#ifndef GH_HH #define GH_HH #include #include #include #include #include "bbox.hh" #include "bboxset.hh" #include "defs.hh" #include "dist.hh" #include "vect.hh" using namespace std; // Forward declaration class dh; class th; class gh; // Output ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const gh& h); // A refinement hierarchy, where higher levels are finer than the base // level. The extents do not include ghost zones. class gh { public: // Types typedef vector cexts; // ... for each component typedef vector rexts; // ... for each refinement level typedef vector mexts; // ... for each multigrid level typedef vector cbnds; // ... for each component typedef vector rbnds; // ... for each refinement level typedef vector cprocs; // ... for each component typedef vector rprocs; // ... for each refinement level public: // should be readonly // Fields const vector reffacts; // refinement factors const centering refcent; // vertex or cell centered const int mgfact; // default multigrid factor const centering mgcent; // default (vertex or cell centered) const ibbox baseextent; private: vector > _bases; // [ml][rl] // TODO: invent structure for this mexts _extents; // extents of all grids rbnds _outer_boundaries; // boundary descriptions of all grids rprocs _processors; // processor numbers of all grids list ths; // list of all time hierarchies list dhs; // list of all data hierarchies public: // Constructors gh (const vector & reffacts, const centering refcent, const int mgfact, const centering mgcent, const ibbox baseextent); // Destructors virtual ~gh (); // Modifiers void recompose (const mexts& exts, const rbnds& outer_bounds, const rprocs& procs, const bool do_prolongate); const mexts & extents() const { return _extents; } const rbnds & outer_boundaries() const { return _outer_boundaries; } const rprocs & processors() const { return _processors; } const vector > & bases() const { return _bases; } // Accessors int mglevels () const { return (int)_extents.size(); } int reflevels () const { if (mglevels() == 0) return 0; return (int)_extents.at(0).size(); } int components (const int rl) const { return (int)_extents.at(0).at(rl).size(); } bbvect outer_boundary (const int rl, const int c) const { return _outer_boundaries.at(rl).at(c); } int proc (const int rl, const int c) const { return _processors.at(rl).at(c); } bool is_local (const int rl, const int c) const { return proc(rl,c) == dist::rank(); } int local_components (const int rl) const; // Time hierarchy management void add (th* t); void remove (th* t); // Data hierarchy management void add (dh* d); void remove (dh* d); // Output virtual ostream& output (ostream& os) const; private: void check_processor_number_consistency (); void check_multigrid_consistency (); void check_component_consistency (); void check_base_grid_extent (); void check_refinement_levels (); void calculate_base_extents_of_all_levels (); void do_output_bboxes (ostream& os) const; void do_output_bases (ostream& os) const; }; inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const gh& h) { h.output(os); return os; } #endif // GH_HH