#ifndef OMIT_F90 !!$ -*-Fortran-*- #include "cctk.h" !!$ This routine performs "ENO" prolongation. It is intended to be used !!$ with GFs that are not expected to be smooth, particularly those !!$ that must also obey certain constraints. The obvious example is the !!$ density in hydrodynamics, which may be discontinuous yet must be !!$ strictly positive. !!$ !!$ To ensure that this prolongation method is used you should add the !!$ tag !!$ !!$ tags='Prolongation="ENO"' !!$ !!$ to the interface.ccl on the appropriate group. !!$ !!$ This applies ENO2 type limiting to the slope, checking over the !!$ entire coarse grid cell for the least oscillatory quadratic in each !!$ direction. If the slope changes sign over the extrema, linear !!$ interpolation is used instead. function eno1d(q) implicit none CCTK_REAL8 :: eno1d CCTK_REAL8 :: q(4) CCTK_REAL8 :: zero, one, two, three, six, half, eighth parameter (zero = 0) parameter (two = 2) parameter (one = 1) parameter (three = 3) parameter (six = 6) parameter (eighth = one / 8) parameter (half = one / two) CCTK_REAL8 :: diffleft, diffright !!$ Directly find the second undivided differences !!$ We need to pick between discrete values at !!$ 1 2 3 4 for the interpolation between 2 and 3. diffleft = q(1) + q(3) - two * q(2) diffright = q(2) + q(4) - two * q(3) if ( abs(diffleft) .lt. abs(diffright) ) then !!$ Apply the left quadratic eno1d = eighth * (-q(1) + six * q(2) + three * q(3)) else !!$ Apply the right quadratic eno1d = eighth * (three * q(2) + six * q(3) - q(4)) end if !!$ Check that the quadratic is reasonable: !!$ Check 1: interpolated value between !!$ values at interpolation points !!$ Check 2: sign of the curvature of the interpolating !!$ polynomial does not change. if ( ((eno1d-q(2)) * (q(3)-eno1d) .lt. zero) & .or. & (diffleft*diffright .le. zero) ) then !!$ Not reasonable. Linear interpolation eno1d = half * (q(2) + q(3)) end if end function eno1d subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_eno (src, srciext, srcjext, & srckext, dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext, srcbbox, & dstbbox, regbbox) implicit none CCTK_REAL8 one parameter (one = 1) integer srciext, srcjext, srckext CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext) integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext) !!$ bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive) !!$ bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive) !!$ bbox(:,3) is stride integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3) integer offsetlo, offsethi integer regiext, regjext, regkext integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff integer i, j, k integer i0, j0, k0 integer fi, fj, fk integer ii, jj, kk integer d CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:3,0:3) :: tmp1 CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:3) :: tmp2 external eno1d CCTK_REAL8 eno1d CCTK_REAL8 half, zero parameter (half = 0.5) parameter (zero = 0) do d=1,3 if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0 & .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero") end if if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3) & .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree") end if if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides") end if if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0 & .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0 & .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides") end if if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then !!$ This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty") end if regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1 dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3) srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3) offsetlo = regbbox(d,3) if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then offsetlo = 0 if (regkext.gt.1) then offsetlo = regbbox(d,3) end if end if offsethi = regbbox(d,3) if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then offsethi = 0 if (regkext.gt.1) then offsethi = regbbox(d,3) end if end if if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1) & .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2) & .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1) & .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent") end if end do if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1 & .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1 & .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1 & .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1 & .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1 & .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes") end if regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1 regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1 regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1 dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3) dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3) dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3) srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3) srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3) srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3) dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3) dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3) dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3) !!$ Loop over fine region !$omp parallel do private (k0, fk, j0, fj, i0, fi) do k = 0, regkext-1 k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac) do j = 0, regjext-1 j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac) do i = 0, regiext-1 i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac) !!$ Where is the fine grid point w.r.t the coarse grid? select case (fi + 10*fj + 100*fk) case (0) !!$ On a coarse grid point exactly! dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = & src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) case (1) !!$ Interpolate only in x dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = & eno1d(src(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+1)) case (10) !!$ Interpolate only in y dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = & eno1d(src(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+1)) case (11) !!$ Interpolate only in x and y do jj = 0, 3 tmp2(jj) = eno1d(src(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+1)) end do dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = & eno1d(tmp2(0:3)) case (100) !!$ Interpolate only in z dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = & eno1d(src(i0+1,j0+1,k0:k0+3)) case (101) !!$ Interpolate only in x and z do kk = 0, 3 tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+kk)) end do dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = & eno1d(tmp2(0:3)) case (110) !!$ Interpolate only in y and z do kk = 0, 3 tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+kk)) end do dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = & eno1d(tmp2(0:3)) case (111) !!$ Interpolate in all of x, y, and z do jj = 0, 3 do kk = 0, 3 tmp1(jj,kk) = eno1d(src(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+kk)) end do end do do ii = 0, 3 tmp2(ii) = eno1d(tmp1(0:3,ii)) end do dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = & eno1d(tmp2(0:3)) case default call CCTK_WARN(0, "Internal error in ENO prolongation. Should only be used with refinement factor 2!") end select end do end do end do end subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_eno #endif /* !OMIT_F90 */