#include "cctk.h" ! This routine performs "TVD" prolongation. It is intended to be used ! with GFs that are not expected to be smooth, particularly those ! that must also obey certain constraints. The obvious example is the ! density in hydrodynamics, which may be discontinuous yet must be ! strictly positive. ! ! To ensure that this prolongation method is used you should add the ! tag ! ! tags='Prolongation="TVD"' ! ! to the interface.ccl on the appropriate group. ! ! This applies minmod type limiting to the slope, checking over the ! entire coarse grid cell for the minimum modulus in each direction. ! Grid point locations and their indices: ! ! global 0 4 12 20 28 | ! local | 0 1 2 3 | ! | C C C C | ! | f f f f f f f f | ! local | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | ! global 0 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 | ! ! Interpolation with even interpolation order: ! offset zero (fine index = 2 * coarse index): ! [1] ! offset one (fine index = 2 * coarse index + 1): ! [1] ! Interpolation with odd interpolation order: ! offset zero: ! [1 1 0]/2 ! offset one: ! [0 1 1]/2 ! The centres of these stencils are located at the coarse grid point ! corresponding to the fine grid point (the interpolation target) ! minus the offset. Example: fine grid 8 -> coarse grid 8, fine grid ! 12 -> also coarse grid 8. #define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \ if ((i)<1 .or. (i)>(imax) .or. (j)<1 .or. (j)>(jmax) .or. (k)<1 .or. (k)>(kmax)) then &&\ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') (where), (imax),(jmax),(kmax), (i),(j),(k) &&\ call CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, msg) &&\ end if subroutine prolongate_3d_cc_real8_tvd (src, srciext, srcjext, & srckext, dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext, srcbbox, & dstbbox, regbbox) implicit none CCTK_REAL8, parameter :: one=1, fourth=one/4 integer srciext, srcjext, srckext CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext) integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext) ! bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive) ! bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive) ! bbox(:,3) is stride integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3) character*1000 msg integer offsetlo, offsethi integer regiext, regjext, regkext integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff integer i, j, k integer i0, j0, k0 integer fi, fj, fk integer d CCTK_REAL8 :: dlo, dup CCTK_REAL8 :: slopex, slopey, slopez do d=1,3 if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0 & .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero") end if if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3) & .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree") end if if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides") end if !!$ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0 & !!$ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0 & !!$ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then !!$ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides") !!$ end if if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then ! This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty") end if regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1 dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3) srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3) offsetlo = regbbox(d,3) if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then offsetlo = 0 if (regkext.gt.1) then offsetlo = regbbox(d,3) end if end if offsethi = regbbox(d,3) if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then offsethi = 0 if (regkext.gt.1) then offsethi = regbbox(d,3) end if end if if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1) & .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2) & .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1) & .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent") end if end do if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1 & .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1 & .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1 & .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1 & .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1 & .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes") end if if (any(srcbbox(:,3) / dstbbox(:,3) /= 2)) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: refinement factor is not 2") end if if (any(mod(regbbox(:,3), 2) /= 0)) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region stride is not a multiple of 2") end if regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1 regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1 regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1 dstifac = 2 ! srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3) dstjfac = 2 ! srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3) dstkfac = 2 ! srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3) srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1) + regbbox(1,3) / 2) / dstbbox(1,3) srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1) + regbbox(1,3) / 2) / dstbbox(2,3) srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1) + regbbox(1,3) / 2) / dstbbox(3,3) dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3) dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3) dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3) if (srcioff<0 .or. srcjoff<0 .or. srckoff<0) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: source array offset is negative") end if if (dstioff<0 .or. dstjoff<0 .or. dstkoff<0) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination array offset is negative") end if ! Loop over fine region do k = 0, regkext-1 k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac) do j = 0, regjext-1 j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac) do i = 0, regiext-1 i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac) ! We consider the nearest coarse grid point. From this ! point, we use a slope to interpolate (or extrapolate, as ! it may be) towards the interpolation point. We consider ! both the left and the right slope starting from this ! coarse grid point, and choose the minmod of these. This ! is, loosely speaking, either the smaller of these slopes, ! or zero if they differ too much. CHKIDX (i0 ,j0 ,k0 , srciext,srcjext,srckext, "src") CHKIDX (i0+2,j0+2,k0+2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "src") dlo = src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) - src(i0+0,j0+1,k0+1) dup = src(i0+2,j0+1,k0+1) - src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) slopex = (2*fi-1) * fourth * minmod(dlo,dup) dlo = src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) - src(i0+1,j0+0,k0+1) dup = src(i0+1,j0+2,k0+1) - src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) slopey = (2*fj-1) * fourth * minmod(dlo,dup) dlo = src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) - src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+0) dup = src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+2) - src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) slopez = (2*fk-1) * fourth * minmod(dlo,dup) CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "dst") dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = & src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) + slopex + slopey + slopez end do end do end do contains function minmod(a, b) CCTK_REAL8 minmod CCTK_REAL8 a, b if (a * b < 0) then minmod = 0 else if (abs(a) < abs(b)) then minmod = a else minmod = b end if end function minmod end subroutine prolongate_3d_cc_real8_tvd