, CCTK_POINTER const regsss_, CCTK_INT const force); CCTK_INT CarpetRegrid2_RegridMaps (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_, CCTK_POINTER const superregsss_, CCTK_POINTER const regssss_, CCTK_INT const force); } void Regrid (cGH const * const cctkGH, gh::rregs & regss) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; if (verbose or veryverbose) CCTK_INFO ("Regridding"); assert (is_singlemap_mode()); gh const & hh = * vhh.at (Carpet::map); dh const & dd = * vdd.at (Carpet::map); // // Find extent of domain // // This requires that CoordBase is used // TODO: check this (for Carpet, and maybe also for CartGrid3D) // TODO: (the check that these two are consistent should be in // Carpet) jjvect nboundaryzones, is_internal; jjvect is_staggered, shiftout; get_boundary_specification (nboundaryzones, is_internal, is_staggered, shiftout); rvect physical_lower, physical_upper; rvect spacing; get_physical_boundary (physical_lower, physical_upper, spacing); // Adapt spacing for convergence level spacing *= ipow ((CCTK_REAL) mgfact, basemglevel); rvect exterior_lower, exterior_upper; calculate_exterior_boundary (physical_lower, physical_upper, exterior_lower, exterior_upper, spacing); // // Determine which refinement levels may be changed // int min_rl = 1; // we cannot change the coarsest level if (freeze_unaligned_levels or freeze_unaligned_parent_levels) { while (min_rl < int(regss.size())) { // Increase min_rl until we find a level that can be changed #if 0 // TODO: think about this a bit more // TODO: use this taper-checking also in Comm.cc bool in_sync = true; if (freeze_unaligned_parent_levels) { int const parent_do_every = ipow(mgfact, mglevel) * (maxtimereflevelfact / timereffacts.at(min_rl-1)); in_sync = cctkGH->cctk_iteration == 0 or (cctkGH->cctk_iteration-1) % parent_do_every == 0; } #else bool in_sync = true; if (freeze_unaligned_parent_levels) { // Assume that non-existing levels are always aligned if (min_rl < reflevels) { CCTK_REAL const mytime = tt->get_time (mglevel, min_rl, 0); CCTK_REAL const parenttime = tt->get_time (mglevel, min_rl - 1, 0); CCTK_REAL const eps = 1.0e-12; in_sync = abs (mytime - parenttime) <= eps * abs (delta_time); } } #endif int const do_every = ipow(mgfact, mglevel) * (maxtimereflevelfact / timereffacts.at(min_rl)); bool const is_active = cctkGH->cctk_iteration == 0 or (cctkGH->cctk_iteration-1) % do_every == 0; if (is_active and in_sync) break; ++ min_rl; } if (verbose or veryverbose) { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Regridding levels %d and up", min_rl); } } // // Calculate the union of the bounding boxes for all levels // // The set of refined regions vector regions (min_rl); // Set up coarse levels for (int rl = 0; rl < min_rl; ++ rl) { if (veryverbose) { cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": will not be changed" << endl; } for (size_t c = 0; c < regss.at(rl).size(); ++ c) { regions.at(rl) += regss.at(rl).at(c).extent; } if (veryverbose) { cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": regions are " << regions.at(rl) << endl; } } // Refine only patch 0 if (Carpet::map == 0) { // Loop over all centres for (int n = 0; n < num_centres; ++ n) { centre_description centre (cctkGH, n); if (centre._active) { // Loop over all levels for this centre for (int rl = min_rl; rl < centre._num_levels; ++ rl) { if (veryverbose) { cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": importing refined region settings..." << endl; } level_boundary const bnd (hh, dd, rl); // Calculate a bbox for this region rvect const rmin = centre._position - centre._radius.at(rl); rvect const rmax = centre._position + centre._radius.at(rl); if (veryverbose) { cout << "Centre " << n+1 << " refinement level " << rl << ": coordinate region is (" << rmin << ":" << rmax << ")\n"; } // Convert to an integer bbox ivect const istride = hh.baseextent(0,rl).stride(); ivect const imin = rpos2ipos (rmin, bnd.origin, bnd.scale, hh, rl) - boundary_shiftout * istride; ivect const imax = rpos2ipos1 (rmax, bnd.origin, bnd.scale, hh, rl) + boundary_shiftout * istride; if (veryverbose) { cout << "Centre " << n+1 << " refinement level " << rl << ": integer region is (" << imin << ":" << imax << ")\n"; } ibbox const region (imin, imax, istride); // Add this region to the list of regions if (static_cast (regions.size()) < rl+1) { regions.resize (rl+1); } regions.at(rl) |= region; if (veryverbose) { cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": preliminary regions are " << regions.at(rl) << endl; } } // for rl } // if centre is active } // for n if (adaptive_refinement) { // Loop over all levels for (int rl = min_rl; rl < min(maxreflevels, reflevels+1); ++ rl) { if (static_cast (regions.size()) < rl+1) { regions.resize (rl+1); } evaluate_level_mask (cctkGH, regions, rl); if (regions.at(rl).empty()) { // If there are no refined regions on this level, truncate // the refinement hierarchy, and stop assert (static_cast (regions.size()) == rl+1); regions.resize (rl); break; } } } } // if map==0 // We need to check and/or enforce certain properties of the grid // structure, such as e.g. proper nesting. Unfortunately, // enforcing one of the properties may invalidate another. We // therefore abstract the concept of a property into a class // "property", and enforce them round-robin until the grid // structure does not change any more. The order in which the // properties are enforced is relevant (i.e. it influence the // final grid structure). // Properties to be applied (without testing), only once, in the // beginning vector once_properties; once_properties.push_back (new proper_nesting()); once_properties.push_back (new add_buffers()); // Properties to be enforced "until all is well" vector properties; properties.push_back (new combine_regions()); properties.push_back (new snap_coarse()); properties.push_back (new rotsym90()); properties.push_back (new rotsym180()); properties.push_back (new periodic<0>()); properties.push_back (new periodic<1>()); properties.push_back (new periodic<2>()); properties.push_back (new boundary_clip()); // Properties to be tested (and not enforced) in the end vector final_properties; final_properties.push_back (new in_domain()); final_properties.push_back (new is_symmetric()); // TODO: Check that the coarse grid contains all finer grids. To // do this, apply proper_nesting to the coarse grid, and then // check whether it grew -- if so, this is an error. regss.resize (regions.size()); // Loop over all levels from finest to coarsest assert (regions.size() > 0); for (int rl = regions.size() - 1; rl >= min_rl; -- rl) { // Sanity check assert (not regions.at(rl).empty()); // Determine boundary locations of this level level_boundary const bnd (hh, dd, rl); if (veryverbose) { cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ":\n" << " Original regions are " << regions.at(rl) << "\n"; } // Apply "once" properties unconditionally for (vector::iterator pi = once_properties.begin(); pi != once_properties.end(); ++ pi) { (*pi)->enforce (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl); } // Enforce properties on this level for (int count=0;; ++count) { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration %d", count); bool done_enforcing = true; ibset const old_regions = regions.at(rl); for (vector::iterator pi = properties.begin(); pi != properties.end(); ++ pi) { bool const test_satisfied = (*pi)->test (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl); if (not test_satisfied) { (*pi)->enforce (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl); } done_enforcing = done_enforcing and test_satisfied; } if (done_enforcing) break; if (regions.at(rl) == old_regions) { CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "Could not enforce grid structure properties (not making any progress); giving up"); } if (count == 10) { CCTK_VWarn (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Could not enforce grid structure properties after %d iterations; giving up", count); } if (count != 0) { // This may not be true. However, the previous version of // the code assumed this, so we want to know whether this // fails. CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ALERT, "Could not enforce grid structure properties in this round, starting another round"); } } if (veryverbose) { cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ":\n" << " Final regions are " << regions.at(rl) << "\n"; } // Test final properties bool all_is_well = true; for (vector::const_iterator pi = final_properties.begin(); pi != final_properties.end(); ++ pi) { bool const test_satisfied = (*pi)->test (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl); if (not test_satisfied) { cout << "Necessary property " << typeid(*pi).name() << " does not hold\n"; } all_is_well = all_is_well and test_satisfied; } if (not all_is_well) { CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "Not all necessary grid structure properties are holding"); } // Create a vector of bboxes for this level gh::cregs regs; for (ibset::const_iterator ibb = regions.AT(rl).begin(); ibb != regions.AT(rl).end(); ++ ibb) { ibbox const &bb = *ibb; assert (bb.is_contained_in (hh.baseextent(0,rl))); bvect const lower_is_outer = bb.lower() <= bnd.level_physical_ilower; bvect const upper_is_outer = bb.upper() >= bnd.level_physical_iupper; b2vect const ob (lower_is_outer, upper_is_outer); region_t reg; reg.extent = bb; reg.map = Carpet::map; reg.outer_boundaries = ob; regs.push_back (reg); } regss.AT(rl) = regs; } // for rl // Delete properties for (vector::iterator pi = once_properties.begin(); pi != once_properties.end(); ++pi) { delete *pi; } for (vector::iterator pi = properties.begin(); pi != properties.end(); ++pi) { delete *pi; } for (vector::iterator pi = final_properties.begin(); pi != final_properties.end(); ++pi) { delete *pi; } } CCTK_INT CarpetRegrid2_Regrid (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_, CCTK_POINTER const superregss_, CCTK_POINTER const regsss_, CCTK_INT const force) { cGH const * const cctkGH = static_cast (cctkGH_); DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; char const * const where = "CarpetRegrid2::Regrid"; static Carpet::Timer timer (where); timer.start(); assert (is_singlemap_mode()); // Decide whether to change the grid hierarchy bool do_recompose; if (force) { do_recompose = true; } else { if (regrid_every == -1) { do_recompose = false; } else if (regrid_every == 0) { do_recompose = cctk_iteration == 0; } else { // Regrid at most once per iteration do_recompose = (cctk_iteration == 0 or (cctk_iteration > 0 and (cctk_iteration - 1) % regrid_every == 0 and (cctk_iteration > * last_iteration or (cctk_iteration == * last_iteration and Carpet::map > * last_map)))); } } if (verbose or veryverbose) { if (do_recompose) { for (int n = 0; n < num_centres; ++ n) { if (active[n]) { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Centre %d is at position [%g,%g,%g] with %d levels", n + 1, static_cast (position_x[n]), static_cast (position_y[n]), static_cast (position_z[n]), static_cast (num_levels[n])); } else { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Centre %d is not active", n + 1); } } } } if (not force and do_recompose and * last_iteration != -1) { int lsh[2]; getvectorindex2 (cctkGH, "CarpetRegrid2::radii", lsh); // Regrid only if the regions have changed sufficiently do_recompose = false; if (adaptive_refinement) do_recompose = true; for (int n = 0; n < num_centres; ++ n) { // Regrid if a region became active or inactive do_recompose = active[n] != old_active[n]; if (do_recompose) break; // Check only active regions if (not active[n]) continue; // Regrid if the number of levels changed do_recompose = num_levels[n] != old_num_levels[n]; if (do_recompose) break; // Regrid if the positions have changed sufficiently CCTK_REAL const dist2 = pow (position_x[n] - old_position_x[n], 2) + pow (position_y[n] - old_position_y[n], 2) + pow (position_z[n] - old_position_z[n], 2); CCTK_REAL mindist; switch (n) { case 0: mindist = movement_threshold_1; break; case 1: mindist = movement_threshold_2; break; case 2: mindist = movement_threshold_3; break; case 3: mindist = movement_threshold_4; break; case 4: mindist = movement_threshold_5; break; case 5: mindist = movement_threshold_6; break; case 6: mindist = movement_threshold_7; break; case 7: mindist = movement_threshold_8; break; case 8: mindist = movement_threshold_9; break; case 9: mindist = movement_threshold_10; break; default: assert (0); } do_recompose = dist2 > pow (mindist, 2); if (do_recompose) break; // Regrid if the radii have changed sufficiently for (int rl = 1; rl < num_levels[n]; ++ rl) { int const ind = index2 (lsh, rl, n); CCTK_REAL const rx = radius_x[ind] < 0 ? radius[ind] : radius_x[ind]; CCTK_REAL const ry = radius_y[ind] < 0 ? radius[ind] : radius_y[ind]; CCTK_REAL const rz = radius_z[ind] < 0 ? radius[ind] : radius_z[ind]; rvect const rad (rx, ry, rz); rvect const oldrad (old_radius_x[ind], old_radius_y[ind], old_radius_z[ind]); CCTK_REAL const drfac = (sqrt (sum (ipow (rad - oldrad, 2))))/(sqrt (sum (ipow (oldrad, 2)))); CCTK_REAL mindrfac; switch (n) { case 0: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_1; break; case 1: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_2; break; case 2: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_3; break; case 3: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_4; break; case 4: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_5; break; case 5: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_6; break; case 6: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_7; break; case 7: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_8; break; case 8: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_9; break; case 9: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_10; break; default: assert (0); } do_recompose = drfac > mindrfac; if (do_recompose) break; } // for rl if (do_recompose) break; } // for n if (verbose or veryverbose) { if (not do_recompose) { CCTK_INFO ("Refined regions have not changed sufficiently; skipping regridding"); } } } if (do_recompose) { * last_iteration = cctk_iteration; * last_map = Carpet::map; } if (do_recompose) { gh::rregs & superregss = * static_cast (superregss_); gh::mregs & regsss = * static_cast (regsss_); Regrid (cctkGH, superregss); // Make multiprocessor aware vector > regss (superregss.size()); for (size_t rl = 0; rl < regss.size(); ++ rl) { SplitRegions (cctkGH, superregss.at(rl), regss.at(rl)); } // for rl // Make multigrid aware MakeMultigridBoxes (cctkGH, Carpet::map, regss, regsss); // Remember current positions for (int n = 0; n < num_centres; ++ n) { old_active[n] = active[n]; old_num_levels[n] = num_levels[n]; old_position_x[n] = position_x[n]; old_position_y[n] = position_y[n]; old_position_z[n] = position_z[n]; old_radius_x[n] = radius_x[n] < 0 ? radius[n] : radius_x[n]; old_radius_y[n] = radius_y[n] < 0 ? radius[n] : radius_y[n]; old_radius_z[n] = radius_z[n] < 0 ? radius[n] : radius_z[n]; } } // if do_recompose timer.stop(); return do_recompose; } CCTK_INT CarpetRegrid2_RegridMaps (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_, CCTK_POINTER const superregsss_, CCTK_POINTER const regssss_, CCTK_INT const force) { cGH const * const cctkGH = static_cast (cctkGH_); DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; char const * const where = "CarpetRegrid2::RegridMaps"; static Carpet::Timer timer (where); timer.start(); assert (is_level_mode()); // Decide whether to change the grid hierarchy assert (* last_map == -1); // ensure this remains unused bool do_recompose; if (force) { do_recompose = true; } else { if (regrid_every == -1) { do_recompose = false; } else if (regrid_every == 0) { do_recompose = cctk_iteration == 0; } else { // Regrid at most once per iteration do_recompose = (cctk_iteration == 0 or (cctk_iteration > 0 and (cctk_iteration - 1) % regrid_every == 0 and cctk_iteration > * last_iteration)); } } if (verbose or veryverbose) { if (do_recompose) { for (int n = 0; n < num_centres; ++ n) { if (active[n]) { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Centre %d is at position [%g,%g,%g] with %d levels", n + 1, static_cast (position_x[n]), static_cast (position_y[n]), static_cast (position_z[n]), static_cast (num_levels[n])); } else { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Centre %d is not active", n + 1); } } } } if (not force and do_recompose and * last_iteration != -1) { int lsh[2]; getvectorindex2 (cctkGH, "CarpetRegrid2::radii", lsh); // Regrid only if the regions have changed sufficiently do_recompose = false; if (adaptive_refinement) do_recompose = true; for (int n = 0; n < num_centres; ++ n) { // When debugging, sneakily add a new level, but skip the // initial regrid, and the regrid before the first time step if (add_levels_automatically and cctk_iteration > 1) { num_levels[n] = min (num_levels[n] + 1, maxreflevels); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Increasing number of levels of centre %d to %d (it=%d)", n + 1, static_cast (num_levels[n]), cctk_iteration); } // Regrid if a region became active or inactive do_recompose = active[n] != old_active[n]; if (do_recompose) break; // Check only active regions if (not active[n]) continue; // Regrid if the number of levels changed do_recompose = num_levels[n] != old_num_levels[n]; if (do_recompose) break; // Regrid if the positions have changed sufficiently CCTK_REAL const dist2 = pow (position_x[n] - old_position_x[n], 2) + pow (position_y[n] - old_position_y[n], 2) + pow (position_z[n] - old_position_z[n], 2); CCTK_REAL mindist; switch (n) { case 0: mindist = movement_threshold_1; break; case 1: mindist = movement_threshold_2; break; case 2: mindist = movement_threshold_3; break; case 3: mindist = movement_threshold_4; break; case 4: mindist = movement_threshold_5; break; case 5: mindist = movement_threshold_6; break; case 6: mindist = movement_threshold_7; break; case 7: mindist = movement_threshold_8; break; case 8: mindist = movement_threshold_9; break; case 9: mindist = movement_threshold_10; break; default: assert (0); } do_recompose = dist2 > pow (mindist, 2); if (do_recompose) break; // Regrid if the radii have changed sufficiently for (int rl = 1; rl < num_levels[n]; ++ rl) { int const ind = index2 (lsh, rl, n); CCTK_REAL const rx = radius_x[ind] < 0 ? radius[ind] : radius_x[ind]; CCTK_REAL const ry = radius_y[ind] < 0 ? radius[ind] : radius_y[ind]; CCTK_REAL const rz = radius_z[ind] < 0 ? radius[ind] : radius_z[ind]; rvect const rad (rx, ry, rz); rvect const oldrad (old_radius_x[ind], old_radius_y[ind], old_radius_z[ind]); CCTK_REAL const drfac = (sqrt (sum (ipow (rad - oldrad, 2))))/(sqrt (sum (ipow (oldrad, 2)))); CCTK_REAL mindrfac; switch (n) { case 0: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_1; break; case 1: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_2; break; case 2: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_3; break; case 3: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_4; break; case 4: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_5; break; case 5: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_6; break; case 6: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_7; break; case 7: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_8; break; case 8: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_9; break; case 9: mindrfac = radius_rel_change_threshold_10; break; default: assert (0); } do_recompose = drfac > mindrfac; if (do_recompose) break; } // for rl if (do_recompose) break; } // for n if (verbose or veryverbose) { if (not do_recompose) { CCTK_INFO ("Refined regions have not changed sufficiently; skipping regridding"); } } } if (do_recompose) { * last_iteration = cctk_iteration; } if (do_recompose) { vector & superregsss = * static_cast *> (superregsss_); vector & regssss = * static_cast *> (regssss_); BEGIN_MAP_LOOP (cctkGH, CCTK_GF) { Regrid (cctkGH, superregsss.at(Carpet::map)); } END_MAP_LOOP; vector< vector > > regsss (maps); // Count levels vector rls (maps); for (int m = 0; m < maps; ++ m) { rls.at(m) = superregsss.at(m).size(); } int maxrl = 0; for (int m = 0; m < maps; ++ m) { maxrl = max (maxrl, rls.at(m)); } // All maps must have the same number of levels for (int m = 0; m < maps; ++ m) { superregsss.at(m).resize (maxrl); regsss.at(m).resize (maxrl); } // Make multiprocessor aware for (int rl = 0; rl < maxrl; ++ rl) { vector > superregss (maps); for (int m = 0; m < maps; ++ m) { superregss.at(m) = superregsss.at(m).at(rl); } vector > regss (maps); SplitRegionsMaps (cctkGH, superregss, regss); for (int m = 0; m < maps; ++ m) { superregsss.at(m).at(rl) = superregss.at(m); regsss.at(m).at(rl) = regss.at(m); } } // for rl // Make multigrid aware MakeMultigridBoxesMaps (cctkGH, regsss, regssss); int lsh[2]; getvectorindex2 (cctkGH, "CarpetRegrid2::radii", lsh); // Remember current positions for (int n = 0; n < num_centres; ++ n) { old_active[n] = active[n]; old_num_levels[n] = num_levels[n]; old_position_x[n] = position_x[n]; old_position_y[n] = position_y[n]; old_position_z[n] = position_z[n]; for (int rl = 1; rl < num_levels[n]; ++ rl) { int const ind = index2 (lsh, rl, n); old_radius_x[ind] = radius_x[ind] < 0 ? radius[ind] : radius_x[ind]; old_radius_y[ind] = radius_y[ind] < 0 ? radius[ind] : radius_y[ind]; old_radius_z[ind] = radius_z[ind] < 0 ? radius[ind] : radius_z[ind]; } } } // if do_recompose timer.stop(); return do_recompose; } } // namespace CarpetRegrid2