#include #include #include #include #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" #include "bbox.hh" #include "commstate.hh" #include "defs.hh" #include "dist.hh" #include "timestat.hh" #include "vect.hh" #include "gdata.hh" using namespace std; using namespace CarpetLib; // Hand out the next MPI tag static int nexttag () { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; int const min_tag = 100; static int last = 0; ++last; if (last >= max_mpi_tags) last = 0; return min_tag + last; } // Constructors gdata::gdata (const int varindex_, const centering cent_, const operator_type transport_operator_, const int tag_) : _storage(NULL), varindex(varindex_), cent(cent_), transport_operator(transport_operator_), _has_storage(false), comm_active(false), tag(tag_ >= 0 ? tag_ : nexttag()) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; if (barriers) { MPI_Barrier (dist::comm()); } } // Destructors gdata::~gdata () { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; if (barriers) { MPI_Barrier (dist::comm()); } } // Processor management void gdata::change_processor (comm_state& state, const int newproc, void* const mem) { // if this function is being called with collective commbuffers turned on, // mimic the old state transitions here switch (state.thestate) { case state_post: case state_get_buffer_sizes: change_processor_recv (state, newproc, mem); change_processor_send (state, newproc, mem); break; case state_wait: case state_fill_send_buffers: change_processor_wait (state, newproc, mem); break; case state_empty_recv_buffers: break; default: assert(0 and "invalid state"); } } // Data manipulators void gdata::copy_from (comm_state& state, const gdata* src, const ibbox& box) { assert (has_storage() and src->has_storage()); assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower() and box.lower()>=src->extent().lower())); assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper() and box.upper()<=src->extent().upper())); assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride() and box.stride()==src->extent().stride())); assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0 and (box.lower()-src->extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0)); if (box.empty()) return; if (dist::rank() != proc() and dist::rank() != src->proc()) return; switch (state.thestate) { case state_post: if (proc() == src->proc()) { copy_from_innerloop (src, box); } else { copy_from_post (state, src, box); } break; case state_wait: if (proc() != src->proc()) { copy_from_wait (state, src, box); } break; case state_get_buffer_sizes: // don't count processor-local copies if (proc() != src->proc()) { // if this is a destination processor: advance its recv buffer size vector& procbufs = state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).procbufs; if (proc() == dist::rank()) { procbufs.AT(src->proc()).recvbufsize += box.size(); state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).in_use = true; } // if this is a source processor: increment its send buffer size if (src->proc() == dist::rank()) { procbufs.AT(proc()).sendbufsize += box.size(); state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).in_use = true; } } break; case state_fill_send_buffers: // if this is a source processor: copy its data into the send buffer // (the processor-local case is also handled here) if (src->proc() == dist::rank()) { if (proc() == src->proc()) { copy_from_innerloop (src, box); } else { copy_into_sendbuffer (state, src, box); } } break; case state_empty_recv_buffers: // if this is a destination processor and data has already been received // from the source processor: copy it from the recv buffer if (proc() == dist::rank() and state.recvbuffers_ready.AT(dist::size()*c_datatype() + src->proc())) { copy_from_recvbuffer (state, src, box); } break; default: assert(0 and "invalid state"); } } void gdata::copy_from_post (comm_state& state, const gdata* src, const ibbox& box) { static Timer total ("copy_from_post"); total.start(); if (dist::rank() == proc()) { // this processor receives data static Timer alloc ("copy_from_post_receive_allocate"); alloc.start (); comm_state::gcommbuf * b = make_typed_commbuf (box); int typesize; MPI_Type_size (b->datatype(), & typesize); alloc.stop (b->size() * typesize); static Timer timer ("copy_from_post_receive_irecv"); timer. start (); MPI_Irecv (b->pointer(), b->size(), b->datatype(), src->proc(), tag, dist::comm(), &b->request); timer.stop (b->size() * typesize); state.requests.push_back (b->request); state.recvbufs.push (b); } else { // this processor sends data static Timer alloc ("copy_from_post_send_allocate"); alloc.start (); comm_state::gcommbuf * b = src->make_typed_commbuf (box); int typesize; MPI_Type_size (b->datatype(), & typesize); alloc.stop (b->size() * typesize); // copy data into send buffer static Timer copy ("copy_from_post_send_memcpy"); copy.start (); const ibbox& ext = src->extent(); ivect myshape = ext.shape() / ext.stride(); ivect items = (box.upper() - box.lower()) / box.stride() + 1; ivect offs = (box.lower() - ext.lower()) / ext.stride(); char* send_buffer = (char*) b->pointer(); int& datatypesize = state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).datatypesize; double bytes = 0; for (int k = 0; k < items[2]; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < items[1]; j++) { int i = offs[0] + myshape[0]*((j+offs[1]) + myshape[1]*(k+offs[2])); memcpy (send_buffer, ((char*) src->storage()) + datatypesize*i, datatypesize * items[0]); send_buffer += datatypesize * items[0]; bytes += datatypesize * items[0]; } } copy.stop (bytes); static Timer timer ("copy_from_post_send_isend"); timer.start (); MPI_Isend (b->pointer(), b->size(), b->datatype(), proc(), tag, dist::comm(), &b->request); timer.stop (b->size() * typesize); state.requests.push_back (b->request); state.sendbufs.push (b); } total.stop (0); } void gdata::copy_from_wait (comm_state& state, const gdata* src, const ibbox& box) { static Timer total ("copy_from_wait"); total.start (); static Timer wait ("copy_from_wait_wait"); wait.start (); if (not state.requests.empty()) { // wait for all requests at once MPI_Waitall (state.requests.size(), &state.requests.front(), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); state.requests.clear(); } wait.stop (0); queue* const bufs = dist::rank() == proc() ? &state.recvbufs : &state.sendbufs; comm_state::gcommbuf* b = bufs->front(); // copy data out of receive buffer if (bufs == &state.recvbufs) { static Timer timer ("copy_from_wait_memcpy"); timer.start (); const ibbox& ext = extent(); ivect myshape = ext.shape() / ext.stride(); ivect items = (box.upper() - box.lower()) / box.stride() + 1; ivect offs = (box.lower() - ext.lower()) / ext.stride(); const char* recv_buffer = (const char*) b->pointer(); int& datatypesize = state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).datatypesize; for (int k = 0; k < items[2]; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < items[1]; j++) { int i = offs[0] + myshape[0]*((j+offs[1]) + myshape[1]*(k+offs[2])); memcpy (((char*) storage()) + datatypesize*i, recv_buffer, datatypesize * items[0]); recv_buffer += datatypesize * items[0]; } } timer.stop (0); } static Timer del ("copy_from_wait_delete"); del.start (); bufs->pop(); delete b; del.stop (0); total.stop (0); } // Copy processor-local source data into communication send buffer // of the corresponding destination processor void gdata::copy_into_sendbuffer (comm_state& state, const gdata* src, const ibbox& box) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; if (proc() == src->proc()) { // copy on same processor copy_from_innerloop (src, box); } else { // copy to remote processor assert (src->_has_storage); int const datatypesize = state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).datatypesize; comm_state::procbufdesc& procbuf = state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).procbufs.AT(proc()); assert (procbuf.sendbuf - procbuf.sendbufbase <= ((int)procbuf.sendbufsize - box.size()) * datatypesize); int const fillstate = procbuf.sendbuf + (int)box.size()*datatypesize - procbuf.sendbufbase; assert (fillstate <= (int)procbuf.sendbufsize * datatypesize); // copy this processor's data into the send buffer ibbox const & ext = src->extent(); ivect const myshape = ext.shape() / ext.stride(); ivect const items = (box.upper() - box.lower()) / box.stride() + 1; ivect const offs = (box.lower() - ext.lower()) / ext.stride(); static Timer copy ("copy_into_sendbuffer_memcpy"); copy.start (); assert (dim == 3); for (int k = 0; k < items[2]; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < items[1]; j++) { int const i = offs[0] + myshape[0]*((j+offs[1]) + myshape[1]*(k+offs[2])); memcpy (procbuf.sendbuf, ((const char*) src->storage()) + datatypesize*i, datatypesize * items[0]); procbuf.sendbuf += datatypesize * items[0]; } } copy.stop (datatypesize * prod (items)); if (not combine_sends) { // post the send if the buffer is full if (fillstate == (int)procbuf.sendbufsize * datatypesize) { static Timer timer ("copy_into_sendbuffer_isend"); timer.start (); MPI_Isend (procbuf.sendbufbase, procbuf.sendbufsize, state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).mpi_datatype, proc(), c_datatype(), dist::comm(), &state.srequests.AT(dist::size()*c_datatype() + proc())); timer.stop (procbuf.sendbufsize * datatypesize); } } } } // Copy processor-local destination data from communication recv buffer // of the corresponding source processor void gdata::copy_from_recvbuffer (comm_state& state, const gdata* src, const ibbox& box) { int& datatypesize = state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).datatypesize; comm_state::procbufdesc& procbuf = state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).procbufs.AT(src->proc()); assert (procbuf.recvbuf - procbuf.recvbufbase <= ((int)procbuf.recvbufsize-box.size()) * datatypesize); // copy this processor's data from the recv buffer const ibbox& ext = extent(); ivect myshape = ext.shape() / ext.stride(); ivect items = (box.upper() - box.lower()) / box.stride() + 1; ivect offs = (box.lower() - ext.lower()) / ext.stride(); static Timer timer ("copy_from_recvbuffer_memcpy"); timer.start (); double bytes = 0; assert (dim == 3); for (int k = 0; k < items[2]; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < items[1]; j++) { int i = offs[0] + myshape[0]*((j+offs[1]) + myshape[1]*(k+offs[2])); memcpy (((char*) storage()) + datatypesize*i, procbuf.recvbuf, datatypesize * items[0]); procbuf.recvbuf += datatypesize * items[0]; bytes += datatypesize * items[0]; } } timer.stop (bytes); } void gdata ::interpolate_from (comm_state& state, const vector srcs, const vector times, const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time, const int order_space, const int order_time) { assert (transport_operator != op_error); if (transport_operator == op_none) return; assert (has_storage()); assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower())); assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper())); assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride())); assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0)); assert (srcs.size() == times.size() and srcs.size()>0); for (int t=0; t<(int)srcs.size(); ++t) { assert (srcs.AT(t)->has_storage()); assert (all(box.lower()>=srcs.AT(t)->extent().lower())); assert (all(box.upper()<=srcs.AT(t)->extent().upper())); } assert (not box.empty()); const gdata* src = srcs.AT(0); if (dist::rank() != proc() and dist::rank() != src->proc()) return; switch (state.thestate) { case state_post: if (proc() == src->proc()) { interpolate_from_innerloop(srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time); } else { interpolate_from_post(state, srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time); } break; case state_wait: if (proc() != src->proc()) { copy_from_wait (state, src, box); } break; case state_get_buffer_sizes: // don't count processor-local interpolations if (proc() != src->proc()) { // if this is a destination processor: increment its recv buffer size vector& procbufs = state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).procbufs; if (proc() == dist::rank()) { procbufs.AT(src->proc()).recvbufsize += box.size(); state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).in_use = true; } // if this is a source processor: increment its send buffer size if (src->proc() == dist::rank()) { procbufs.AT(proc()).sendbufsize += box.size(); state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).in_use = true; } } break; case state_fill_send_buffers: // if this is a source processor: interpolate its data into the send buffer // (the processor-local case is also handled here) if (src->proc() == dist::rank()) { if (proc() == src->proc()) { interpolate_from_innerloop(srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time); } else { interpolate_into_sendbuffer(state, srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time); } } break; case state_empty_recv_buffers: // if this is a destination processor and data has already been received // from the source processor: copy it from the recv buffer // (the processor-local case is not handled here) if (proc() == dist::rank() and state.recvbuffers_ready.AT(dist::size()*c_datatype() + src->proc())) { copy_from_recvbuffer(state, src, box); } break; default: assert(0 and "invalid state"); } } void gdata ::interpolate_from_post (comm_state& state, const vector srcs, const vector times, const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time, const int order_space, const int order_time) { const gdata* src = srcs.AT(0); if (dist::rank() == proc()) { // interpolate from other processor // this processor receives data comm_state::gcommbuf * b = make_typed_commbuf (box); int typesize; MPI_Type_size (b->datatype(), & typesize); static Timer timer ("interpolate_from_post_irecv"); timer.start (); MPI_Irecv (b->pointer(), b->size(), b->datatype(), src->proc(), tag, dist::comm(), &b->request); timer.stop (b->size() * typesize); state.requests.push_back (b->request); state.recvbufs.push (b); } else { // this processor sends data comm_state::gcommbuf * b = src->make_typed_commbuf (box); int typesize; MPI_Type_size (b->datatype(), & typesize); gdata * tmp = src->make_typed (varindex, cent, transport_operator, tag); tmp->allocate (box, src->proc(), b->pointer()); tmp->interpolate_from_innerloop (srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time); delete tmp; static Timer timer ("interpolate_from_post_isend"); timer.start (); MPI_Isend (b->pointer(), b->size(), b->datatype(), proc(), tag, dist::comm(), &b->request); timer.stop (b->size() * typesize); state.requests.push_back (b->request); state.sendbufs.push (b); } } // Interpolate processor-local source data into communication send buffer // of the corresponding destination processor void gdata ::interpolate_into_sendbuffer (comm_state& state, const vector srcs, const vector times, const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time, const int order_space, const int order_time) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; if (proc() == srcs.AT(0)->proc()) { // interpolate on same processor interpolate_from_innerloop (srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time); } else { // interpolate to remote processor const gdata* src = srcs.AT(0); assert (src->_has_storage); int& datatypesize = state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).datatypesize; comm_state::procbufdesc& procbuf = state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).procbufs.AT(proc()); assert (procbuf.sendbuf - procbuf.sendbufbase <= ((int)procbuf.sendbufsize - box.size()) * datatypesize); assert (src->has_storage()); int const fillstate = (procbuf.sendbuf + box.size()*datatypesize) - procbuf.sendbufbase; assert (fillstate <= (int)procbuf.sendbufsize * datatypesize); // interpolate this processor's data into the send buffer gdata* tmp = src->make_typed (varindex, cent, transport_operator, tag); tmp->allocate (box, src->proc(), procbuf.sendbuf); tmp->interpolate_from_innerloop (srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time); delete tmp; // advance send buffer to point to the next ibbox slot procbuf.sendbuf += datatypesize * box.size(); if (not combine_sends) { // post the send if the buffer is full if (fillstate == (int)procbuf.sendbufsize*datatypesize) { static Timer timer ("interpolate_into_sendbuffer_isend"); timer.start (); MPI_Isend (procbuf.sendbufbase, procbuf.sendbufsize, state.typebufs.AT(c_datatype()).mpi_datatype, proc(), c_datatype(), dist::comm(), &state.srequests.AT(dist::size()*c_datatype() + proc())); timer.stop (procbuf.sendbufsize*datatypesize); } } } }