#include #include #include #include #include #include "operator_prototypes_3d.hh" #include "typeprops.hh" using namespace std; namespace CarpetLib { #define SRCIND3(i,j,k) \ index3 (srcioff + (i), srcjoff + (j), srckoff + (k), \ srcipadext, srcjpadext, srckpadext, \ srciext, srcjext, srckext) #define DSTIND3(i,j,k) \ index3 (dstioff + (i), dstjoff + (j), dstkoff + (k), \ dstipadext, dstjpadext, dstkpadext, \ dstiext, dstjext, dstkext) #define SRCOFF3(i,j,k) \ offset3 (srcioff + (i), srcjoff + (j), srckoff + (k), \ srciext, srcjext, srckext) #define DSTOFF3(i,j,k) \ offset3 (dstioff + (i), dstjoff + (j), dstkoff + (k), \ dstiext, dstjext, dstkext) // 0D "restriction" template struct restrict0 { static inline T call (T const * restrict const p) { return * p; } }; // 1D restriction template struct restrict1 { static inline T call (T const * restrict const p, size_t const d1); }; template struct restrict1 { static inline T call (T const * restrict const p, size_t const d1) { T const res = restrict0::call (p); return res; } }; template struct restrict1 { static inline T call (T const * restrict const p, size_t const d1) { typedef typename typeprops::real RT; RT const one = 1; RT const half = one/2; T const res = half * restrict0::call (p ) + half * restrict0::call (p + d1); return res; } }; // 2D restriction template struct restrict2 { static inline T call (T const * restrict const p, size_t const d1, size_t const d2); }; template struct restrict2 { static inline T call (T const * restrict const p, size_t const d1, size_t const d2) { T const res = restrict1::call (p, d1); return res; } }; template struct restrict2 { static inline T call (T const * restrict const p, size_t const d1, size_t const d2) { typedef typename typeprops::real RT; RT const one = 1; RT const half = one/2; T const res = half * restrict1::call (p , d1) + half * restrict1::call (p + d2, d1); return res; } }; // 3D restriction template struct restrict3 { static inline T call (T const * restrict const p, size_t const d1, size_t const d2, size_t const d3); }; template struct restrict3 { static inline T call (T const * restrict const p, size_t const d1, size_t const d2, size_t const d3) { T const res = restrict2::call (p, d1, d2); return res; } }; template struct restrict3 { static inline T call (T const * restrict const p, size_t const d1, size_t const d2, size_t const d3) { typedef typename typeprops::real RT; RT const one = 1; RT const half = one/2; T const res = half * restrict2::call (p , d1, d2) + half * restrict2::call (p + d3, d1, d2); return res; } }; template void restrict_3d_vc_rf2 (T const * restrict const src, ivect3 const & restrict srcpadext, ivect3 const & restrict srcext, T * restrict const dst, ivect3 const & restrict dstpadext, ivect3 const & restrict dstext, ibbox3 const & restrict srcbbox, ibbox3 const & restrict dstbbox, ibbox3 const & restrict srcregbbox, ibbox3 const & restrict regbbox, void * extraargs) { assert (not extraargs); DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; typedef typename typeprops::real RT; // false: vertex centered, true: cell centered ivect const icent (centi, centj, centk); assert (all (icent == 0 or icent == 1)); if (any (srcbbox.stride() >= regbbox.stride() or dstbbox.stride() != regbbox.stride())) { CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree"); } if (any (reffact2 * srcbbox.stride() != dstbbox.stride())) { CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not twice the source strides"); } // This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error // elsewhere if (regbbox.empty()) { CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty"); } // shift vertex centered directions to lower interface (see // Refluxing for conventions) ivect const ivert(icent == 0); ibbox3 const unshifted_srcbbox = srcbbox.shift(-ivert,2); ibbox3 const unshifted_dstbbox = dstbbox.shift(-ivert,2); // ibbox3 const unshifted_srcregbbox = srcregbbox.shift(-ivert,2); ibbox3 const unshifted_regbbox = regbbox.shift(-ivert,2); if (not unshifted_regbbox.expanded_for(unshifted_srcbbox).is_contained_in(unshifted_srcbbox) or not unshifted_regbbox.is_contained_in(unshifted_dstbbox)) { cerr << "unshifted_srcbbox: " << unshifted_srcbbox << endl << "unshifted_dstbbox: " << unshifted_dstbbox << endl << "unshifted_regbbox: " << unshifted_regbbox << endl; CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent"); } ivect3 const regext = regbbox.shape() / regbbox.stride(); assert (all (srcbbox.stride() % 2 == 0)); if (not (all ((regbbox.lower() - srcbbox.lower() - srcbbox.stride() / 2) % srcbbox.stride() == 0))) { cout << "restrict_3d_vc_rf2.cc\n"; cout << "regbbox=" << regbbox << "\n"; cout << "srcbbox=" << srcbbox << "\n"; cout << "icent=" << icent << "\n"; } assert (all ((regbbox.lower() - srcbbox.lower() - srcbbox.stride() / 2) % srcbbox.stride() == 0)); ivect3 const srcoff = (regbbox.lower() - srcbbox.lower() - srcbbox.stride() / 2) / srcbbox.stride(); assert (all ((regbbox.lower() - dstbbox.lower()) % dstbbox.stride() == 0)); ivect3 const dstoff = (regbbox.lower() - dstbbox.lower()) / dstbbox.stride(); int const srcipadext = srcpadext[0]; int const srcjpadext = srcpadext[1]; int const srckpadext = srcpadext[2]; int const dstipadext = dstpadext[0]; int const dstjpadext = dstpadext[1]; int const dstkpadext = dstpadext[2]; int const srciext = srcext[0]; int const srcjext = srcext[1]; int const srckext = srcext[2]; int const dstiext = dstext[0]; int const dstjext = dstext[1]; int const dstkext = dstext[2]; int const regiext = regext[0]; int const regjext = regext[1]; int const regkext = regext[2]; int const srcioff = srcoff[0]; int const srcjoff = srcoff[1]; int const srckoff = srcoff[2]; int const dstioff = dstoff[0]; int const dstjoff = dstoff[1]; int const dstkoff = dstoff[2]; // size_t const srcdi == SRCOFF3(1,0,0) - SRCOFF3(0,0,0); size_t const srcdi = 1; assert (srcdi == SRCOFF3(1,0,0) - SRCOFF3(0,0,0)); size_t const srcdj = SRCOFF3(0,1,0) - SRCOFF3(0,0,0); size_t const srcdk = SRCOFF3(0,0,1) - SRCOFF3(0,0,0); // Loop over coarse region #pragma omp parallel for collapse(3) for (int k=0; k::call (& src[SRCIND3(2*i, 2*j, 2*k)], srcdi, srcdj, srcdk); } } } } #define TYPECASE(N,T) \ template \ void \ restrict_3d_vc_rf2 (T const * restrict const src, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcext, \ T * restrict const dst, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstext, \ ibbox3 const & restrict srcbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict dstbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict, \ ibbox3 const & restrict regbbox, \ void * extraargs); \ template \ void \ restrict_3d_vc_rf2 (T const * restrict const src, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcext, \ T * restrict const dst, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstext, \ ibbox3 const & restrict srcbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict dstbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict, \ ibbox3 const & restrict regbbox, \ void * extraargs); \ template \ void \ restrict_3d_vc_rf2 (T const * restrict const src, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcext, \ T * restrict const dst, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstext, \ ibbox3 const & restrict srcbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict dstbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict, \ ibbox3 const & restrict regbbox, \ void * extraargs); \ template \ void \ restrict_3d_vc_rf2 (T const * restrict const src, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcext, \ T * restrict const dst, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstext, \ ibbox3 const & restrict srcbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict dstbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict, \ ibbox3 const & restrict regbbox, \ void * extraargs); \ template \ void \ restrict_3d_vc_rf2 (T const * restrict const src, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcext, \ T * restrict const dst, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstext, \ ibbox3 const & restrict srcbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict dstbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict, \ ibbox3 const & restrict regbbox, \ void * extraargs); \ template \ void \ restrict_3d_vc_rf2 (T const * restrict const src, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcext, \ T * restrict const dst, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstext, \ ibbox3 const & restrict srcbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict dstbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict, \ ibbox3 const & restrict regbbox, \ void * extraargs); \ template \ void \ restrict_3d_vc_rf2 (T const * restrict const src, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcext, \ T * restrict const dst, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstext, \ ibbox3 const & restrict srcbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict dstbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict, \ ibbox3 const & restrict regbbox, \ void * extraargs); \ template \ void \ restrict_3d_vc_rf2 (T const * restrict const src, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict srcext, \ T * restrict const dst, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstpadext, \ ivect3 const & restrict dstext, \ ibbox3 const & restrict srcbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict dstbbox, \ ibbox3 const & restrict, \ ibbox3 const & restrict regbbox, \ void * extraargs); #include "typecase.hh" #undef TYPECASE } // namespace CarpetLib