// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetReduce/src/reduce.cc,v 1.43 2004/08/02 11:43:35 schnetter Exp $ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cctk.h" #include "dist.hh" #include "vect.hh" #include "carpet.hh" #include "reduce.hh" extern "C" { static const char* rcsid = "$Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetReduce/src/reduce.cc,v 1.43 2004/08/02 11:43:35 schnetter Exp $"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(Carpet_CarpetReduce_reduce_cc); } namespace CarpetReduce { using namespace std; using namespace Carpet; // Helper functions and types // The minimum of two values template inline T mymin (const T x, const T y) { return min(x, y); } // The maximum of two values template inline T mymax (const T x, const T y) { return max(x, y); } // Square root template inline T mysqrt (const T x) { return sqrt(x); } // Properties of numeric types template struct my_numeric_limits { // The smallest possible value static T min () { return mymin (numeric_limits::min(), -numeric_limits::max()); } // The largest possible value static T max () { return mymax (numeric_limits::max(), -numeric_limits::min()); } }; // Provide for each Cactus type a "good" type, translating between // CCTK_COMPLEX* and complex template struct typeconv { typedef T goodtype; typedef T badtype; }; // Overload the above helper functions and types for complex values #ifdef CCTK_REAL4 template<> inline complex mymin (const complex x, const complex y) { return complex (mymin(x.real(), y.real()), mymin(x.imag(), y.imag())); } template<> inline complex mymax (const complex x, const complex y) { return complex (mymax(x.real(), y.real()), mymax(x.imag(), y.imag())); } template<> struct my_numeric_limits > { static complex min () { return complex (my_numeric_limits::min(), my_numeric_limits::min()); } static complex max () { return complex (my_numeric_limits::max(), my_numeric_limits::max()); } }; template<> struct typeconv { typedef complex goodtype; typedef CCTK_COMPLEX8 badtype; }; #endif #ifdef CCTK_REAL8 template<> inline complex mymin (const complex x, const complex y) { return complex (mymin(x.real(), y.real()), mymin(x.imag(), y.imag())); } template<> inline complex mymax (const complex x, const complex y) { return complex (mymax(x.real(), y.real()), mymax(x.imag(), y.imag())); } template<> struct my_numeric_limits > { static complex min () { return complex (my_numeric_limits::min(), my_numeric_limits::min()); } static complex max () { return complex (my_numeric_limits::max(), my_numeric_limits::max()); } }; template<> struct typeconv { typedef complex goodtype; typedef CCTK_COMPLEX16 badtype; }; #endif #ifdef CCTK_REAL16 template<> inline complex mymin (const complex x, const complex y) { return complex (mymin(x.real(), y.real()), mymin(x.imag(), y.imag())); } template<> inline complex mymax (const complex x, const complex y) { return complex (mymax(x.real(), y.real()), mymax(x.imag(), y.imag())); } template<> struct my_numeric_limits > { static complex min () { return complex (my_numeric_limits::min(), my_numeric_limits::min()); } static complex max () { return complex (my_numeric_limits::max(), my_numeric_limits::max()); } }; template<> struct typeconv { typedef complex goodtype; typedef CCTK_COMPLEX32 badtype; }; #endif // Provide a square root function for integer values #ifdef CCTK_INT1 template<> inline CCTK_INT1 mysqrt (const CCTK_INT1 x) { return sqrt((CCTK_REAL)x); } #endif #ifdef CCTK_INT2 template<> inline CCTK_INT2 mysqrt (const CCTK_INT2 x) { return sqrt((CCTK_REAL)x); } #endif #ifdef CCTK_INT4 template<> inline CCTK_INT4 mysqrt (const CCTK_INT4 x) { return sqrt((CCTK_REAL)x); } #endif #ifdef CCTK_INT8 template<> inline CCTK_INT8 mysqrt (const CCTK_INT8 x) { return sqrt((CCTK_REAL)x); } #endif // Poor man's RTTI enum ared { do_count, do_minimum, do_maximum, do_product, do_sum, do_sum_abs, do_sum_squared, do_average, do_norm1, do_norm2, do_norm_inf }; struct reduction { virtual ared thered () const = 0; virtual bool uses_cnt () const = 0; virtual MPI_Op mpi_op () const = 0; }; // count: count the number of grid points struct count : reduction { count () { } ared thered () const { return do_count; } bool uses_cnt () const { return false; } template struct op { static inline void initialise (T& accum) { accum = T(0); } static inline void reduce (T& accum, const T& val, const CCTK_REAL weight) { accum += T(weight); } static inline void finalise (T& accum, const T& cnt) { } }; MPI_Op mpi_op () const { return MPI_SUM; } }; struct minimum : reduction { minimum () { } ared thered () const { return do_minimum; } bool uses_cnt () const { return false; } template struct op { static inline void initialise (T& accum) { accum = my_numeric_limits::max(); } static inline void reduce (T& accum, const T& val, const CCTK_REAL weight) { if (weight>0) accum = mymin(accum, val); } static inline void finalise (T& accum, const T& cnt) { } }; MPI_Op mpi_op () const { return MPI_MIN; } }; struct maximum : reduction { maximum () { } ared thered () const { return do_maximum; } bool uses_cnt () const { return false; } template struct op { static inline void initialise (T& accum) { accum = my_numeric_limits::min(); } static inline void reduce (T& accum, const T& val, const CCTK_REAL weight) { if (weight>0) accum = mymax(accum, val); } static inline void finalise (T& accum, const T& cnt) { } }; MPI_Op mpi_op () const { return MPI_MAX; } }; struct product : reduction { product () { } ared thered () const { return do_product; } bool uses_cnt () const { return false; } template struct op { static inline void initialise (T& accum) { accum = T(1); } static inline void reduce (T& accum, const T& val, const CCTK_REAL weight) { if (weight>0) accum *= weight==1 ? val : pow(val,weight); } static inline void finalise (T& accum, const T& cnt) { } }; MPI_Op mpi_op () const { return MPI_PROD; } }; struct sum : reduction { sum () { } ared thered () const { return do_sum; } bool uses_cnt () const { return false; } template struct op { static inline void initialise (T& accum) { accum = T(0); } static inline void reduce (T& accum, const T& val, const CCTK_REAL weight) { if (weight>0) accum += weight*val; } static inline void finalise (T& accum, const T& cnt) { } }; MPI_Op mpi_op () const { return MPI_SUM; } }; struct sum_abs : reduction { sum_abs () { } ared thered () const { return do_sum_abs; } bool uses_cnt () const { return false; } template struct op { static inline void initialise (T& accum) { accum = T(0); } static inline void reduce (T& accum, const T& val, const CCTK_REAL weight) { if (weight>0) accum += weight*abs(val); } static inline void finalise (T& accum, const T& cnt) { } }; MPI_Op mpi_op () const { return MPI_SUM; } }; struct sum_squared : reduction { sum_squared () { } ared thered () const { return do_sum_squared; } bool uses_cnt () const { return false; } template struct op { static inline void initialise (T& accum) { accum = T(0); } static inline void reduce (T& accum, const T& val, const CCTK_REAL weight) { if (weight>0) accum += weight*val*val; } static inline void finalise (T& accum, const T& cnt) { } }; MPI_Op mpi_op () const { return MPI_SUM; } }; struct average : reduction { average () { } ared thered () const { return do_average; } bool uses_cnt () const { return true; } template struct op { static inline void initialise (T& accum) { accum = T(0); } static inline void reduce (T& accum, const T& val, const CCTK_REAL weight) { if (weight>0) accum += weight*val; } static inline void finalise (T& accum, const T& cnt) { accum /= cnt; } }; MPI_Op mpi_op () const { return MPI_SUM; } }; struct norm1 : reduction { norm1 () { } ared thered () const { return do_norm1; } bool uses_cnt () const { return true; } template struct op { static inline void initialise (T& accum) { accum = T(0); } static inline void reduce (T& accum, const T& val, const CCTK_REAL weight) { if (weight>0) accum += weight*abs(val); } static inline void finalise (T& accum, const T& cnt) { accum /= cnt; } }; MPI_Op mpi_op () const { return MPI_SUM; } }; struct norm2 : reduction { norm2 () { } ared thered () const { return do_norm2; } bool uses_cnt () const { return true; } template struct op { static inline void initialise (T& accum) { accum = T(0); } static inline void reduce (T& accum, const T& val, const CCTK_REAL weight) { if (weight>0) accum += weight*abs(val)*abs(val); } static inline void finalise (T& accum, const T& cnt) { accum = mysqrt(accum / cnt); } }; MPI_Op mpi_op () const { return MPI_SUM; } }; struct norm_inf : reduction { norm_inf () { } ared thered () const { return do_norm_inf; } bool uses_cnt () const { return false; } template struct op { static inline void initialise (T& accum) { accum = T(0); } static inline void reduce (T& accum, const T& val, const CCTK_REAL weight) { if (weight>0) accum = mymax(accum, T(abs(val))); } static inline void finalise (T& accum, const T& cnt) { } }; MPI_Op mpi_op () const { return MPI_MAX; } }; template void initialise (void* const outval, void* const cnt) { OP::initialise (*(T*)outval); *(T*)cnt = T(0); } template void reduce (const int* const lsh, const int* const bbox, const int* const nghostzones, vector const& inarrays, vector const& tfacs, void* const outval, void* const cnt, const CCTK_REAL* const weight, const CCTK_REAL levfac) { for (size_t tl=0; tl imin, imax; for (int d=0; d(inarrays.at(tl))[index] * tfacs.at(tl)); } OP::reduce (myoutval, myinval, w); mycnt += w; } } } *(T*)outval = myoutval; *(T*)cnt = mycnt; } template void finalise (void* const outval, const void* const cnt) { OP::finalise (*(T*)outval, *(const T*)cnt); } void Initialise (const cGH* const cgh, const int proc, const int num_outvals, void* const myoutvals, const int outtype, void* const mycounts, const reduction* const red) { assert (cgh); assert (proc == -1 || (proc>=0 && proc=0); const int vartypesize = CCTK_VarTypeSize(outtype); assert (vartypesize>=0); assert (myoutvals); assert (mycounts); assert (red); for (int n=0; n::goodtype T; \ initialise > (&((char*)myoutvals)[vartypesize*n], \ &((char*)mycounts )[vartypesize*n]); \ break; \ } #define TYPECASE(N,T) \ case N: { \ switch (red->thered()) { \ INITIALISE(count,T); \ INITIALISE(minimum,T); \ INITIALISE(maximum,T); \ INITIALISE(product,T); \ INITIALISE(sum,T); \ INITIALISE(sum_abs,T); \ INITIALISE(sum_squared,T); \ INITIALISE(average,T); \ INITIALISE(norm1,T); \ INITIALISE(norm2,T); \ INITIALISE(norm_inf,T); \ default: \ assert (0); \ } \ break; \ } #include "Carpet/Carpet/src/typecase" #undef TYPECASE #undef INITIALISE default: assert (0); } } // for n } void Copy (const cGH* const cgh, const int proc, const int lsize, const int num_inarrays, const void* const* const inarrays, const int intype, const int num_outvals, void* const myoutvals, const int outtype, void* const mycounts) { assert (cgh); assert (proc == -1 || (proc>=0 && proc= 0); assert (num_outvals>=0); assert (num_inarrays>=0); assert (num_inarrays * lsize == num_outvals); assert (inarrays); for (int n=0; n::goodtype T; \ ((T*)myoutvals)[n+lsize*m] = ((const T*)inarrays[m])[n]; \ ((T*)mycounts )[n+lsize*m] = T(1); \ } #define TYPECASE(N,T) \ case N: { \ COPY(T); \ break; \ } #include "Carpet/Carpet/src/typecase" #undef TYPECASE #undef COPY default: assert (0); } } // for } // for } void Reduce (const cGH* const cgh, const int proc, const int* const mylsh, const int* const mybbox, const int* const mynghostzones, const int num_inarrays, vector const& inarrays, vector const& tfacs, const int intype, const int num_outvals, void* const myoutvals, const int outtype, void* const mycounts, const reduction* const red, CCTK_REAL const * const weight, CCTK_REAL const levfac) { assert (cgh); assert (proc == -1 || (proc>=0 && proc=0); assert (num_inarrays>=0); assert (num_inarrays == num_outvals); for (size_t tl=0; tl=0); assert (mynghostzones[d]>=0 && 2*mynghostzones[d]<=mylsh[d]); } const int vartypesize = CCTK_VarTypeSize(outtype); assert (vartypesize>=0); assert (myoutvals); assert (mycounts); assert (outtype == intype); vector myinarrays(inarrays.size()); for (int n=0; n::goodtype T; \ reduce > (mylsh, mybbox, mynghostzones, \ myinarrays, tfacs, \ &((char*)myoutvals)[vartypesize*n], \ &((char*)mycounts )[vartypesize*n], \ weight, levfac); \ break; \ } #define TYPECASE(N,T) \ case N: { \ switch (red->thered()) { \ REDUCE(count,T); \ REDUCE(minimum,T); \ REDUCE(maximum,T); \ REDUCE(product,T); \ REDUCE(sum,T); \ REDUCE(sum_abs,T); \ REDUCE(sum_squared,T); \ REDUCE(average,T); \ REDUCE(norm1,T); \ REDUCE(norm2,T); \ REDUCE(norm_inf,T); \ default: \ assert (0); \ } \ break; \ } #include "Carpet/Carpet/src/typecase" #undef TYPECASE #undef REDUCE default: assert (0); } } // for n } void Finalise (const cGH* const cgh, const int proc, const int num_outvals, void* const outvals, const int outtype, const void* const myoutvals, const void* const mycounts, const reduction* const red) { assert (cgh); assert (proc == -1 || (proc>=0 && proc=0); assert (outvals || (proc!=-1 && proc!=CCTK_MyProc(cgh))); const int vartypesize = CCTK_VarTypeSize(outtype); assert (vartypesize>=0); assert (myoutvals); assert (mycounts); vector counts; if (proc==-1 || proc==CCTK_MyProc(cgh)) { counts.resize(vartypesize * num_outvals); } const MPI_Datatype mpitype = CarpetSimpleMPIDatatype(outtype); const int mpilength = CarpetSimpleMPIDatatypeLength(outtype); if (proc == -1) { MPI_Allreduce ((void*)myoutvals, outvals, mpilength*num_outvals, mpitype, red->mpi_op(), CarpetMPIComm()); if (red->uses_cnt()) { MPI_Allreduce ((void*)mycounts, &counts[0], num_outvals*mpilength, mpitype, MPI_SUM, CarpetMPIComm()); } } else { MPI_Reduce ((void*)myoutvals, outvals, num_outvals*mpilength, mpitype, red->mpi_op(), proc, CarpetMPIComm()); if (red->uses_cnt()) { MPI_Reduce ((void*)mycounts, &counts[0], num_outvals*mpilength, mpitype, MPI_SUM, proc, CarpetMPIComm()); } } if (proc==-1 || proc==CCTK_MyProc(cgh)) { for (int n=0; n::goodtype T; \ finalise > (&((char*)outvals)[vartypesize*n], \ & counts [vartypesize*n]); \ break; \ } #define TYPECASE(N,T) \ case N: { \ switch (red->thered()) { \ FINALISE(count,T); \ FINALISE(minimum,T); \ FINALISE(maximum,T); \ FINALISE(product,T); \ FINALISE(sum,T); \ FINALISE(sum_abs,T); \ FINALISE(sum_squared,T); \ FINALISE(average,T); \ FINALISE(norm1,T); \ FINALISE(norm2,T); \ FINALISE(norm_inf,T); \ default: \ assert (0); \ } \ break; \ } #include "Carpet/Carpet/src/typecase" #undef TYPECASE #undef FINALISE default: assert (0); } } // for n } // if } int ReduceArrays (const cGH* const cgh, const int proc, const int num_dims, const int* const dims, const int num_inarrays, const void* const* const inarrays, const int intype, const int num_outvals, void* const outvals, const int outtype, const reduction* const red) { assert (cgh); assert (proc == -1 || (proc>=0 && proc=0); assert (outvals || (proc!=-1 && proc!=CCTK_MyProc(cgh))); assert (num_inarrays>=0); assert (inarrays); for (int n=0; n=0 && num_dims<=dim); for (int d=0; d=0); } int lsize = 1; for (int d=0; d mylsh, mynghostzones; vect,dim> mybbox; for (int d=0; d myinarrays(1); vector tfacs(1); myinarrays.at(0) = inarrays; tfacs.at(0) = 1.0; const int vartypesize = CCTK_VarTypeSize(outtype); assert (vartypesize>=0); vector myoutvals (vartypesize * num_inarrays * num_outvals); vector mycounts (vartypesize * num_inarrays * num_outvals); Initialise (cgh, proc, num_inarrays * num_outvals, &myoutvals[0], outtype, &mycounts[0], red); if (do_local_reduction) { Reduce (cgh, proc, &mylsh[0], &mybbox[0][0], &mynghostzones[0], num_inarrays, myinarrays, tfacs, intype, num_inarrays * num_outvals, &myoutvals[0], outtype, &mycounts[0], red, NULL, 1.0); } else { Copy (cgh, proc, lsize, num_inarrays, inarrays, intype, num_inarrays * num_outvals, &myoutvals[0], outtype, &mycounts[0]); } Finalise (cgh, proc, num_inarrays * num_outvals, outvals, outtype, &myoutvals[0], &mycounts[0], red); return 0; } int ReduceGVs (const cGH* const cgh, const int proc, const int num_outvals, const int outtype, void* const outvals, const int num_invars, const int* const invars, const reduction* const red) { int ierr; assert (cgh); assert (proc == -1 || (proc>=0 && proc=0); assert (num_outvals==1); assert (outvals || (proc!=-1 && proc!=CCTK_MyProc(cgh))); assert (num_invars>=0); assert (invars); for (int n=0; n=0 && invars[n]0); const int vi = invars[0]; assert (vi>=0 && vi=0 && grpdim<=dim); for (int n=0; n=0); // meta mode if (is_meta_mode()) { CCTK_WARN (0, "Grid variable reductions are not possible in meta mode"); } bool const reduce_arrays = CCTK_GroupTypeFromVarI(vi) != CCTK_GF; bool const want_global_mode = is_global_mode() && ! reduce_arrays; bool const want_level_mode = is_level_mode() && ! reduce_arrays; for (int n=0; nreflevels() == vhh.at(0)->reflevels()); } int const minrl = reduce_arrays ? 0 : want_global_mode ? 0 : reflevel; int const maxrl = reduce_arrays ? 1 : want_global_mode ? vhh.at(0)->reflevels() : reflevel+1; int const minm = reduce_arrays ? 0 : want_global_mode || want_level_mode ? 0 : Carpet::map; int const maxm = reduce_arrays ? 1 : want_global_mode || want_level_mode ? maps : Carpet::map+1; // Find the time interpolation order int partype; void const * const parptr = CCTK_ParameterGet ("prolongation_order_time", "Carpet", &partype); assert (parptr); assert (partype == PARAMETER_INTEGER); int const prolongation_order_time = * (CCTK_INT const *) parptr; CCTK_REAL const current_time = cgh->cctk_time / cgh->cctk_delta_time; vector myoutvals (vartypesize * num_invars * num_outvals); vector mycounts (vartypesize * num_invars * num_outvals); Initialise (cgh, proc, num_invars * num_outvals, &myoutvals[0], outtype, &mycounts[0], red); BEGIN_GLOBAL_MODE(cgh) { for (int rl=minrl; rl(cgh), rl); // Number of necessary time levels CCTK_REAL const level_time = cgh->cctk_time / cgh->cctk_delta_time; bool need_time_interp = (! reduce_arrays && (fabs(current_time - level_time) > 1e-12 * (fabs(level_time) + fabs(current_time) + fabs(cgh->cctk_delta_time)))); assert (! (! want_global_mode && need_time_interp)); assert (! (reduce_arrays && need_time_interp)); int num_tl = need_time_interp ? prolongation_order_time + 1 : 1; // Are there enought time levels? if (need_time_interp) { if (CCTK_ActiveTimeLevelsVI(cgh, vi) < num_tl) { static vector have_warned; if (have_warned.empty()) { have_warned.resize (CCTK_NumVars(), false); } if (! have_warned.at(vi)) { char * const fullname = CCTK_FullName(vi); CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Grid function \"%s\" has only %d active time levels on refinement level %d; this is not enough for time interpolation. Using the current time level instead", fullname, CCTK_ActiveTimeLevelsVI(cgh, vi), reflevel); free (fullname); have_warned.at(vi) = true; } // fall back need_time_interp = false; num_tl = 1; } } vector tfacs(num_tl); // Interpolate in time, if necessary if (need_time_interp) { // Get interpolation times CCTK_REAL const time = current_time; vector times(num_tl); for (int tl=0; tltime (-tl, reflevel, mglevel); } // Calculate interpolation weights switch (num_tl) { case 1: // no interpolation assert (fabs((time - times.at(0)) / fabs(time + times.at(0) + cgh->cctk_delta_time)) < 1e-12); tfacs.at(0) = 1.0; break; case 2: // linear (2-point) interpolation tfacs.at(0) = (time - times.at(1)) / (times.at(0) - times.at(1)); tfacs.at(1) = (time - times.at(0)) / (times.at(1) - times.at(0)); break; case 3: // quadratic (3-point) interpolation tfacs.at(0) = (time - times.at(1)) * (time - times.at(2)) / ((times.at(0) - times.at(1)) * (times.at(0) - times.at(2))); tfacs.at(1) = (time - times.at(0)) * (time - times.at(2)) / ((times.at(1) - times.at(0)) * (times.at(1) - times.at(2))); tfacs.at(2) = (time - times.at(0)) * (time - times.at(1)) / ((times.at(2) - times.at(0)) * (times.at(2) - times.at(1))); break; default: assert (0); } } else { // if ! need_time_interp assert (num_tl == 1); tfacs.at(0) = 1; } // if ! need_time_interp for (int m=minm; m(cgh), m); BEGIN_LOCAL_COMPONENT_LOOP(cgh, reduce_arrays ? CCTK_ARRAY : CCTK_GF) { assert (grpdim<=dim); int lsh[dim], bbox[2*dim], nghostzones[dim]; ierr = CCTK_GrouplshVI(cgh, grpdim, lsh, vi); assert (!ierr); ierr = CCTK_GroupbboxVI(cgh, 2*grpdim, bbox, vi); assert (!ierr); ierr = CCTK_GroupnghostzonesVI(cgh, grpdim, nghostzones, vi); assert (!ierr); for (int d=0; d=0); assert (nghostzones[d]>=0 && 2*nghostzones[d]<=lsh[d]); } vect mylsh, mynghostzones; vect,dim> mybbox; for (int d=0; d (CCTK_VarDataPtr (cgh, 0, "CarpetReduce::weight"))); assert (weight); levfac = pow(CCTK_REAL(reflevelfact), -grpdim); } else { weight = NULL; levfac = 1.0; } vector > myinarrays (num_tl); vector inarrays (num_tl); for (int tl=0; tl(cgh)); } // for m leave_level_mode (const_cast(cgh)); } // for rl } END_GLOBAL_MODE; Finalise (cgh, proc, num_invars * num_outvals, outvals, outtype, &myoutvals[0], &mycounts[0], red); return 0; } #define REDUCTION(OP) \ int OP##_arrays (const cGH * const cgh, const int proc, \ const int num_dims, const int * const dims, \ const int num_inarrays, \ const void * const * const inarrays, const int intype, \ const int num_outvals, \ void * const outvals, const int outtype) \ { \ const OP red; \ return ReduceArrays \ (cgh, proc, num_dims, dims, \ num_inarrays, inarrays, intype, num_outvals, outvals, outtype, \ &red); \ } \ \ int OP##_GVs (const cGH * const cgh, const int proc, \ const int num_outvals, \ const int outtype, void * const outvals, \ const int num_invars, const int * const invars) \ { \ const OP red; \ return ReduceGVs (cgh, proc, \ num_outvals, outtype, outvals, num_invars, invars, \ &red); \ } REDUCTION(count); REDUCTION(minimum); REDUCTION(maximum); REDUCTION(product); REDUCTION(sum); REDUCTION(sum_abs); REDUCTION(sum_squared); REDUCTION(average); REDUCTION(norm1); REDUCTION(norm2); REDUCTION(norm_inf); #undef REDUCTION void CarpetReduceStartup () { CCTK_RegisterReductionOperator (count_GVs, "count"); CCTK_RegisterReductionOperator (minimum_GVs, "minimum"); CCTK_RegisterReductionOperator (maximum_GVs, "maximum"); CCTK_RegisterReductionOperator (product_GVs, "product"); CCTK_RegisterReductionOperator (sum_GVs, "sum"); CCTK_RegisterReductionOperator (sum_abs_GVs, "sum_abs"); CCTK_RegisterReductionOperator (sum_squared_GVs, "sum_squared"); CCTK_RegisterReductionOperator (average_GVs, "average"); CCTK_RegisterReductionOperator (norm1_GVs, "norm1"); CCTK_RegisterReductionOperator (norm2_GVs, "norm2"); CCTK_RegisterReductionOperator (norm_inf_GVs, "norm_inf"); CCTK_RegisterReductionArrayOperator (count_arrays, "count"); CCTK_RegisterReductionArrayOperator (minimum_arrays, "minimum"); CCTK_RegisterReductionArrayOperator (maximum_arrays, "maximum"); CCTK_RegisterReductionArrayOperator (product_arrays, "product"); CCTK_RegisterReductionArrayOperator (sum_arrays, "sum"); CCTK_RegisterReductionArrayOperator (sum_abs_arrays, "sum_abs"); CCTK_RegisterReductionArrayOperator (sum_squared_arrays, "sum_squared"); CCTK_RegisterReductionArrayOperator (average_arrays, "average"); CCTK_RegisterReductionArrayOperator (norm1_arrays, "norm1"); CCTK_RegisterReductionArrayOperator (norm2_arrays, "norm2"); CCTK_RegisterReductionArrayOperator (norm_inf_arrays, "norm_inf"); } } // namespace CarpetReduce