#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CCTK_MPI # include #else # include "nompi.h" #endif #include "defs.hh" #include "dist.hh" #include "timestat.hh" namespace CarpetLib { using namespace std; static bool have_cputick = false; // CPU tick time in seconts static double cputick = 0.0; static void calculate_cputick () { // Make a few warm-up measurements getticks (); getticks (); getticks (); #if 0 // Use usleep to calibrate the timer for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { useconds_t const waittime = 1000 * 1000; ticks const rstart = getticks (); int const ierr = usleep (waittime); ticks const rend = getticks (); cputick = waittime / 1.0e6 / elapsed (rend, rstart); if (not ierr) goto done; } CCTK_WARN (1, "Could not determine timer resolution"); done:; #endif #if 1 // Use MPI_Wtime to calibrate the timer ticks const rstart = getticks (); double const wstart = MPI_Wtime (); while (MPI_Wtime() < wstart + 1.0) { // do nothing, just wait } ticks const rend = getticks (); double const wend = MPI_Wtime (); cputick = (wend - wstart) / elapsed (rend, rstart); #endif have_cputick = true; } // Call a timer static ticks call_timer () { return getticks(); } // A global timer set static TimerSet* timerSet = NULL; // Add a timer void TimerSet::add (Timer * const timer) { timers.push_back (timer); } // Remove a timer void TimerSet::remove (Timer * const timer) { timers.remove (timer); } // Output all timer names void TimerSet::outputNames (ostream & os) const { os << "Timer names:" << eol; int n = 0; for (list ::const_iterator itimer = timers.begin(); itimer != timers.end(); ++ itimer) { os << " [" << setw (4) << setfill ('0') << n << "] " << (* itimer)->name() << eol; ++ n; } } // Output all timer data void TimerSet::outputData (ostream & os) const { for (list ::const_iterator itimer = timers.begin(); itimer != timers.end(); ++ itimer) { os << * (* itimer); } } // Create a new timer with the given name Timer::Timer (char const * const timername_) : timername (timername_) { assert (timername_); if (not have_cputick) calculate_cputick (); resetstats (); if (not timerSet) timerSet = new TimerSet; timerSet->add (this); } // Destroy a timer Timer::~Timer () { assert (timerSet); timerSet->remove (this); } // Reset the statistics void Timer::resetstats () { wtime = 0.0; wtime2 = 0.0; wmin = 0.0; wmax = 0.0; bytes = 0.0; bytes2 = 0.0; bmin = 0.0; bmax = 0.0; count = 0.0; running = false; } // Add statistics of a timing operation void Timer::addstat (double const t, double const b) { wtime += t; wtime2 += pow (t, 2); wmin = min (wmin, t); wmax = max (wmax, t); bytes += b; bytes2 += pow (b, 2); bmin = min (bmin, b); bmax = max (bmax, b); ++ count; } // Start the timer void Timer::start () { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; assert (not running); running = true; if (use_ipm_timing_regions) { MPI_Pcontrol (+1, timername.c_str()); } starttime = call_timer (); } // Stop the timer void Timer::stop (double const b) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; assert (running); running = false; ticks const endtime = call_timer (); if (use_ipm_timing_regions) { MPI_Pcontrol (-1, timername.c_str()); } addstat (elapsed (endtime, starttime), b); } // Reset the timer void Timer::reset () { resetstats (); } // Timer name string Timer::name () const { return timername; } // Output timer data void Timer::outputData (ostream & os) const { double avg, stddev, bavg, bstddev; if (count == 0.0) { avg = 0.0; stddev = 0.0; bavg = 0.0; bstddev = 0.0; } else { avg = wtime / count; stddev = sqrt (max (0.0, wtime2 / count - pow (avg, 2))); bavg = bytes / count; bstddev = sqrt (max (0.0, bytes2 / count - pow (bavg, 2))); } os << timername << ":" << " cnt: " << count << " time: sum: " << cputick * wtime << " avg: " << cputick * avg << " stddev: " << cputick * stddev << " min: " << cputick * wmin << " max: " << cputick * wmax << " bytes: sum: " << bytes << " avg: " << bavg << " stddev: " << bstddev << " min: " << bmin << " max: " << bmax << eol; } // Fortran wrappers extern "C" { // In Fortran, a timer should be declared and used like this: // // ! Save the timer handle, and initialise it to zero; this // ! ensures that the timer is created only once: // CCTK_POINTER, save :: timer = 0 // call Timer_create (timer, "Name") // // ! Start the timer: // call Timer_start (timer) // // ! Stop the timer, and pass the number of bytes: // CCTK_REAL :: bytes // bytes = ... // call Timer_stop (timer, bytes) void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(Timer_create) (CCTK_POINTER * timer, ONE_FORTSTRING_ARG) { if (*timer != 0) return; // create the timer only once ONE_FORTSTRING_CREATE (timername); *timer = new Timer(timername); free (timername); } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(Timer_destroy) (CCTK_POINTER * timer) { if (*timer == 0) return; // delete the timer only if it has been created delete (Timer*)*timer; *timer = 0; } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(Timer_start) (CCTK_POINTER * timer) { assert (*timer != 0); ((Timer*)*timer)->start(); } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(Timer_stop) (CCTK_POINTER * timer, CCTK_REAL const * b) { assert (*timer != 0); ((Timer*)*timer)->stop(*b); } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(Timer_reset) (CCTK_POINTER * timer) { assert (*timer != 0); ((Timer*)*timer)->reset(); } } // extern "C" extern "C" { void CarpetLib_printtimestats (CCTK_ARGUMENTS); } void CarpetLib_printtimestats (CCTK_ARGUMENTS) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; static int next_output = 0; if (print_timestats_every > 0 and cctk_iteration >= next_output) { next_output = cctk_iteration + print_timestats_every; ostringstream filenamebuf; filenamebuf << out_dir << "/" << timestat_file << "." << setw(4) << setfill('0') << dist::rank() << ".txt"; string const filename = filenamebuf.str(); ofstream file; static bool do_truncate = true; if (do_truncate) { if (not IO_TruncateOutputFiles (cctkGH)) { do_truncate = false; } } if (do_truncate) { do_truncate = false; file.open (filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc); } else { file.open (filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::app); } static bool do_print_info = true; if (do_print_info) { do_print_info = false; if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("UniqueBuildID")) { char const * const build_id = static_cast (UniqueBuildID (cctkGH)); file << "Build ID: " << build_id << eol; } if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("UniqueSimulationID")) { char const * const sim_id = static_cast (UniqueSimulationID (cctkGH)); file << "Simulation ID: " << sim_id << eol; } file << "Running with " << dist::size() << " processes and " << dist::total_num_threads() << " threads" << eol; } // if do_print_info if (not timerSet) timerSet = new TimerSet; file << "********************************************************************************" << eol << "CarpetLib timing information at iteration " << cctkGH->cctk_iteration << " time " << cctkGH->cctk_time << ":" << eol << *timerSet; file.close (); } // if print_timestats } struct t_cycleclock { double total; double total_squared; double min_total; double max_total; double count; ticks last; t_cycleclock () { reset(); } ~t_cycleclock () { } void start () { last = getticks(); } void stop () { ticks const current = getticks(); double const difference = elapsed (current, last); total += difference; total_squared += pow (difference, 2); min_total = min_total == 0.0 ? difference : min (min_total, difference); max_total = max (min_total, difference); count += 1; } void reset () { total = 0.0; total_squared = 0.0; min_total = 0.0; // numeric_limits::max(); max_total = 0.0; count = 0.0; // last = 0.0; } }; void * cycleclock_create (int const timernum) { return new t_cycleclock; } void cycleclock_destroy (int const timernum, void * const data) { if (data) { delete static_cast (data); } } void cycleclock_start (int const timernum, void * const data) { static_cast (data) -> start(); } void cycleclock_stop (int const timernum, void * const data) { static_cast (data) -> stop(); } void cycleclock_reset (int const timernum, void * const data) { static_cast (data) -> reset(); } void cycleclock_get (int const timernum, void * const data_, cTimerVal * const vals) { t_cycleclock const & data = * static_cast (data_); // Total time vals[0].type = val_double; vals[0].heading = "cycle"; vals[0].units = "secs"; vals[0].val.d = data.total; vals[0].seconds = cputick * vals[0].val.d; vals[0].resolution = cputick; // Average vals[1].type = val_double; vals[1].heading = "cycle[avg]"; vals[1].units = "secs"; vals[1].val.d = data.count == 0.0 ? 0.0 : data.total / data.count; vals[1].seconds = cputick * vals[1].val.d; vals[1].resolution = cputick; // Standard deviation vals[2].type = val_double; vals[2].heading = "cycle[stddev]"; vals[2].units = "secs"; vals[2].val.d = (data.count == 0.0 ? 0.0 : sqrt (abs (data.total_squared * data.count - pow (data.total, 2)) / data.count)); vals[2].seconds = cputick * vals[2].val.d; vals[2].resolution = cputick; // Minimum vals[3].type = val_double; vals[3].heading = "cycle[min]"; vals[3].units = "secs"; vals[3].val.d = data.min_total; vals[3].seconds = cputick * vals[3].val.d; vals[3].resolution = cputick; // Maximum vals[4].type = val_double; vals[4].heading = "cycle[max]"; vals[4].units = "secs"; vals[4].val.d = data.max_total; vals[4].seconds = cputick * vals[4].val.d; vals[4].resolution = cputick; } void cycleclock_set (int const timernum, void * const data_, cTimerVal * const vals) { t_cycleclock & data = * static_cast (data_); data.reset(); // punt data.total = vals[0].val.d; } extern "C" { int CarpetLib_registercycleclock (void); } int CarpetLib_registercycleclock (void) { if (not have_cputick) calculate_cputick (); cClockFuncs functions; functions.n_vals = 5; functions.create = cycleclock_create; functions.destroy = cycleclock_destroy; functions.start = cycleclock_start; functions.stop = cycleclock_stop; functions.reset = cycleclock_reset; functions.get = cycleclock_get; functions.set = cycleclock_set; CCTK_ClockRegister("cycle", &functions); return 0; } } // namespace CarpetLib