#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H # include #endif #include #include #include "mem.hh" #include "dh.hh" #include "gdata.hh" #include "ggf.hh" #include "gh.hh" #include "th.hh" struct mstat { // Carpet object statistics double total_bytes; double total_objects; double max_bytes; double max_objects; // Carpet administrative data structure statistics double total_admin_bytes; // malloc statistics double malloc_used_bytes; double malloc_free_bytes; }; int const mstat_entries = sizeof(mstat) / sizeof(double); extern "C" void CarpetLib_printmemstats (CCTK_ARGUMENTS); void CarpetLib_printmemstats (CCTK_ARGUMENTS) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; int const ioproc = 0; if ((print_memstats_every == 0 and cctk_iteration == 0) or (print_memstats_every > 0 and cctk_iteration % print_memstats_every == 0)) { mstat mybuf; mybuf.total_bytes = gmem::total_allocated_bytes; mybuf.total_objects = gmem::total_allocated_objects; mybuf.max_bytes = gmem::max_allocated_bytes; mybuf.max_objects = gmem::max_allocated_objects; mybuf.total_admin_bytes = gh::allmemory() + dh::allmemory() + th::allmemory() + ggf::allmemory() + gdata::allmemory(); #ifdef HAVE_MALLINFO // NOTE: struct mallinfo returns byte-counts as int, which can // overflow. In this case, the information is incorrect. struct mallinfo const minfo = mallinfo (); mybuf.malloc_used_bytes = minfo.uordblks; mybuf.malloc_free_bytes = minfo.fordblks; #else mybuf.malloc_used_bytes = 0; mybuf.malloc_free_bytes = 0; #endif cout << "Memory statistics from CarpetLib:" << eol << " Current number of objects: " << gmem::total_allocated_objects << eol << " Current allocated memory: " << setprecision(3) << gmem::total_allocated_bytes / gmem::MEGA << " MB" << eol << " Maximum number of objects: " << gmem::max_allocated_objects << eol << " Maximum allocated memory: " << setprecision(3) << gmem::max_allocated_bytes / gmem::MEGA << " MB" << eol << " Current administrative memory: " << setprecision(3) << mybuf.total_admin_bytes / gmem::MEGA << " MB" << eol << " Total allocated used system memory: " << setprecision(3) << mybuf.malloc_used_bytes / gmem::MEGA << " MB" << eol << " Total allocated free system memory: " << setprecision(3) << mybuf.malloc_free_bytes / gmem::MEGA << " MB" << endl; #warning "TODO" cout << " gh::allmemory: " << gh ::allmemory() << eol << " dh::allmemory: " << dh ::allmemory() << eol << " th::allmemory: " << th ::allmemory() << eol << " ggf::allmemory: " << ggf ::allmemory() << eol << " gdata::allmemory: " << gdata::allmemory() << endl; if (strcmp (memstat_file, "") != 0) { vector allbuf (dist::size()); MPI_Gather (& mybuf, mstat_entries, MPI_DOUBLE, & allbuf.front(), mstat_entries, MPI_DOUBLE, ioproc, dist::comm()); if (dist::rank() == ioproc) { double max_total_bytes = 0; double avg_total_bytes = 0; double cnt_total_bytes = 0; double max_max_bytes = 0; double avg_max_bytes = 0; double cnt_max_bytes = 0; double max_admin_bytes = 0; double avg_admin_bytes = 0; double cnt_admin_bytes = 0; double max_used_bytes = 0; double avg_used_bytes = 0; double cnt_used_bytes = 0; double max_free_bytes = 0; double avg_free_bytes = 0; double cnt_free_bytes = 0; for (size_t n=0; n (UniqueBuildID (cctkGH)); file << "# Build ID: " << build_id << eol; } if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("UniqueSimulationID")) { char const * const job_id = static_cast (UniqueSimulationID (cctkGH)); file << "# Simulation ID: " << job_id << eol; } file << "# Running on " << dist::size() << " processors" << eol; file << "#" << eol; file << "# iteration maxtotalbytes avgtotalbytes maxmaxbytes avgm avgfreebytes" << eol; } else { file.open (filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::app); } file << cctk_iteration << "\t "<< max_total_bytes << " " << avg_total_bytes << "\t "<< max_max_bytes << " " << avg_max_bytes << "\t "<< max_admin_bytes << " " << avg_admin_bytes << "\t "<< max_used_bytes << " " << avg_used_bytes << "\t "<< max_free_bytes << " " << avg_free_bytes << eol; file.close (); } // if on root processor } // if output to file } }