#include #include #include #include "bboxset.hh" #include "defs.hh" #include "region.hh" using namespace std; region_t::region_t () : processor (-1), processors (NULL) { assert (invariant()); } region_t::region_t (region_t const & a) { assert (a.invariant()); extent = a.extent; outer_boundaries = a.outer_boundaries; map = a.map; processor = a.processor; if (a.processors == NULL) { processors = NULL; } else { processors = new ipfulltree (*a.processors); } assert (invariant()); } region_t & region_t::operator= (region_t const & a) { assert (invariant()); if (processors != NULL) { delete processors; } assert (a.invariant()); extent = a.extent; outer_boundaries = a.outer_boundaries; map = a.map; processor = a.processor; if (a.processors == NULL) { processors = NULL; } else { processors = new ipfulltree (*a.processors); } assert (invariant()); return *this; } region_t::~region_t () { assert (invariant()); if (processors != NULL) { delete processors; } } bool region_t::invariant () const { if (processor >= 0 and processors != NULL) return false; return true; } // Compare two regions for equality. bool operator== (region_t const & a, region_t const & b) { return a.extent == b.extent and all (all (a.outer_boundaries == b.outer_boundaries)) and a.map == b.map and a.processor == b.processor and ((a.processors == NULL and b.processors == NULL) or (a.processors != NULL and b.processors != NULL and *a.processors == *b.processors)); } // Combine a collection of regions. Regions can be combined if they // abutt on boundaries which are not outer boundaries, ignoring the // processor distribution. This should lead to a canonical // representations of collections of regions. // // We use vectors to represent the collection, but we could also use // other containers. oldregs is read, newregs is added-to. newregs // is not cleared. void combine_regions (vector const & oldregs, vector & newregs) { // Find the union of all regions' bounding boxes, and the union of // all regions' outer boundaries. Represent the boundaries as the // outermost layer of grid points of the corresponding bounding // boxes. int const m = oldregs.empty() ? -1 : oldregs.AT(0).map; ibset comps; ibset cobnds[2][dim]; for (vector::const_iterator ri = oldregs.begin(); ri != oldregs.end(); ++ ri) { region_t const & reg = * ri; assert (reg.map == m); comps += reg.extent; for (int f = 0; f < 2; ++ f) { for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++ d) { if (reg.outer_boundaries[f][d]) { ibbox bnd = reg.extent; ivect lo = bnd.lower(); ivect up = bnd.upper(); if (f==0) { up[d] = lo[d]; } else { lo[d] = up[d]; } bnd = ibbox (lo, up, bnd.stride()); cobnds[f][d] += bnd; } } } } comps.normalize(); for (int f = 0; f < 2; ++ f) { for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++ d) { cobnds[f][d].normalize(); } } // Reserve (generous) memory for the result size_t const needsize = newregs.size() + comps.setsize(); if (newregs.capacity() < needsize) { newregs.reserve (1000 + 2 * needsize); } // Insert the regions for (ibset::const_iterator ci = comps.begin(); ci != comps.end(); ++ ci) { ibbox const & c = * ci; b2vect obnds; for (int f = 0; f < 2; ++ f) { for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++ d) { obnds[f][d] = cobnds[f][d].intersects (c); if (obnds[f][d]) { ivect lo = c.lower(); ivect up = c.upper(); if (f) lo[d]=up[d]; else up[d]=lo[d]; ibbox const cbnds (lo, up, c.stride()); if (not ((cobnds[f][d] & ibset(c)) == ibset(cbnds))) { cout << "cobnds[f][d] = " << cobnds[f][d] << endl << "ibset(c) = " << ibset(c) << endl << "(cobnds[f][d] & ibset(c)) = " << (cobnds[f][d] & ibset(c)) << endl << "ibset(cbnds) = " << ibset(cbnds) << endl; } assert ((cobnds[f][d] & ibset(c)) == ibset(cbnds)); } } } region_t reg; reg.extent = c; reg.outer_boundaries = obnds; reg.map = m; reg.processor = -1; reg.processors = NULL; newregs.push_back (reg); } } size_t memoryof (region_t const & reg) { return memoryof (reg.extent) + memoryof (reg.outer_boundaries) + memoryof (reg.map) + memoryof (reg.processor) + memoryof (reg.processors) + (reg.processors != NULL ? memoryof (*reg.processors) : 0); } istream & operator>> (istream & is, region_t & reg) { skipws (is); consume (is, "region_t"); skipws (is); consume (is, '('); skipws (is); consume (is, "extent"); skipws (is); consume (is, '='); is >> reg.extent; skipws (is); consume (is, ','); skipws (is); consume (is, "outer_boundaries"); skipws (is); consume (is, '='); is >> reg.outer_boundaries; skipws (is); consume (is, ','); skipws (is); consume (is, "map"); skipws (is); consume (is, '='); is >> reg.map; skipws (is); consume (is, ','); skipws (is); consume (is, "processor"); skipws (is); consume (is, '='); is >> reg.processor; skipws (is); consume (is, ')'); reg.processors = NULL; return is; } ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, region_t const & reg) { os << "region_t(" << "extent=" << reg.extent << "," << "outer_boundaries=" << reg.outer_boundaries << "," << "map=" << reg.map << "," << "processor=" << reg.processor << ")"; return os; } // Compare two pseudoregions for equality. bool operator== (pseudoregion_t const & a, pseudoregion_t const & b) { return a.extent == b.extent and a.component == b.component; } ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, pseudoregion_t const & p) { return os << p.extent << "/c:" << p.component; } ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, sendrecv_pseudoregion_t const & srp) { return os << "(send:" << srp.send << ",recv:" << srp.recv << ")"; }