#include "cctk.h" ! This routine performs "TVD" prolongation. It is intended to be used ! with GFs that are not expected to be smooth, particularly those ! that must also obey certain constraints. The obvious example is the ! density in hydrodynamics, which may be discontinuous yet must be ! strictly positive. ! ! To ensure that this prolongation method is used you should add the ! tag ! ! tags='Prolongation="TVD"' ! ! to the interface.ccl on the appropriate group. ! ! This applies minmod type limiting to the slope, checking over the ! entire coarse grid cell for the minimum modulus in each direction. #define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \ if ((i)<1 .or. (i)>(imax) .or. (j)<1 .or. (j)>(jmax) .or. (k)<1 .or. (k)>(kmax)) then &&\ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') (where), (imax),(jmax),(kmax), (i),(j),(k) &&\ call CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, msg) &&\ end if subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_tvd (src, srciext, srcjext, & srckext, dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext, srcbbox, & dstbbox, regbbox) implicit none CCTK_REAL8 one parameter (one = 1) integer srciext, srcjext, srckext CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext) integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext) ! bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive) ! bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive) ! bbox(:,3) is stride integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3) character*1000 msg integer offsetlo, offsethi integer regiext, regjext, regkext integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff integer i, j, k integer i0, j0, k0 integer fi, fj, fk integer ii, jj, kk integer d CCTK_REAL8 half, zero parameter (half = 0.5) parameter (zero = 0) CCTK_REAL8 dupw, dloc, slopex, slopey, slopez logical firstloop call CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "This routine has been resurrected from an older version of Carpet. It is not clear whether it is working correctly. If you want to try it out, then disable this statement.") do d=1,3 if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0 & .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero") end if if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3) & .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree") end if if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides") end if if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0 & .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0 & .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides") end if if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then ! This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty") end if regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1 dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3) srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3) offsetlo = regbbox(d,3) if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then offsetlo = 0 if (regkext.gt.1) then offsetlo = regbbox(d,3) end if end if offsethi = regbbox(d,3) if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then offsethi = 0 if (regkext.gt.1) then offsethi = regbbox(d,3) end if end if if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1) & .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2) & .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1) & .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent") end if end do if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1 & .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1 & .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1 & .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1 & .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1 & .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes") end if regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1 regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1 regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1 dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3) dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3) dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3) srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3) srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3) srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3) dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3) dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3) dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3) ! Loop over fine region do k = 0, regkext-1 k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac) do j = 0, regjext-1 j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac) do i = 0, regiext-1 i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac) firstloop = .true. CHKIDX (i0 ,j0 ,k0 , srciext,srcjext,srckext, "src") CHKIDX (i0+2,j0+2,k0+2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "src") ! TODO: use three fluxes instead of only two (when in ! between grid points) to remain symmetric do kk = 1, 2 do jj = 1, 2 dupw = src(i0+1 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src(i0+0 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) dloc = src(i0+2 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src(i0+1 ,j0+kk,k0+kk) if (firstloop) then slopex = half * fi * minmod(dupw,dloc) firstloop = .false. else slopex = minmod(slopex, half * fi * minmod(dupw,dloc)) end if end do end do firstloop = .true. do kk = 1, 2 do ii = 1, 2 dupw = src(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk) - src(i0+ii,j0+0 ,k0+kk) dloc = src(i0+ii,j0+2 ,k0+kk) - src(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk) if (firstloop) then slopey = half * fj * minmod(dupw,dloc) firstloop = .false. else slopey = minmod(slopey, half * fj * minmod(dupw,dloc)) end if end do end do firstloop = .true. do jj = 1, 2 do ii = 1, 2 dupw = src(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 ) - src(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+0 ) dloc = src(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+2 ) - src(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 ) if (firstloop) then slopez = half * fk * minmod(dupw,dloc) firstloop = .false. else slopez = minmod(slopez, half * fk * minmod(dupw,dloc)) end if end do end do CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "dst") dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = & src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) + slopex + slopey + slopez end do end do end do contains function minmod(a, b) CCTK_REAL8 minmod CCTK_REAL8 a, b if (a * b < 0) then minmod = 0 else if (abs(a) < abs(b)) then minmod = a else minmod = b end if end function minmod end subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_tvd